Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1492 What’s going on?

Rationally, Hua Zhao didn't want to believe that Yao Kun would do anything wrong to Ye Shu, especially when she named Xie Lena with evil intentions.

Even if he wants to change his mind, he has to change his mind, right?

Don't you consider her feelings?

She is not only his cousin, but also Ye Shu’s sister-in-law and his boss!

She remembered that Yao Kun was a little afraid of her... She felt that even if Yao Kun dared to quarrel with Ye Shu, he would not dare to quarrel with her.

Could it be that she is being sentimental?

And what time is it now? How long has Yao Lin been gone?

Well, foreigners don’t seem to pay much attention to this and don’t observe mourning.

Although the Yao family is Chinese, they were inevitably affected by the kind of environment they grew up in.

However, Hua Zhao still doesn't believe it, but now she can't tell Ye Shu that she doesn't believe it, otherwise Ye Shu will go crazy.

Sure enough, when he heard that Hua Zhao did not persuade her, but agreed to her divorce and asked her to go home immediately, Ye Shu calmed down and said, "Okay, I'll buy a plane ticket right now."

"Remember to bring a nanny, a bodyguard and the children. Don't rush back with three children alone. You can't take care of them on the road alone. If something happens, you won't be able to cry." Hua said. Zhaodao.

Ye Shu breathed a sigh of relief. She really didn't care about anything she had thought about before. She loaded the child into the car and took her away, heading straight to the airport.

But Hua Zhao is right, the child is the oldest, so there can't be any mistakes, so take an hour to pack things.

Hua Zhao comforted Ye Shu a few more words, and Ye Shu hurriedly packed his things and hung up the phone.

Hua Zhao immediately called Yao Kun, but no one answered the phone.

Hua Zhao called the Yao family's bodyguard Yuan Wu again.

Yuan Wu used to be Ye Shen's bodyguard in Country M and knew a lot about him and Hua Zhao. At least Yuan Wu knew that Hua Zhao had killed many people.

Even Miao Lanzhi didn't know this.

Ye Shen, "Su Heng" disappeared, his property was gone, and the bodyguards were also dispersed. However, these people dispersed without knowing anything. Those who knew more or less were "collected" by Hua Zhao. Put it in your own industry.

It is protection and monitoring.

If Maury Dylan investigates one day, she will be able to know and protect them immediately.

The hole they dug for Maury Dylan was not small. It was like a sinkhole. Mori still hasn't climbed out.

After losing so many secret weapons, he was investigated by the above.

Not to mention the investigation, his company was also sanctioned overtly or covertly, and his huge family business was divided among other peers.

He only tried his best to save the last bit.

Even so, he was working hard to make money and hire people to investigate what happened back then.

Not knowing how his investigation went, Hua Zhao felt that she should "see" him when she had time and do something.

Take some initiative. You can't wait until someone touches the door of your home to find out.

Hua Zhao's thoughts only lasted for a moment. The phone was connected and Yuan Wu's voice came: "Boss."

Although he is the bodyguard of the Yao family, his salary is paid by the group. Hua Zhao is the largest shareholder of the group, and of course his boss.

"Where is Yao Kun?" she asked.

Yuan Wu glanced at Yao Kun not far away and said, "At Mr. Yao's cemetery."

Hua Zhao was surprised: "Isn't he coming out yet?"

"Probably not." Yuan Wu said: "Mr. Yao Kun has always been very strong, taking care of his father, wife and daughter. This is his first visit after burying Mr. Yao.

"Maybe it's because I just had another quarrel with Mrs. Ye and I'm in a bad mood." Yuan Wudao.

"Do you know why they were quarreling? And what happened to Xie Liena?" Hua Zhao asked.

Yuan Wu paused and said: "Just yesterday, Mr. Yao was resting and suddenly received a call from his work unit. He went to the office and didn't come back very late.

"The madam couldn't be reached on the phone, so she took us over to find him. Then we saw Mr. Yao and Xie Liena in the lounge of his office, without clothes..."

"Was Yao Kun sober at the time? Was he drunk? Comatose? Didn't he wear any clothes at all? Including underwear?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Sober, not drunk, not unconscious, not wearing anything, including underwear." Yuan Wu answered quickly.

Hua Zhao's hand was weak for a moment, could it be a real blow?

"But the husband didn't admit it. He said that he accidentally soiled his clothes and was taking a shower, and then Selena got in without knowing why."

Yuan Wu said: "But Xie Lena was not wearing any clothes at that time, including underwear, and the room was still in a mess...

"The madam didn't believe him, so she beat the husband to a bloody head, broke one of his ribs, and fractured his hand... Mr. Yao has now sneaked out of the hospital."

Hua Zhao......

"Do you think Yao Kun and Xie Liena are in normal situations? How were they at that time? What did they really have?" Hua Zhao asked.

Don't underestimate these bodyguards. When they go out, they observe their surroundings. When they are at home, they observe their employers.

Moreover, Yao Kun could hide some things from his family and Ye Shu, but he couldn't hide some things from the bodyguards around him.

They are best at observing clues and suspicious situations.

So Yuan Wu's words may be very pertinent.

"I think Mr. Yao and Xie Liena were a little close before. They talked and laughed and had a good relationship, but there was absolutely no substantive relationship. Mr. Yao was under our sight 24 hours a day."

Yuan Wu said: "It's just that yesterday was special. The husband answered the phone and left in a hurry. He didn't bring a bodyguard. The driver who followed him to the unit didn't enter his office. He waited in the car and didn't know anything."

Without seeing it with his own eyes, he doesn't know anything.

Man, he understands.

Whether Yao Kun does something to feel sorry for Ye Shu or not is normal. He is both a man and he understands...

Knowing that Yao Kun and Xie Liena had no substantial relationship before, Hua Zhao's mood was restored by half.

"Give him the phone and I'll ask him." Hua Zhao said.

Yuan Wu walked over and handed the phone to Yao Kun, who was in a daze.

Yao Kun glanced at the phone, his eyes lit up, and he asked, "Mrs.'s?"

"No." Yuan Wudao.

Yao Kun's eyes suddenly dimmed, and he said feebly: "Don't give it to me, don't accept it."

"It's the boss's," Yuan Wudao said.

Yao Kun.....

He took a deep breath and took the phone with his good hand.

"Tell me, have you slept with Xie Liena?" Hua Zhao asked straight to the point.

"Of course not!" Yao Kun said immediately.

"That's okay, I believe you this time." Hua Zhao said.

Yao Kun was so moved that he almost cried. If Ye Shu trusted him so much, why would it hurt him to take a breath and sit here crying?

He felt so aggrieved inexplicably that he ignored the small flaw "this time".

"What's going on?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I received a call from my work unit saying that there was a problem with an order handed over by Xie Liena. The goods written on the order were different from what we produced. The other party sent a lawyer's letter asking us to pay a huge amount of liquidated damages, more than 30 million yuan. I went over to take a look. look...."

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