Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1479 Come to the door

Hua Zhao has secretly checked Dawei's injuries, and he feels very dangerous!

It's just a little bit, a few millimeters, and the artery in the thigh is injured. This is a fatal thing.

If the blood spurting from the femoral artery cannot be stopped, death will occur within minutes.

Is Wang Feifei here to kill people?

Probably not, it doesn't do anyone any good.

"What did the doctor say about your wound? Is it deep? How many stitches were stitched?" Hua Zhao asked.

"It's a little deep, but I only got 5 stitches, so it's okay." Dawei said nonchalantly.

It is a small thing for a man to bleed, but it is a big thing to be embarrassed.

He didn't want to mention his injury too much for fear of being scolded...

What are you afraid of?

"The incision was deep. Did the doctor say it almost injured an artery?" Hua Zhao said.

Dawei was a little strange, how did his sister know... Could it be that his medical skills were so magical that he could tell the depth of the incision just by taking his pulse?

so amazing!

Dawei didn't dare to lie and said with a guilty conscience: "Well, the doctor said..."

Everyone knows the consequences of injuring an artery. Ye Ming frowned and taught Dawei a lesson.

Because I accidentally risked my own life, I was really heartbroken and angry.

Dawei listened honestly and promised not to dare again.

He really didn't dare anymore. He was actually quite scared in his heart.

Ye Ming never talks much, so when he saw that he knew he was wrong, he stopped training him.

Hua Zhao talked about Dawei's previous problem: "Wang Feifei, don't worry about it, just wait for her to continue making moves."

"Oh." After receiving his sister's reply, Dawei felt at ease.

He had difficulty moving around his legs and feet, so he stayed at Huazhao's house at night.

I also asked for leave the next day and didn't go.

That evening, Daqin, Xiaoqin and Xiaowei came over.

"Brother, why didn't you tell us about your serious injury? We still found out from outsiders!" Daqin looked at Dawei's leg with distress.

"It's just a minor injury. It'll be fine in a few days." Dawei asked curiously, "Who did you know about it from outsiders?"

After saying this, the smile on Daqin's face was weird: "Brother, three girls came to your house today. Which one do you like?"

Dawei immediately knew who she was talking about, and then he remembered that he had forgotten two people.

"Did those three people introduce themselves? Are Wang Nuannuan and Yuan Qi injured? I didn't bother to ask yesterday." Dawei said.

"Oh, Wang Nuannuan or Yuan Qi? Which one do you like?" Daqin asked curiously.

The three of them did not introduce themselves, but she knew Wang Feifei, and excluding Wang Feifei, they must be the remaining two.

"None of them." Dawei said.

"Huh?" The three siblings were all surprised.

The eldest brother is injured, and three girls come to see him. The person he likes is not among these three. How many girls does the eldest brother know? So lovable.

"Oh, it's not what you think." Dawei said a little irritably.

"Are Wang Nuannuan and Yuan Qi injured?" Although he was irritated, he still asked.

The three of them looked at him without saying a word.

Hua Zhao suddenly smiled: "You are really... you will get yourself into trouble if you act like this, do you know?"

Being rich, handsome, and having a temperament that can't be said to be passionate or ruthless makes girls like him the most~

"What?" Dawei looked confused. He just wanted to know if the two people were injured.

"Yuan Qi was in front of me, and I seemed to have knocked her down. Wang Nuannuan was really pressed by me, and her leg seemed to be crushed. She cried miserably yesterday, and it was these two people who took me to the hospital. But later..."

Later, he was always wondering whether Wang Feifei did it intentionally or unintentionally, and wanted to send Wang Feifei home. It seemed that by accident, the two people left, and he didn't have time to apologize or thank him.

Daqin also noticed that her brother might be the kind of steely straight man that her sister said.

She stopped joking and said, "Both of them look unhurt, but Wang Feifei's hands are wrapped like rice dumplings, which looks quite painful."

Dawei felt relieved, but he didn't laugh.

Hua Zhao asked: "Did Wang Feifei say anything?"

"She asked her eldest brother how his injury was and when he would go to work," Daqin said.

They didn't know Dawei was injured yet, so of course they couldn't answer. They hurriedly sent away three people, and they came to Hua Zhao to look for someone.

Dawei suddenly groaned: "Teacher Sun didn't give this gift away...Sister, I'm going home now. Maybe Yuan Qi and Wang Nuannuan will come to see me."

"Go." Hua Zhao didn't keep him and drove him home himself.

He has been living here, and Wang Feifei can't do anything.

The next day, Wang Nuannuan and Yuan Qi went to find him again.

As soon as they met Dawei, he took out the jade pendant and handed it to the nearest Yuan Qi: "You two can send it to Teacher Sun. I won't go. If it continues, it will become a birthday gift next year."

Yuan Qi gave him a blank look and said this right after entering the door, as if the two of them came because of this thing.

"How is your injury? Does it still hurt?" Yuan Qi asked after taking the thing.

She was originally going to ask that day, but she saw that Dawei's eyes were all on Wang Feifei. She hurt her leg and obviously shouldn't move too much, but she insisted on sending Wang Feifei home...

She was angry, so she pulled Wang Nuannuan away without asking.

When I went home and thought about it, I felt a little regretful. Wang Nuannuan just happened to pull her over, and she came.

"It won't hurt if you don't move." Dawei asked, "Where are you two? Are you injured?"

I finally heard that he cared about me. Even though he said "we", it was better than nothing.

The three of them sat down and chatted. Daqin came back from school and entertained the two girls attentively.

Although the eldest brother did not admit that the girl he liked was one of them, she could tell that both of them were interesting to him, and one day one of them might become her sister-in-law.

While we were chatting, someone knocked on the door outside. It was loud and angry.

There was also noise.

"Mom, don't do this! Let's go back and talk!"

It was Wang Feifei's voice.

Several people ran out to open the door.

A woman in her 40s at the door took one of Wang Feifei's arms and stared at several people menacingly.

He looked directly at Dawei, who had a bandage on his leg.

"Are you Liu Dawei?" The woman glanced at Dawei up and down, and took a look into the yard through the gap.

I found that the yard was neat and tidy, not like a large courtyard. I was stunned for a moment, and my eyes were not so wide.

"I am Liu Dawei, who are you?" Dawei asked.

"This is my cousin, Feifei's mother." Wang Nuannuan said.

Jin Xia looked at Wang Nuannuan and was a little surprised: "Nuan Nuan is here too."

But she quickly remembered that Wang Nuannuan was a classmate with her daughter, and Liu Dawei was also a classmate.

Don't worry about these little things yet.

"Liu Dawei, look at how you injured my daughter's hand! I heard that she injured a tendon. Even if she recovers, she will be different from before. She won't be able to do delicate work! What do you think we should do?" Jin Xia shouted to Dawei. .

But the momentum was weaker than when he smashed the door just now.

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