Hua Zhao smiled and did not deny it. Now that the matter was settled, it didn't matter if he said a few digressions.

"It's a stray dog ​​now." Hua Zhao turned around and waved.

A big black dog sat down a dozen meters away from the group of people, its tail wagging happily and its tongue sticking out to please Hua Zhao.

"When I return to the capital, I will take it with me and find a home for it." Hua Zhao said.

This dog is really smart. Not every dog ​​has this intelligence. She likes it.

But she already has two dogs at home, and they are a pair. She can't fill them in with a third person. That would be bad for all three dogs~

But she'll find a home for it.

"Do you have any skills?" Qi Feihong asked curiously.

"It's natural to attract animals. You can't learn it." Hua Zhao said.

Qi Feihong nodded, he really believed it.

if not? He didn't believe that this kind of dog training technology existed in the world. People could train with that technology, but dogs didn't have the intelligence to cooperate.

This thing is quite loyal by nature.

Training with drugs? Who has enough time to study this medicine?

"Let's go eat." Qi Feihong said.

When Daqin smiled, she thought he wanted to reject her because of his hesitation. Unexpectedly, he simply agreed without any hesitation. He is a real man!

"Can you recommend any good restaurants? I'm not familiar with the place." Hua Zhao said.

"Well, follow me." Qi Feihong said cheerfully.

Then he led Hua Zhao to a small restaurant next to the factory.

It doesn't look very big, it's just a fly restaurant, with seven or eight tables for four in the room.

But it was full.

There were people outside who were very regretful that they didn't have a table because they came too late, and they asked the boss to reserve a table for them tomorrow.

The boss had a very bad temper and refused.

"No, I'm scared because someone let me down. I almost can't continue my business," said the boss, who is over 50 years old.

"That's because someone is deliberately teasing you, and I'm not teasing you! We are all old customers and have been dealing with each other for several years. You still don't believe me?" said a man who had not waited for the table.

The boss still shook his head: "It was old customers like this who used to punish me."

The man also knew this, so he scolded him for a long time and left angrily.

"What should we do now? Wait?" Daqin asked, standing next to Qi Feihong.

She quietly raised her head and measured the height difference between herself and Qi Feihong.

Good guy, she feels that she is not short, she is 1.66 meters tall, but the top of her head only reaches Qi Feihong's shoulders. When she stands closer, she has to look up at him.

Qi Feihong did not answer him, but shouted to the boss: "Dad."

One sentence immediately made Daqin nervous all over, Dad? ?

Is this restaurant owner Qi Feihong’s father?

I didn't notice it just now, but now I look carefully, and sure enough, they look a bit similar, with the same cold face and the same height.

Qi's father raised his head and saw Qi Feihong, his face suddenly burst into laughter.

Cold face? You must have read it wrong!

"My eldest son is here! Why do you want to get up for dinner today? Oh, entertaining friends? Or lesbians..."

Qi's father's face suddenly changed, and he shouted nervously behind him: "Fuck! Fuck! What's left in the refrigerator? Don't sell any chicken, duck, fish or meat! The grown-up boy has brought a lesbian to the house. !”

The cook suddenly remembered the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong, and soon a woman ran out in a panic.

Seeing Liu Daqin standing very close to Qi Feihong, she immediately clasped her hands together with a look of surprise on her face, not knowing what to say.

The diners around looked at the family.

Hua Zhao quickly took his younger brothers and sisters to stand farther away.

Only Daqin was still standing there blankly, neither leaving nor staying.

Qi Feihong's face turned dark.

"This is not my colleague! What good things are you thinking of? Stop it as soon as possible." Qi Feihong turned around and asked a few people to go in with him, saying at the same time: "But you can bring me some good food, I want to entertain my friends."

"No, no, no, I'm treating you. I'm treating you." Daqin said immediately: "I agreed before that I'm treating you. Thank you. How can I let you spend money?"

When passing Qi's father and Qi's mother, Daqin whispered hello: "Hello, uncle and aunt."

"Ah...Okay, okay! Hello, hello." Qi's father and Qi's mother's disappointed expressions turned warm again, and they followed a few people directly into the backyard, ignoring the restaurant in front.

The diners couldn't even be called back.

The backyard turned out to be a unique place.

This is a large courtyard house, and the fly restaurant used as a restaurant is only half of its south room.

Passing through the back kitchen, there is a large courtyard of about 200 square meters. On the other side of the courtyard are a row of 5 main rooms.

The courtyard was paved with bluestone and there was nothing there.

The five large tile-roofed houses have bright and clean windows.

Qi Feihong led everyone into the nearest room.

This room is like a separate private box, but it is connected to the living room of your own home.

At first glance, it seems that it is not for entertaining outsiders.

Daqin suddenly smiled.

Hua Zhao also smiled. This Qi Feihong was not rigid at all. Despite his cold face, he was actually very tactful and knew how to build a relationship with them.

It's much better to have a meal at home than to have a meal at a restaurant outside.

The relationship suddenly became closer.

Qi's father and Qi's mother stood at the table and asked Daqin like two waiters: "Girl, what do you want to eat?"

They have already observed several people their son brought back.

Ignore the 2 men!

Although a woman is beautiful, she is too beautiful and has an absolutely terrible temperament, and is not worthy of his son.

One is too young, still a child.

Just saying hello to them, and naturally sitting next to his son, there is something interesting...

Daqin was a little frightened by the stares of the two old men-in-law, and his face turned red, and he said: "I can eat anything, I don't choose..."

"Then what do you want to eat?" Qi's father asked the others this time.

Since we are eating at home, who has the nerve to ask for the menu? That’s emotional intelligence arrears.

And since it’s my own restaurant, I’ll leave it to you next time whether or not to treat guests.

"Uncle, we don't have to choose. We will eat whatever is available." Hua Zhao said.

Father Qi smiled: "Then what are your taboos? Onions, ginger, garlic, leeks, coriander, peppers? What don't you eat?"

"Eat them all," Daqin said.

"Okay! Sit down and I'll cook some vegetables for you. They'll be ready to eat right away! Damn it, you bring them the cold dishes first and then pour a pot of tea!"

The two immediately started moving.

Daqin couldn't sit still.

She also understands the ways of the world, and she is born with this understanding. After Hua Zhao teaches her, she will become even better at it.

When eating at other people's homes, it's too much to wait for food and wait like you would at a restaurant.

It's not the first time that a daughter-in-law has come to her house to spoil her...

Daqin dragged Xiaoqin to his feet and went to the kitchen to help.

Dawei and Xiaowei were too embarrassed to squeeze into the kitchen, and couldn't squeeze in anywhere, so the two of them took over the work in the room, serving tea and water, without Qi's mother waiting on them.

The ice and snow on Qi Feihong's face also merged. He was not holding it like he was outside, and he became relaxed and natural.

Hua Zhao's younger brothers and sisters are pretty good, and they are well taught.

I can't learn how cruel their sister is...

No, Liu Daqin is actually quite ruthless and dares to rub people's necks in the street.

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