Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1431 I won’t leave

"Mr. Yao, please give me another chance! I thought about it yesterday. There is nothing wrong with staying in the capital to work. This is an opportunity. If I can lead..."

"No, thank you." Yao Kun interrupted her: "For your sake of returning home, I will help you book a flight ticket for next week."

After Yao Kun finished speaking, he took Ye Shu and left.

Ye Shu turned around and smiled proudly at Xie Liena.

Xelena's prepared grievances were immediately revealed.

"Hahaha." The moment the door closed, Ye Shu's unbridled laughter suddenly came from outside.

"You have some qualities, but you disturbed the other guests." Yao Kun's voice was doting and affectionate.

Selena's nails were digging into her flesh.

She didn't calm down for a few seconds, rushed out and caught up with Yao Kun in the hall.

Yao Kun and Ye Shu turned to look at her at the same time.

Ye Shu flexed his wrists and asked hopefully, "What? Dissatisfied?"

Want to fight? Then come quickly!

There were a few foreign friends coming and going around.

Xelena had calmed down and smiled at the two of them: "No, how could it be? I just want to ask Mr. Yao for one last thing."

"What's the matter?" Yao Kun asked.

"That's it, what happened before happened here, can you keep it a secret?" Selena looked at him pleadingly.

As long as Yao Kun doesn't tell what happened in this isolated place in the capital, no one outside will know.

She can still continue to look for a job and find a better job.

"Huh!" Ye Shu snorted immediately.

Yao Kun, who originally wanted to let her go, could only change his mind: "Even if I don't tell you, you still brought two assistants with you. They will tell you when you get back."

"I will keep their mouths shut!" Xelena said confidently.

What is she going to do? Ye Shu looked at her curiously.

In fact, she admitted in her heart that Xelena's abilities were not inferior to hers, she was still young and beautiful, and it was because of these that she was afraid of her.

If it was just a vase with only a face, she really wouldn't be afraid.

The company has several vases at the front desk. Who has she been afraid of?

Xelena did not satisfy her curiosity and only looked at Yao Kun.

Yao Kun looked at Ye Shu, who glared at him.

Yao Kun could only say: "Even if the assistant doesn't say anything, Mr. Hua will definitely notify the headquarters. After all, it is her decision to fire you, and she will also explain to the employees."

A good sales director, he said he wanted to be the president of Asia, but he was dismissed when he landed. He couldn't do it without an explanation.

Selena's face dropped. Was he trying to force her to death?

"What are you doing here?" A male voice suddenly asked from behind Ye Shu.

Ye Shu immediately turned around and said with a smile: "Brother, why are you here?"

Ye Ming smiled gently: "I'm here to see off a few friends. They have already moved in. Are you leaving? Together?"

After Ye Ming finished speaking, he saw Xie Liena who turned to look at him, and observed that she and Yao Kun might be together, and said: "If you have friends, forget it."

"No, we have finished talking." Ye Shu immediately took Ye Ming's arm and said, "Let's go together."

Ye Ming nodded towards Xelena, let Yeshu hang on his arm, and turned to leave.

Selena watched his back disappear at the door, passing by the armed security guard at the door, who would salute him.

This is a treatment that all guests do not have. They have to be one of their own, and they have a high position.

Selena asked: "Who is he?"

An assistant came up not far behind him and said, "That's Ye Ming, Ye Shu's eldest brother. He works in XX now. He looks really young and promising."

Another assistant also came over and said: "And I heard that he is divorced and is currently single."

These two people had been bribed by her with a lot of money last night.

There is nothing that money cannot do, and if there is, it is certainly not enough.

Moreover, those who can be her assistants are not useless, they are all selected by her and have superior abilities.

Ye Ming's information was not something they had just inquired about, but Ye Shu's background relationship that they had been investigating before.

It’s just that I just met the real person today.

Xie Liena also knew that Ye Shu had such a big brother, and she knew exactly how many people in the Ye family there were.

Because Yao Kun prepares several gifts for them every year, and she personally participated in it last time.

She even knows everyone's temperament and preferences.

"Ye Ming..." Xelena murmured.

An assistant suddenly asked: "What day should we book the flight? There are too few flights in Beijing. There is only one flight a week. Once the flight is booked, it will be gone."

"No, you go back first, I will go back in a few days." Selena said suddenly.

The assistant looked at her suspiciously.

Regarding future plans, Xie Liena had already discussed with them yesterday and would take them to jump to a larger company when she returns.

Why...changed his mind after meeting Ye Ming?

"This is my first time coming to the capital, and I will never come again. I suddenly want to stay and have a look, and then go back." Xie Liena said.

This reason barely makes sense.

Even if it doesn't make sense, it has nothing to do with them. The two assistants withdrew, one went to buy air tickets and the other went to buy souvenirs.


Hua Zhao came to the hospital again to visit Liu Ming and Zhou Bing, who were going to be discharged from the hospital today.

There were a bunch of doctors standing in the room, and they were once again asked to move their ankles.

Although it is not flexible, it is definitely moving.

In fact, this inflexibility is all just an act.

The two of them tried secretly. Although it hurt a little to walk on the ground, it was not impossible to walk.

But they were afraid of scaring others, so they decided to sit in wheelchairs and pretend.

Even so, the doctors were still frightened.

"Hua Zhao, what's the name of your ointment?" asked a neurologist.

"Uh, black jade intermittent ointment." Hua Zhao said.

The old doctor nodded and wrote down the name carefully.

Only a few young doctors frowned and looked surprised. Are they real or fake? Is there really such a plaster in the world?

Not to mention, it is as powerful as the one in "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Sword"!

"This ointment must be used within 10 minutes of a tendon rupture?" the doctor asked.

Hua Zhao nodded.

"Sell it? Sell some to our department!" the old doctor begged.

Hua Zhao was a little embarrassed: "The medicinal materials required for this medicine are very precious..."

"We will buy it no matter how expensive it is! Nothing is more valuable than a person's flexible hands and feet!" said the old doctor.

Hua Zhao felt that this was inaccurate. Flexible hands and feet are naturally extremely valuable, but do you give people free medicine? If it’s not free and can’t be afforded, why is health more important?

Of course, she doesn't sell medicine because the ingredients are precious.

"This medicine must be used within 10 minutes of the rupture of the tendons. You can't use it, right?" Hua Zhao said.

Unless the entrance to the hospital is blocked, it will definitely be too late.

"I know, don't worry about this. As long as one person uses it, it's worth it." The old doctor said.

There is nothing wrong with this in theory. She looked at the old doctor's sincere eyes and said, "This medicine must be prepared freshly. It will lose its effect after being stored for a few days. It is useless for you to buy it."

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