Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1447 Excessive defense

Daqin held the knife in his hand and risked his life.

Anyway, one person has been killed, are there still two left?

She would stab anyone who jumped at him?

Moreover, she had kung fu and now had weapons. This time, the Zhu family could not control her. Instead, several people received several stabs. They either injured their hands or arms and did not dare to attack.

This little bitch really dares to kill me!

Finally, the Zhu family formed a circle around her.

Some people can't stand it anymore.

Compared with the ferocious Zhu family, this little girl still looks righteous.

"Don't fight. Didn't you say you have to go to the police station?"

"That's right, go to the police station and let the police judge."

The Zhu family won't stop Daqin now, she has killed someone! It's her fault now!

They gave way.

Daqin carried a knife and walked out of the siege. Surrounded by the Zhu family and people eating melons, he entered the police station.


Xiaoqin was doing homework at home and forgot the time for a moment. He didn't think about why his sister didn't come back for so long.

Suddenly, someone rushed in.

"Sister! Something happened!" A member of the Zhu family shouted with sweat dripping from his face.

He was a little afraid to look at his sister. She dragged them to do something, but not only did they fail to do it, but they also broke their eldest nephew. He was too embarrassed to see his sister!

"What's wrong?" Widow Zhu had been thinking about Meng Qiang. When she saw her brother like this, she knew something was wrong and asked quickly.

"Daqiang, Daqiang was injured by that little bitch and is now in the hospital." He didn't dare to say how serious the injury was because he was afraid that her sister wouldn't be able to bear it.

"What about her?" Widow Zhu asked with sharp eyes.

"Sent to the police station," the person said.

This made Widow Zhu stunned. Why did she get to the police station? It won't be easy to check it out.

But now is not the time to worry about that.

When Widow Zhu returned to the house, she rushed towards Xiaoqin and hit him with her raised hand.

If you can't fight the big one, fight the small one!

Xiao Qinguang heard that Meng Qiang was injured and was sent to the hospital, but he didn't realize that this "little girl" was Daqin.

But Widow Zhu didn't hit her.

She has also practiced, and dealing with a shrew will not be a problem.

She already disliked Widow Zhu, but now that she took the initiative, she wouldn't be polite.

Xiaoqin flexed his fingers and kicked his feet again, and Widow Zhu was so painful that she couldn't stand even after a few hits.

The Zhu family brother rushed over from behind.

Xiaoqin picked up the bench in the room and competed with him.

Anyway, no loss.

While they were fighting, Dawei and Xiaowei came back with Old Man Liu and Old Mrs. Liu.

Seeing someone beating their sister, Dawei and Xiaowei immediately rushed over: "What are you doing?!"

The two men took action and knocked down the man surnamed Zhu in three strikes.

Then he looked at Widow Zhu coldly.

Widow Zhu felt guilty and suddenly cried: "My Daqiang was rushed to the hospital by Liu Daqin! I don't know whether he is alive or dead! I want to see my Daqiang!"

Widow Zhu got up crying and went to the house to get the money.

When seeing a doctor, your first reaction is to get money, otherwise the hospital will not treat you.

But when she passed by Dawei, she suddenly stopped, turned around and shouted to Dawei: "Your sister hurt my son! You have to pay for the medical expenses! Let's go! Follow me to the hospital!"

Letting him pay is one thing, and holding him back is another.

Dawei was stunned: "Daqin hurt your son?"

He turned around to see if he saw Daqin, and asked Xiaoqin: "Where is your sister?"

Only then did Xiaoqin know who the "little girl" they were talking about was.

She immediately pointed at the man on the ground and said, "He was sent to the police station! He said so!"

"What?!" Dawei and Xiaowei immediately grabbed the man who was pretending to be dead on the ground.

"Which police station is my sister at?"

The man doesn't speak.

Widow Zhu continued to shout to Dawei: "You have to go to the hospital with me! I heard that my son is seriously injured!"

The man on the ground spoke: "Yes, the injury was serious! The tendons and hamstrings of the hands and hamstrings were severed! He was also wiped on the neck, and it looked like he was dying! Your sister committed a murder!"

Widow Zhu's heart skipped a beat, but soon she thought her brother was trying to scare Dawei.

Dawei was really frightened.

If you kill someone, it will be a big deal.

The look on this man's face didn't look like he was lying.

He had to go and see.

"You go to the police station to find my eldest sister and find out what happened, and then call my eldest sister!" He said to Xiaowei and Xiaoqin.

The two nodded nervously and dragged the man on the ground away.

Dawei and Widow Zhu went to the hospital together.

Old man Liu and old lady Liu were the only ones left in the room.

Mrs. Liu was a little nervous: "What should we do? Did Daqin kill Meng Qiang? Then we..."

They will have to make a living under Widow Zhu in the future. If Daqin kills Widow Zhu, then Widow Zhu must not vent her anger on them?

Can that day still pass?

"What are you afraid of?" Old Man Liu said: "We won't live with Widow Zhu anymore. We will go to the capital. Our grandchildren have become successful and can support us in our old age.

"It doesn't matter if Daqin kills Meng Qiang, it's better if that little brat dies!" Old Man Liu said with a cruel look on his face.

"Then Widow Zhu and her son..." Mrs. Li was still worried that her son would be punished by Widow Zhu in the future.

"No! It's just right for the two of them to get divorced! It's good to be biological father and mother at all times. The divorce is just the right time for Qiang Xiang and Widow Zhu to remarry." Old Man Liu said.

Mrs. Liu thought about it and realized that this was a great idea.

The last time Xiang Xiang went to the capital, he failed to remarry Zhang Guilan. That was because Widow Zhu stood in the way.

The two are divorced, and Widow Zhu has nothing to do anymore!


Dawei went to the hospital, but Meng Qiang was still in the operating room.

After asking the doctor about it, it turned out to be serious.

The doctor conveniently gave Widow Zhu a critical illness notice.

Widow Zhu was stunned and rushed towards Dawei the next second.

"You pay for my son, pay for my son! Ah! If my son has any shortcomings, I want you brothers and sisters to pay for my son's life!"

She yelled in the corridor, and many doctors and nurses came out to stop her.

Xiaowei didn't see anyone here.

The nature of the "murder" on the street was quite bad, so Daqin was taken into custody again.

But Xiaowei inquired about the situation at that time.

No one knew what happened in the Zhu family yard, but he believed what Daqin said, and coupled with the information provided by Xiaoqin, he knew that this was a trap set by Widow Zhu and the Zhu family for Daqin.

It's just that they didn't expect Daqin to be so tough, so they didn't succeed.

If successful...

"You deserve to die!" Xiaowei cursed, but he was worried in his heart.

He was really dead, but his sister was killed in the street, and everyone saw it.

At that time, Meng Qiang had no ability to resist at all. This was not legitimate defense, but an excessive defense.

Either indefinitely or decades in prison.

This is not okay.

He immediately called Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao didn't expect this to happen.

The Liu family was just greedy before, but I didn’t expect Widow Zhu’s family to be directly evil!

She immediately contacted people to keep Daqin, and he didn't need to be released, just not to be tortured.

Then she flew over.

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