Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1445 If you don’t obey me, then go find your sister

Daqin followed Zhu Song all the way into the house. The room was dark, but he could still see clearly that there was only a large water tank inside.

The water tank is filled with clean water, not soy sauce.

Daqin's heart suddenly rose and he noticed something was wrong.

There is no smell of soy sauce in this yard at all.

Didn’t you say that you make soy sauce at home? Why doesn't it taste at all?

Even if you buy soy sauce from outside and mix it with water at home, it should still taste good.

Daqin's movements were faster than his brain, and he suddenly stepped back.

But suddenly several dark figures jumped out of the barn in the yard and rushed towards her.

The distance was too close, only a few steps away, and four or five strong men blocked her retreat.

Daqin opened his mouth and shouted: "Help! Help!~"

Several men also rushed out of the room, and seven or eight people immediately surrounded Daqin.

Before she could call out the third round, she was restrained.

Those who hug their waists hug their waists, those who cover their mouths cover their mouths, and those who hug their legs hug their legs.

Daqin used all his strength and all his kung fu, and kicked the person's vitals with a pair of powerful legs.

But it was no use. He kicked one and the other one immediately made up for it.

She cared about what was in front of her, but not what was behind her.

Two fists are no match for four hands, let alone more than a dozen pairs of hands in front of you!

Her strength has only been trained to be stronger than that of a normal woman, and she can't kill someone with just one kick like Hua Zhao.

So she was quickly restrained.

Daqin's scalp was fried, and she struggled desperately, which made it difficult for the person controlling her.

Then a knife was placed on her neck, and Daqin immediately became honest.

"Oh, I'm afraid of death." Zhu Song suddenly laughed: "It's better to be afraid of death."

They are not afraid of anything, they are just afraid of meeting someone who is not afraid of death and hits the tip of a knife.

Fortunately this one is not.

Some man came over with a rope and immediately tied Daqin Wuhuada up.

The rope is tied very professionally, the more you struggle, the tighter it becomes.

Her feet were also tied, and then several men lifted her and threw her onto the kang in the back room.

He took out another tattered towel with a strong smell from somewhere, stuffed it into her mouth, and then withdrew.

This operation confused Daqin.

why did you leave? Don't you tell me your purpose? Is it for her? Or are you here for your sister?

This attitude of not negotiating with her is probably directed at my sister!

She got her sister into trouble.

Daqin was so anxious that he almost shed tears. He could only pray that his two brothers would come back soon, or that Xiaoqin would find out that she would not come back for a long time...

Damn it, will Xiaoqin be in danger? Where are the brothers? Is it safe now?

She was thinking wildly as she moved under the kang, and then she saw Meng Qiang push the door open and come in.

"Hehehehehe..." Meng Qiang immediately rubbed his hands and giggled when he saw her, not hiding the look on his face.

Daqin was stunned.

Meng Qiang turned around and locked the door. Without speaking to her, he climbed onto the kang and closed the curtains.

The Northeast fire pit is usually built on the south side of the house, next to the window sill.

After closing the curtains, Meng Qiang sat on the kang and smiled silly at Daqin: "Hehehehehe..."

Daqin would be a fool if she didn't know what was going on by now.

Her eyes widened, she never expected that this would happen!

How dare he? Isn't he afraid that she will sue him afterwards?

Seeming to see her doubts, Meng Qiang rubbed his hands and said: "From now on, you will be my wife, and we will live a good life together. Don't worry, I will definitely treat you well! If you ask me to go east, I will never go west!"

"I will listen to you whatever you say, and I will earn money for you to spend. I can buy you whatever you want, such as skirts, leather shoes, bicycles, jewelry, whatever you want!"

"Don't worry, our family is rich. We will always be rich. I will still make money. Let me tell you a secret. I am secretly selling things outside and have saved a lot of money, tens of thousands!"

"As long as you follow me, all this money will be yours!" Meng Qiang began to induce.

He felt that any woman who heard what he said would have to obey.

If he applies this condition to other women, which one will he not marry? What kind of wife can’t be found?

Unfortunately, other people would inquire, and once they inquired, they would know that he was bragging.

Fortunately, Daqin is new here and probably doesn’t know anything.

This is also the reason why he didn't delay, meeting yesterday and taking action today.

If Daqin is asked to go out for a walk and chat with his neighbors, he will lose his ability.

It's best to be able to induce people and peacefully get them into bed.

Daqin struggled to sit up, shook his head desperately, and motioned for him to take out the smelly towel from his mouth.

If she didn't take it out, she would vomit out the next night's meal.

Meng Qiang did not move, and said: "Don't even think about calling for help, no one will come to save you. This is my uncle's house, and several of my uncles live here.

"My aunts and cousins ​​take turns calling for help every day. No one is curious, no one takes them seriously, and no one comes to meddle."

None of his uncles were good people, and domestic violence was commonplace.

When I first moved here, there were neighbors who came to break up the fight. Later, after the Zhu family violently drove away, no one came again.

So when Daqin just called for help, no one took him seriously.

Daqin suddenly turned his head, facing the wall, and then used skill to pull out the towel from his mouth.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah!" She vomited violently, but did not call for help.

Meng Qiang smiled again after watching it for a while. Did she accept the reality?

"Hehehehehe... don't worry, be my wife, and I guarantee that you will be popular and drink spicy food from now on!" After Meng Qiang said this, he stretched out his hand towards Daqin.

Daqin leaned away and said, "Untie me." She said calmly.

Meng Qiang was not fooled: "We'll explain it after everything is over."

"Then untie my legs. I feel they are too tight. Without blood circulation for a long time, the legs will become necrotic. Do you want to marry a lame man?" Daqin said.

Of course I don't want this.

And my legs are tied, making it difficult to do things.

Meng Qiang immediately reached out and untied the rope around her legs.

He was not afraid of Daqin's resistance. The uncles were still outside. If she resisted, they would tie her up. At that time, he would not be so easy to talk to.

Daqin moved around and asked, "Aren't you afraid that I will sue you later? Or that you will die if you don't comply?"

Meng Qiang put on a mean smile again: "What are you suing me for? It was obviously you who took the initiative to climb onto the kang of my house. We have many witnesses, and if this matter spreads, your mother, your brothers, sisters, and younger brothers will have the shame? They Stop being a human being.”

Daqin's expression turned pale.

Many women don't tell anyone after this happens, isn't it because they are worried about their reputation?

"Besides, it's better to die than to live. Who wants to die if he can live..." Meng Qiang's mean smile turned into a cruel smile, and he looked at Daqin and said:

"If you don't obey me, I will kill you, and then go find your sister. If she doesn't agree, I will kill her again! Then I will bury you two sisters in this yard, and no one will know."

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