Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1472 What do they want?

Now it was Wang Feifei's turn to go to the canteen, and then she sat next to Dawei seemingly accidentally.

Anyway, I have to meet Dawei several times every day and say a few words to him.

The lightbulb in her house broke once and the water pipe was blocked once. Wang Feifei asked Dawei for help.

Dawei didn't even push it.

If Hua Zhao hadn't warned him in advance, Dawei would have gone happily...

"Did you just see Wang Feifei? What is she looking for you for?" Dawei couldn't help but asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just pretend not to know me, strike up a conversation with me, want to come to my house, or continue dating with me," Hua Zhao said.

She could still tell the difference between a real and a fake one, and there was calculation in Wang Feifei's eyes.

Dawei suddenly became weak, and then became angry again: "Who is it? How could she even take advantage of her!"

Wang Feifei's family background is so ordinary, someone must have taken advantage of her to get close to him and Hua Zhao.

But after he finished speaking, he realized that this person could not be anyone other than the Wang family.

The game between the big guys... He really doesn't understand.

What can Wang Feifei get by approaching him?

Hua Zhao shook his head, there was so much to gain.

But she could see that Dawei hadn't given up completely yet.

That's right, the silly boy's first love is not willing to die on this.

"Whether it was a deliberate strike-up or a true encounter, you will know after watching the follow-up." Hua Zhao said.

"What do you think?" Dawei asked.

"Let's see if I will meet her again soon." Hua Zhao said.

The capital is so big, and Hua Zhao doesn't go out all the time. If he could "encounter" her by chance, that would be a disaster.

Hua Zhao patted Dawei on the shoulder and left.

By then, without her having to say anything, Dawei would be relieved.


This time Hua Zhao got it wrong. It was not she who ran into Wang Feifei again, but Zhang Guilan.

When something happened to Yao Lin, Zhang Guilan got the news and came back to see him off for the last time. Now she is at home with her grandson and has not returned to Pengcheng yet.

Originally, Zhang Guilan had promised the three little ones to fry popcorn for them that night, but when it was time for dinner, Zhang Guilan called and couldn't make it. She was entertaining guests at home.

Hua Zhao answered the call without thinking too much.

Zhang Guilan also met a few friends when she opened a restaurant in the capital. I don't know whether these people were attracted by the Ye family or Zhang Guilan, but they played well with her anyway.

Every time Zhang Guilan returned to the capital, she would always get together with them, either to eat, go shopping, or go hiking.

But when he was about to hang up the phone, Hua Zhao heard Xiao Qin's voice on the other end and asked someone curiously: "Sister Feifei, are you my brother's classmate and colleague?"

Hua Zhao didn't hear the answer, and Zhang Guilan hung up the phone.

Hua Zhao...

She was stunned while holding the phone, wanting very much to input her powers into the phone line and crawl over to see what was going on over there.

Just do it!

Holding the phone in her right hand, she really inputted her clairvoyant powers.

The power was like electricity, literally flowing through the phone lines.

But the phone lines were too messy... After leaving her home and arriving at the base station, she couldn't find the direction.

The superpower is not a radio signal after all. It has a docking function and can circulate in the phone lines, but it can't be found which one leads to Zhang Guilan's house.

But this feeling was very strange. Hua Zhao randomly found a wire and reached the terminal, and then saw the situation of that house.

The wire she found at random was connected to a light, and she could clearly see the situation in the house. A family of five was having dinner.

She exited and replaced another wire. This time it was a street light, allowing her to see the surrounding area clearly.

Changed it again, this time it was a washing machine...

Hua Zhaoxiang found a new toy and had a great time playing with it.

But after a few minutes, her head felt dizzy.

I didn't expect that doing this would consume a lot of energy and energy.

She quickly let go of the phone in her hand.

"What's wrong?" Ye Shen walked in from outside and asked nervously when he saw her pale face and hot hands.

After saying this, he had already sat down next to her. Hua Zhao felt dizzy again, and she fell on his lap.

She was so frightened that she immediately looked outside: "Be careful not to be seen!"

She was seeing the nanny Mrs. Li following Ye Shen to come in, as if she wanted to say something to her, when she happened to see the two men's movements.

Sister-in-law Li's head tilted, her feet turned, and she changed direction and continued walking.

The movement was so violent that Hua Zhao was afraid that she would twist her neck.

"Look!" Hua Zhao quickly slapped Ye Shen.

"Then change places." Ye Shen stood up easily and carried her into the back room.

This is their bedroom, no one is going to peek in here.

Hua Zhao became even more anxious: "It's not dark yet!... And Sister-in-law Li saw it, which made people misunderstand! It's not good."

If this were the case before, if it wasn't black, it wouldn't be black. If it was misunderstood, it would be misunderstood, but now is not the time.

"I just want to see what's wrong with you. If nothing happens, I'll go out in a moment." Ye Shen lowered his head and said.

As he spoke, the man had already sat down, with Hua Zhao still on his lap.

Since outsiders couldn't see it, Hua Zhao naturally refused.

Lying lazily in his arms.

"I'm fine, I'm just...a little worried."

If you don't say anything, Ye Shen will definitely not believe it, so he still has to say something.

"Why are you worried about something? Tell me and I will solve it for you." Ye Shen rubbed his chin against the top of her hair.

"It's not the Wang family. My hand stretched too far and it reached Dawei."

She told Ye Shen about Wang Feifei's suspicion.

"The Wang family..." Ye Shen said: "With a large population, there is indeed some trouble."

He had previously deposed a son of Wang Lao's son, but it was almost useless.

The other party was heartbroken for a while, but soon forgot about this son and focused on his other sons.

It is good when the population is prosperous, and the Wang family can be found in all walks of life, departments, and fields.

Unlike the Ye family, which only has a few people.

"Fortunately, family planning is in place." Hua Zhao suddenly laughed and said, "Let their population plummet! Haha."

Nowadays, people with public offices dare not have more children. Having one more child will ruin the future of the whole family. It is so terrible.

Others are not worried, but the Wang family, who have experienced the benefits of strength in numbers, are worried to death.

"What are they going to do?" Hua Zhao asked again: "I thought we could barely coexist peacefully. Is it because of the medicinal wine?"

Since the last quarrel, the two families have secretly exchanged a few blows. The Wang family has become more honest after breaking a few people, and has not made any moves in the past three to five years.

She thought they were honest.

Ye Shen nodded: "Mr. Wang is dying."

An elder in a family is like a treasure, especially if this kind of hero is lost, half of the confidence of the whole family will be lost.

"It won't work... That's such a pity. Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do." Hua Zhao said regretfully, but the corners of his mouth curled up.

The joys and sorrows of people...

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