"My mother set up a stall at Pengcheng Night Market, selling midnight snacks." Hua Zhao said.

"Let's set up a stall." Jin Mu was immediately disappointed. She said she was doing business before, so she thought it would be a big business!

Is setting up a stall also called business? You can really brag.

Wang Feifei glanced at Hua Zhao. She knew Liu Dawei's detailed information before, so she naturally knew what his sister and mother did.

It's a pity that I knew it too late. If I had known it when I was a freshman... Where would I need to give up a hand now!

"Okay, nothing happens. Come back in seven days." Hua Zhao saw off the guests.

Of course Jin Mu didn't want to leave. Although she was a stall owner and was a bit helpless, she still had to inquire about this detached house.

She didn't expect that Hua Zhao was lying. These days, if he has the ability, he doesn't show it, but hides very little. Who doesn't want to be looked down upon?

"I heard that you are from out of town. When did your family buy this house? How much did it cost?" Jin Mu asked.

Hua Zhao didn't answer her, just looked at Wang Feifei: "Don't you have anything else to do? If so, just leave and come back in seven days."

Wang Feifei's heart turned upside down. Why did she feel that Hua Zhao was interested? She does have other things to do and should not stay for a long time.

Wang Peng said that the plaster should be applied to him as soon as possible.

Wang Feifei pulled Jin Mu up and said, "Mom, let's come back in a few days. It's time for you to go back to work."

"I asked for leave today. It's okay. I haven't finished chatting yet!"

She was pulled away by Wang Feifei.

It turns out that the little girl is quite strong.

In Wang Feifei's family, Golden Mother has always had the final say. Now she is no longer a villain, and it is not appropriate for the others to stay, so they can only come out together.

"You are such an outgoing girl! Why are you looking at him like this? Your hands are useless because of him! You still won't let me talk about him!" Jin Mu was pulled away by Wang Feifei, and she turned around and shouted to Dawei.

Dawei’s face was so long.

If his sister hadn't said hello to him, he would definitely be very touched now...

The Wang family left and the door closed. Dawei suddenly sighed: "What will we do in the future..."

"What's next?" Hua Zhao asked.

"If this happens in the future..." Dawei said awkwardly.

Women who approach him have different thoughts... Then he will stay single for the rest of his life.

"Hahaha." Hua Zhao suddenly laughed: "It's not like... Mosquitoes won't bite a person, and besides the Wang family, other people shouldn't have this idea..."

Hua Zhao is actually not very sure.

It seems that this time things need to be carefully planned, to scare the monkeys, and to show other people a good look.

Dawei also smiled, and he felt that he was not so miserable.

"What happened to her hand?" he asked.

When the doctor was suturing her before, he was right next to her. He also carefully asked the doctor whether there would be any sequelae in the future, such as being unable to move or being inflexible.

The doctor asked her to move her fingers and said she basically couldn't.

Why can't I move all of a sudden today? Are you pretending?

"Don't worry about this. We'll talk about it in seven days." Hua Zhao said.

"Oh." Dawei was very obedient and stopped asking immediately.

"Okay, I have something to leave beforehand." Hua Zhao said.

She still had to keep following.


Wang Feifei took her family away and made excuses to leave alone.

Everyone just thought she was in a bad mood and wanted to be alone, so they didn't stop her.

Wang Feifei took several buses and arrived at another village on the outskirts of Beijing, where she knocked on a house.

It wasn't Wang Peng's house, but it was still Wang Peng who opened the door.

He looked directly at Wang Feifei's hand and saw the dark plaster on her hand. He was suddenly surprised: "You did it so quickly? The family really saw you right! Come in quickly!"

Wang Peng pulled Wang Feifei in, then looked around and saw that no strangers appeared, so he walked back with confidence.

After entering the room, he directly opened Wang Feifei's hand and used the prepared scraper to scrape off all the plaster on it.

He was not a professional, and his movements were rough and the scraping was a bit harsh, even drawing blood.

Seeing that the medicine on it was mixed with blood, and fearing that it would affect the results, he stopped.

Wang Feifei's lips trembled in pain, and she looked at Wang Peng, waiting for her to marry Liu Dawei in the future, waiting for her to speak to the Wang family in the future, this person should not even think of getting any benefit from her!

"Why do we need this plaster at home? Someone has a broken muscle or bone?" Wang Feifei couldn't help but ask.

Wang Peng glanced at her without emotion: "It's not your turn to take care of family affairs."

The little girl is still young, so don't think he can't see her thoughts.

Haha, it's just a chess piece. It may be discarded one day. Are you still thinking about the future? Still want to avoid getting along with him? It's so ridiculously naive.

But only such naive people can be deceived and taken advantage of.

Wang Feifei stopped asking and wrapped the bandage herself.

Wang Peng also put the two small boxes he collected properly and asked her to leave together.

Hua Zhao changed his tracking target, this time following Wang Peng.

Watching him arrive at an appointed place, he waited for someone on the side of the road, then took out a small box containing ointment and handed it to the man.

"When will the test results be available?" Wang Peng asked.

The man opened the box and looked at it: "It depends on whether the things inside are complicated or not. If it is not complicated, it will take 1 day, and if it is complicated, it will take 7 days."

"Go quickly, do it well, and don't miss anything!" Wang Peng said.

"I know, uncle," the young man said.

It seems that he is also a relative of the Wang family.

The two broke up, and Wang Peng continued to set off. This time he came to the city and entered the big house of Wang Wei's family.

The Wang family's house is about the same size as the Huazhao family's, with a deep courtyard and many bodyguards.

Hua Zhao did not go in.

Although she could go in, it was not easy for her to take a video of the two meeting in a windowless study.

Just forget it.

But being able to take a photo of the Wang family’s front door is enough.

Hua Zhao went home humming a ditty.

After a long time in and out of town, it was already noon, and the triplets had already finished school.

Their school is not far from home, and there is no canteen in the school, so students have to bring food or go home to eat.

The three little ones just chose to go home to eat.

If you bring food, it may have a bad impact....

When other students were eating simple meals, even just steamed buns and pickles, they ate a lot of fish and meat every day, which was not very friendly.

And in order to be gregarious, they let the children eat pickles, but Hua Zhao couldn't do it.

Fortunately, the school is not far away, and there are bodyguards to pick me up and drop me off every day, so there is not much of a safety problem.

"Mom, dad said he was leaving, and I want to go with him!" Qian Jin said immediately when she saw Hua Zhao.

After counting the days, it was time for Ye Shen to leave, and Hua Zhao was reluctant to leave.

"Dad is going to catch the bad guy, but if you go, you can only hold him back." Xiao Shenxing said, "So I'll go."

Hua Zhao...


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