"It doesn't matter, I just told them to let them know how scary the outside world is and how unexpected the dangers around them are." Hua Zhao said.

It is better to say a truth ten thousand times than to experience it for yourself once.

But it's best not to experience this kind of thing personally...if it happens to the people closest to you, it's long enough to be remembered.

"Cuiwei and Jinwen are both old. It's time to learn something and know how to protect themselves." Hua Zhao said, "Although Yunfei is a boy, he should protect himself. The outside world is even less friendly to boys."


Yunfei looked at his mother curiously, is that so?

He was quite embarrassed sitting here originally, but now that his mother said this, he was even more embarrassed.

Cui Wei and Jin Wen were also a little embarrassed, after all, it was that kind of thing...

However, Hua Zhao had already given them an enlightenment lesson, so they were relatively calm.

The children are very calm, Daqin is not easy to control, and the two men in the room, Yao Kun and Ye Ming, are both elders.

She told what happened.

Is she not the love rival of the Zhu family?

He was not wary of Widow Zhu at all.

Several children exclaimed while listening, looking at Daqin with slight admiration in their eyes.

She rescued herself within a few minutes, but the method was a little flawed...

Hua Zhao, Ye Shu, and Ye Ming discussed what Daqin would have done at that time, what would happen now, and so on.

Let the children know how to deal with this kind of thing in the future.

This discussion took a long time, and a few hours passed in the blink of an eye. It was late at night and it was time to rest.

Before leaving, Ye Ming gave Daqin a gift.

A pen.

Daqin was a little excited. She especially admired Ye Ming, but Ye Ming didn't give her any gifts except for New Year's Eve and birthdays.

"Good performance, keep up the good work." Ye Ming said with a smile.

Although he was only Daqin's older brother, Daqin was only 6 years old when she first came here, and he watched her grow up.

A very cute and hard-working little girl, when she encounters such a big thing, she needs to be comforted as a family member.

"Thank you, brother! I can do it!" Daqin was excited as if he had been praised.

Ye Ming smiled and said to Hua Zhao: "Are you going to the vegetable base tomorrow? There is something we need to talk about."

Hua Zhao originally wanted to rest, but since Ye Ming said so, something must have happened.

"Go tomorrow morning."

Ye Ming nodded and left.

Dawei and Daqin are also going back.

Hua Zhao stopped Daqin: "I almost forgot. I haven't told my mother about this yet. Do I want to tell her?"

Daqin immediately shook his head: "No, the matter has been settled. Telling her again will have no effect except making her angry. Stop talking, or wait a few years before talking."

Hua Zhao nodded. Since Daqin didn't want to say it, he wouldn't say it.

After sending the others away, Hua Zhao left Yunfei alone.

She had never told him before that boys were more dangerous, because she always thought he was too young.

But now Yunfei is about to be 12 years old, a young boy, and will soon be taller than her. It's time to tell him.

How terrible is the dark side of this world?

...When Yunfei left, his face was white.


Early the next morning, Hua Zhao set out for the vegetable base before dawn.

Late summer and early autumn are the harvest season.

This piece of land, more than 10,000 acres, is already hers.

In addition to greenhouses, more land is open-air, and now the fruits are fragrant.

The township-level road in the middle of the farmland was specially built by Hua Zhao at his own expense. Its quality is comparable to that of national highways, and even the national highways at this time are not comparable.

It's wide and flat, with large trucks parked on the roadside.

There are also dozens of cars.

"What's going on?" Hua Zhao asked curiously.

It's not strange for trucks carrying goods to appear here, but it's strange for so many cars to appear here.

"Is there a leader coming to inspect?" Hua Zhao asked.

Even if the leadership inspects, so many cars have never come at one time.

But she saw Ye Ming's car inside.

The ones driving her today were the bodyguards who stayed in the capital. They were very familiar with and concerned about the affairs around Hua Zhao. They were considered part-time assistants and knew more about it than she did.

"They are all businessmen who come to order fruits and vegetables for next year," the driver said.

The fruits and vegetables produced by Huazhao are so popular that they are almost invisible on the market. Half of them are exported and the other half go to major canteens and restaurants.

It is no longer possible to sell now, it will break the head, it is all pre-ordered.

But this thing can only be booked for the current season or that year. You will have to re-book it for the coming year.

Now I have to break my head when I book.

Hua Zhao walked into the first floor of the office to inquire, and saw a lively scene inside. Dozens of people gathered together and shouted, but she couldn't hear what they were shouting.

Everyone was so excited that they really looked like they were going to fight.

Surprisingly, most of them are foreign faces!

Huazhao only grew, not sold, but the vegetable reservation scene turned out to be like this. This was the first time she knew about it, and she was very surprised.

Ye Ming stood at the door, waiting for Hua Zhao.

"Do you know why I came to you?" Ye Ming asked.

"Well, maybe I know a little bit," Hua Zhao said.

"Let's go and talk somewhere else. Don't let them know who you are, otherwise you won't be able to leave." Ye Ming said and walked very far away.

Hua Zhao quickly followed.

A woman wearing sunglasses who was crowded in the crowd suddenly turned around and looked at the backs of the two of them.

She wanted to get out, but she couldn't because she was squeezed in the middle of the crowd.

"Everyone, calm down, it's not time yet, there's still half an hour left..." Li Yuan said with sweat on his forehead.

There was a translator nearby to help him shout out loudly, but it was no use. Everyone squeezed hard.

There is no way, first come first served, whoever squeezes in front to sign up will get to choose! Of course they have to squeeze in the "first come"!

You won’t even be able to eat the scum!

The business is booming and Li Yuan is happy, but the people who cannot sell the goods have unusual identities and are friends from foreign countries. When they get angry, they go to the leader in charge and curse, and the pressure will eventually fall on Li Yuan.

Make him promise to open the back door next time.

But how does he have this right? When it came to Hua Zhao, Hua Zhao didn't care, and he wouldn't dare to say it.

He looked for Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was also approached by various connections and had no choice but to come to Hua Zhao.

The two of them stood in a large shed, looking at the office building from a distance.

From this far away, you can still hear shouts and curses in various languages ​​inside.

Just because others don’t understand, some minor languages ​​are scolded in a very unpleasant way~

Hua Zhao wanted to laugh, this was all to give her money.

"If you still laugh, then there is a solution?" Ye Ming asked.

"Of course, what a big deal." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

"How to solve it?" Ye Ming asked curiously.

At that time, he thought that he could solve this problem by himself, and there would be no need for Hua Zhao.

But no matter how hard he thought about it, he couldn't think of a way to line up that was more fair and reasonable than "first come, first served".

The first-come, first-served basis is a bit too simple and rude. Some people even threatened to send people to queue up from now to next year.

So is this fair or unfair?


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