Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1483 Can this hand be saved?

The doctors who can be brought here must be very reliable acquaintances.

But after hearing Wang Peng's words, the doctor was also stunned.

"Incision? Destruction of nerves? This..." The doctor glanced at Wang Feifei. She was a pretty girl. It was a pity that she lost one hand.

"If your nerves are broken, you won't be able to connect it. From now on, this hand will just be a decoration. You have to think about it carefully." The doctor advised kindly.

"Think about it." Wang Peng said immediately.

It wasn't his hand anyway, and it didn't hurt him.

Wang Feifei's hand shrank, obviously hesitating.

Wang Peng immediately looked at her: "You have to think about it. This opportunity is rare. If you seize it, you will be stable for life. Even if your hands are useless, someone will feed you food. If you can't seize it, you will be a waste. If you want to What's the use of a hand?"

Wang Feifei still shivered, no matter what, at least she still had a job.

Mom is right, her good calligraphy can get her a promotion and a salary increase. If her hands are useless, her whole person will be useless. She will just serve tea and water for the rest of her life.

After all, what secretary can’t write? What kind of secretary is someone who can’t write?

"Okay, okay, have you forgotten what your family promised you? I just told you from above that if your hand is disabled, your family will compensate you." Wang Peng said.

As for how to compensate, he didn't say.

In front of outsiders, Wang Feifei didn't dare to ask.

The doctor lowered his head and looked unconcerned as if he didn't hear anything.

Wang Feifei gritted her teeth and stretched out her hand.

The opportunity is indeed rare. Since Dawei doesn't like her, she can only make him feel guilty.

Although given a few more months, she would have the confidence to win over Dawei and marry her willingly, but the time given by the Wang family was relatively short and could not exceed 2 months at most.

Then there is no other way.

"Have you really thought about it?" The doctor said again: "The nerve is broken, but it can't be reconnected."

"Who said that?" Wang Peng immediately retorted: "Didn't I hear that Hua Zhao made a medicine to connect nerves? He cured both people?"

"I don't believe it," the doctor said immediately.

He has been studying medicine for 20 years, and he knows very well the consequences of a severed nerve. How can he come up with a medicine to connect the nerve? Although there was a lot of rumors, he didn't see it with his own eyes, so he didn't believe it at all.

Maybe the nerves of those two people were not broken at all, but someone was holding flowers in front of them.

He knew very well how loudly some people could flatter themselves, and they could turn black things into white things, but he didn't believe it anyway.

"Do you believe it or not?" Wang Peng became a little irritated: "I just asked you if you can do it without making it obvious? It seems that she was injured so seriously before?"

This relationship is definitely strong enough, and Wang Peng does not hide his purpose at all.

The doctor said arrogantly: "Of course I can. Since you have really decided, then I will take action. But if you regret it, don't come to me. I can't pick you up. Who can pick you up?"

"Hurry up, stop the ink stains." Wang Peng urged.

The doctor glanced at Wang Feifei and saw that she did not refuse. He stopped persuading her and said to Wang Peng: "Hold her down and don't let her move."

Wang Peng held Wang Feifei down and asked, "What? You didn't bring any anesthetic?"

"Of course I didn't bring it with me. Those things are valuable and cannot be taken out easily. You have to report them after using them. Can I report them?" the doctor asked.

This is absolutely not possible.

So Wang Feifei had to suffer.

Only then did Wang Feifei know what was going to happen, and her face turned pale.

"Stop her mouth," the doctor said again.

Wang Peng glanced at his wife, who immediately found a towel and stuffed it into Wang Feifei's mouth before she could say anything, stuffing it full to ensure that she wouldn't be able to cry out for a while.

The doctor squeezed Wang Feifei's hand, opened the sutures one by one, and then broke them hard, and the wound that had just healed opened.

The other hand raised the knife, cut it, and left in one stroke.

Blood splattered everywhere.

Wang Feifei suddenly screamed, and she could still hear the scream even with the gauze blocking it.

It hurts more than when I was injured that day!

Wang Peng suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Don't call me, what's your name? Call someone here, you will suffer in vain."

Wang Feifei was very perseverant and suddenly became silent, but cold sweat dripped from her forehead and her hands shook like chaff.

It is more difficult to resew the stitches and sew them on the original needle holes.

But the doctor had a moment, and after half an hour he called it a day.

Wang Feifei was already shaking in pain.

The doctor then remembered to give her some painkillers...

Wang Feifei looked at him with dull eyes.

"Don't look at me, it's none of my business. It's your choice." After saying that, he packed up his tools and left without looking back.

Wang Peng didn't give it away, but smiled at Wang Feifei and said, "Uncle, I congratulate you in advance. When the time comes, all the hard work will be rewarded and you will live a good life. Don't forget uncle's help today."

"Thank you, uncle." Wang Feifei said with a white face.

"What should I do next?" she asked.

"Recuperate your injury and wait until the doctor is sure it's not better. Then go to Liu Dawei and ask his sister to treat you. I heard it's a kind of plaster. Once you've applied it here, you'll find an opportunity to take it off and give it to me. If the injury can't be cured, , when your hands are disabled, you can look to Liu Dawei to take charge. You don’t need me to teach you this, right?" Wang Peng said.

Wang Feifei nodded. If it was really useless, no one would say anything.

The hands of a college student were very valuable.

"It's getting late. You should go back quickly. Don't come here if you have nothing to do. I will come to you if anything happens." Wang Peng saw off the guest.

Wang Feifei wandered away.

Hua Zhao also left from the window on the back wall, patted the camera in his hand, and left with satisfaction.

Back home, Ye Shen was about to go out.

"Where are you going?" Hua Zhao asked curiously.

Ye Shen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw her: "Of course I'm looking for you, why did it take so long to come back?"

After Ye Ming hung up the phone, he called Ye Shen and asked him to keep an eye on his wife, being mysterious and not saying anything.

Still alone, without bodyguards.

Ye Shen originally had great confidence in Hua Zhao's skills. Apart from him, there should be no one else who could be her opponent.

Even he, Hua Zhao's magical power was fully activated, and even if he could defeat ten enemies with one force, he would have to accept defeat.

But Hua Zhao didn't come back for so long, and he couldn't sit still.

"It's nothing. I was just waiting for the other person to show up for so long." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Ye Shen also smiled: "What are you so happy about?"

"We'll talk about it later." Hua Zhao said with a smile: "Telling you in advance is like a spoiler, and it won't be interesting later."

Ye Shen liked her naughty look, so since she didn't say anything, he wouldn't ask.

In the evening, Ye Ming came back from get off work and didn't ask.

The two brothers went to the study to mutter again.

Hua Zhao snorted, look, aren't the two of them hiding something from her? Evened out.

Two days later, when it was time for Wang Feifei's hand injury to be removed and reviewed, the attending doctor who originally sutured her was confused.

The wound heals slowly, which is normal, but why can't she feel and control her fingers? It was obviously fine before!

"I don't know either." Wang Feifei cried and asked, "Are my hands useless?"

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