"What?" Zhang Guilan, Daqin, Xiaoqin, and Xiaowei all exclaimed.

Does Dawei have someone he likes? How come they don’t know!

But yes, if the eldest brother doesn't dare to tell them what's on his mind, it's appropriate to tell his sister.

"who is it?"

"Who is it?"

"When did he say that?"

The brothers and sisters were chattering.

Zhang Guilan actually said with a little regret: "It's not this Feifei, she is a classmate and a colleague, I thought..."

Wang Feifei really has the face of a good daughter-in-law of the people. She is dignified and dignified, and she is good at making troubles. She is very popular with middle-aged and elderly women.

"It's not her." Hua Zhao said.

"Who is that?" Zhang Guilan asked.

"I promised Dawei not to tell." Hua Zhao said, she didn't know who it was.

Anyway, let's get rid of Zhang Guilan's idea first so that she won't have to rejoice in vain.

As for telling them that Wang Feifei is unreliable and has a trap behind her, that won't work either.

Zhang Guilan is not a good actor, and Daqin and Xiaoqin are not as popular as Wang Feifei. It would be bad if she finds out.

"This kid is still hidden. It's not shameful to have a partner." Zhang Guilan became happy again: "I will ask him when he comes home."

Dawei has found a partner on his own, which is of course better. Isn't it popular now to fall in love by yourself? Of course she would be happier if he could find someone he likes.

Zhang Guilan packed up and went out to buy groceries. When she found out Dawei's girlfriend, she asked him to take her home immediately and show her. If possible, the matter would have been settled years ago.

Hua Zhao was speechless: "Mom, why are you in such a hurry? Are you afraid that Dawei can't find a partner? No, my brother is handsome and wealthy, and it's easy to find a partner."

"Am I anxious? I'm afraid that Dawei is anxious, he's already 22..." Zhang Guilan muttered to herself, did not answer Hua Zhao, and went about her own business.

Nowadays, it is not popular to get on the bus first and pay the ticket later. She is a caring and good mother.

Hua Zhao was even more speechless when he reacted, but he stopped trying to persuade him and forgot about this...

She turned to look at her younger brothers and sisters...

"Don't look at me, I'm not in a hurry to get married! I don't want to get married!" Xiaowei shouted immediately.

Zhang Guilan immediately raised her head and asked in surprise: "What did you say? Why don't you want to get married?"

"I don't want to find someone to take care of me, take care of everything, and take care of my money, and maybe they won't let me spend money." Xiaowei said, and the person slipped away.

He was raking in antiques, which was not his proper job at this time, and it was risky. One day, he might make a big mistake and lose all his belongings.

Any good wife who manages the house will definitely take care of it and won't let him do this.

He also doesn’t want a daughter-in-law who doesn’t manage the household.

So he made it clear that if he doesn't get married early, he won't get married before he's 30. It's up to him whether he wants to get married after 30.

If it doesn't work out, I would still be happy living with his bottles and jars for the rest of my life.

Zhang Guilan just thought that he was still young and didn't understand, and didn't care at all what he said.

She turned to look at her two daughters and smiled: "In a blink of an eye, Daqin and Xiaoqin are all grown up."

She said to Daqin: "I think your sister got married and had children when she was your age. You are in college now, so don't rush. But don't listen to the school teachers. You should find a partner in college." I’m secretly looking for it and we’ll talk about it after graduation!”

Her family's Daqin is a college student, so her partner must also be a college student! Otherwise, how could she be worthy of her daughter?

Daqin didn't know what he thought of. His face turned red and he hesitated to run away.

"Come back." Hua Zhao said to keep him.

Daqin blinked and looked at her.

"Tell mom what happened when you go back to your hometown." Hua Zhao said.

"Ah..." Daqin's shoulders suddenly shrank, he looked at Hua Zhao and then at Zhang Guilan, and whispered: "Didn't I tell you before?"

"That's because I didn't tell her on the phone, so as not to frighten my mother and come over all night." Hua Zhao said, "Now that my mother is back, I'll tell her the truth to prevent her from not knowing and being deceived."

Liu Xiangqian knew their address in the capital. If he didn't come before, he was held back by Widow Zhu's family.

Now that the Zhu family has gone in, no one is holding him back. Just because he didn't react right now and didn't chase him to the capital doesn't mean he won't come back in the future.

If he doesn't come, Liu Cong, who has many thoughts, will encourage him to come.

This is the only bad thing about losing the Zhu family.

Zhang Guilan's expression became serious. Although she only said a few words, she felt that the matter was serious.

"What's going on? Who went back to his hometown? Who went back to his hometown?" Zhang Guilan asked.

Daqin looked at his mother, then at his sister, and finally whispered to her.


After listening to everything, Zhang Guilan's anger was already full. She slapped the table with her hand, which made the tea cup rattle and made the person stand up and gasp in anger.

"You, you...them!"

She didn't know who to blame. She was angry at the children for secretly visiting the Liu family, and she was angry at them for telling her now after such a big thing happened!

I also feel sorry for my daughter.

"Daqin had a near miss this time. She will have a better memory in the future." Hua Zhao said.

"Yes, yes, I have a long memory! I will never see them again! I will never listen to strangers again! No, even acquaintances. I will think twice about anyone's words and will never go there again. A stranger’s home, well, not even an acquaintance’s home,” Daqin said.

She really reflected on it thoroughly, almost to the point of overdoing it.

In the past few days, some classmates asked her to go out to play, but she didn't go.

A classmate invited several classmates to his home for his birthday, but she didn't go either.


"You!" Zhang Guilan nodded Daqin's forehead, then held her daughter in her arms and patted her.

Just a little bit, almost!

"Why give them money? I'm not done with them! I don't know if they were involved or not!" Zhang Guilan said angrily.

She didn't say bad things about the Liu family before because she didn't want the children to hate their grandparents and father, but now she couldn't help it.

She is not a saint.

"You tell your elder brother about this. He has to give you the money. I won't give it to you anyway," Daqin said.

Originally, her grandparents and father didn't have much affection for her, but if something like this happened again, she would never give them a penny.

"Yes, no! I'll tell your brother later!" Zhang Guilan said.

As soon as he finished speaking, Dawei pushed his bicycle into the yard.

He came back late and missed the meal. He was already very hungry. He went straight to the kitchen and saw seven or eight kinds of meals specially set aside for him.

"Hey, today's meal is very rich. Are there guests at home?" Dawei asked curiously.

Zhang Guilan had forgotten about her girlfriend, so she grabbed Dawei and taught him a lesson.

She thought the same thing as Dawei. If he hadn't brought his sister back to his hometown somewhere, would Daqin have suffered such a misfortune?

After she had been trained for a few minutes, Hua Zhao pulled the person out in the name of saving Dawei.

He said directly: "Today's guest is Wang Feifei. She has met her mother by chance and got her love."

Dawei's face suddenly sank.

There is no chance of justification.


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