Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1451 The dog jumps over the wall in a hurry

The Zhu family were all dumbfounded.

What's going on with this dog?

They were their enemies in the previous life, and they are here to take revenge in this life, right?

And how does it know the thing is hidden here?

It was too late to think about these problems. One of the Zhu family brothers became so angry that he kicked Dahei with his foot.

Dahei screamed in grievance.

Hua Zhao glanced at it.

Dahei curled up his neck, turned around and ran away with his tail between his legs, directly out of the yard.

This is not okay. If someone is too popular, you have to chase them.

"Wait a minute." Qi Feihong said.

Several policemen immediately blocked the door.

"You are all suspects now, take them away!" Qi Feihong said.

If there is evidence to prove that what Liu Daqin said is true, then the Zhu family will be in serious trouble!

Rape and kidnapping are both enough to warrant the death penalty.

"Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding! We don't know why these things are there, but the dog put them in by himself! Yes! The dog put them in! Otherwise, how could he take them out directly?" Zhu Song's brain Earning is not slow.

But it was all in vain, and the police immediately took out the handcuffs.

Suddenly, a man at the end of the crowd ran away and arrived at the gate in a blink of an eye.

Qi Feihong sneered and flew over.

He was so fast that as soon as the other party opened the door, he was pinned to the ground.

"Run!" The man turned around and yelled at his brothers desperately.

A group of dull men were reminded by him and immediately fled in all directions.

The four or five police officers were suddenly not enough and they couldn't catch him at all.

"Don't run! Why are you running! We are innocent!" Zhu Song was so angry that he couldn't hold back his anger!

If they didn't run, they would probably be fine. Didn't they just find a rope? So what if I find it? So what's wrong with their rope? Is it illegal for them to kill pigs with a rope?

Did Liu Daqin tie her up when he said the rope tied her up? The rope opening gave her evidence?

There are also soy sauce bottles. Who doesn’t have a soy sauce bottle? Who doesn’t have a rag?

Can the soy sauce bottle talk? Did you say it belonged to Widow Zhu’s family? Was it brought by Liu Daqin?

Or can the rag talk? That they used it to gag Liu Daqin?

They just like to put things in the kang hole!

It’s okay if you don’t run!

If you run away, things will get serious.

But Zhu Song's shouting was useless. Everyone was confused by Lao Ba's shouting, and the consequences of being discovered were very serious. During the severe crackdown, it could really kill someone!

No one wants to die.

There were still people chasing after me, and they all started running. It was too late to stop now.


In the blink of an eye, six or seven men were on the wall.

The other police officers were not as skilled as Qi Feihong. Only two of them caught the Zhu brothers, but they still failed to control these big and round men and they ran away.

Qi Feihong was so angry that after handcuffing the one in his hand to the door, he went to arrest others.

Two were soon discovered outside the courtyard wall.

The courtyard wall was obviously not high, but after they jumped off it, they fell and couldn't get up.

These two men were so angry that they threw such a large number of nails on the ground! It pricked them all over their feet and legs!

How can I run? It hurts like hell!

"Hey." Qi Feihong was happy and hurriedly called someone to pick up these two people. He went to see the others.

Several others had the same result after jumping over the wall. I don't know who scattered a circle of nails around the Zhu family yard.

And it was obvious that there was a grudge, and it was intentional. The nails were pressed into the ground with the pointed ends pointing upward. The person who jumped off the wall was not fine.

Qi Feihong walked around and came back and asked Hua Zhao: "Did your people do it?"

Yesterday, Hua Zhao brought some bodyguards. He saw them, but now he didn't see those bodyguards.

She has the motivation, the people, and the ability.

"No, how is that possible?" Hua Zhao denied with a smile.

Of course she let people do it.

The dog is so anxious that he jumps over the wall!

Once today's evidence is found, the Zhu family will definitely be arrested. If they are irrational, there is a high possibility of escaping, so they have to be on guard.

But she couldn't admit this, otherwise she would have to pay for medical expenses...

Qi Feihong nodded: "Okay, it definitely wasn't you."

"Let's go, take them to the hospital first." Qi Feihong grinned as he looked at several men who were screaming in pain.

Some people have more than ten inches of nails stuck in one foot. Isn’t this useless?

So cruel.

"You don't have to go to the hospital. I'm the doctor and I'll get it for them. Then they can go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation," Hua Zhao said.

"Okay." Qi Feihong still nodded.

This was the process originally, but now it’s more appropriate to save some time.

Hua Zhao took out a simple first aid kit from his large backpack, including disinfectant, gauze, and tweezers.

Qi Feihong shook his head. This was all prepared in advance. That's it, he still said it was not her fault.

The daughter-in-law of the Ye family is indeed ruthless.

He has a bit of trypophobia, and he doesn't dare to look at the densely packed soles of his feet.

He asked people to go back to the facility and ask for wheelchairs so that he could push these people back. Then he turned to look at the only intact Zhu family man, Zhu Song.

Zhu Song's face was expressionless and numb.

Hua Zhao was done in a few minutes.

She was only responsible for pulling out the nails with tweezers and spreading some styptic powder.

Just let a few policemen do this kind of thing. She wouldn't bind their smelly feet.

After Hua Zhao finished, he disinfected his hands with homemade wet wipes, walked to Qi Feihong and asked him: "How can you prove that the rope tied Liu Daqin?"

As soon as she asked this question, Zhu Song, who had a dull face, reacted and looked at her curiously. She also knew that looking for a rope was useless?

Qi Feihong also frowned, wondering why Hua Zhao would ask this, but he said, "I think it contains fresh human blood. I need to go back and test it."

Zhu Song was still unmoved. What happened to human blood? He accidentally got it on when he was killing the pig!

If the blood type is wrong, it’s the blood of someone else in his family! Anyway, he has a large family, with people of all blood types.

Hua Zhao smiled and said: "I heard that DNA technology has been used in criminal investigations and can be admitted as evidence. DNA, you know, right?"

she asked Qi Feihong.

Qi Feihong nodded, but he had just learned about such advanced criminal investigation methods a few months ago, and he was immediately shocked!

In the past few months, many old cases have been solved.

"Let me tell you what DNA is." Hua Zhao said to Zhu Song.

She spoke in an easy-to-understand manner, and Zhu Song turned pale after hearing this.

He understood.

Now there is a technology that can prove that the blood on it is Liu Daqin's!

Wait, Liu Daqin left blood on it yesterday? Is she hurt? The blood on it should be Meng Qiang's, right?

Hua Zhao continued to ask Qi Feihong: "The soy sauce bottle should have the fingerprints of Widow Zhu and Daqin, which can prove that Daqin was indeed tricked by Widow Zhu into coming here.

"There's Daqin's saliva on that rag, and DNA can be tested here. She couldn't have stuffed that kind of thing into her mouth, right?

"Add together several pieces of evidence, Zhu Song, and you won't be able to escape," Hua Zhao said.

Zhu Song's mentality collapsed and he was shaken.

The wailing in the Zhu family yard stopped at some point.

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