Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1496 The medicine doesn’t work

Ye Ming knew that Hua Zhao had an independent company overseas and helped her with some "little things."

Buy some collectibles that have been exiled overseas, or foreign collections, and take care of some land, farms, and manors.

Buy some "small company" stocks or something.

When it comes to litigation, Hua Zhao must use a lawyer he can trust.

Indeed, Hua Zhao now doesn’t even believe Yao Ji’s legal department.

She has now seen the contract details faxed over, and they are full of loopholes!

Although those loopholes are very advanced, the lawyers in the legal department cannot fail to spot them all.

Either their business is really bad, or they have been bribed.

I haven't paid attention to Yao Ji for several years and let Yao Kun and Yao An manage it. These two people are not good enough.

"Okay, speed up, I'll wait for your news." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Ming nodded and left.

Hua Zhao didn't even have time to ask how Wang Feifei's matter was being handled.

But compared with her sister being poisoned, Wang Feifei and all that are just a cloud.

Hua Zhao asked Ye Shu to sit while she went to prepare medicine for Ye Shu.

Although I don’t know what the toxin is yet, let’s drink a cup of essence first! See if it has any effect.

After drinking a cup of dark, not very unpleasant Chinese medicine, Ye Shu suddenly felt refreshed.

But this feeling only lasted for an hour, and I felt uncomfortable all over.

Before Hua Zhao said she was sick, she didn't think she was sick.

Although they are always in a bad mood, have a bad temper, are a little tired, and it hurts sometimes, aren’t middle-aged people like this?

But now Hua Zhaoyi said that she was sick or poisoned, and she felt out of sorts.

Hua Zhao checked her pulse again and found that the pulse condition was almost the same as before, with almost no change.

What a domineering poison!

You must know that although her green plant essence cannot bring the dead back to life, it can definitely treat ordinary injuries.

It can detoxify half of the cobra's venom!

It has little effect here.

More powerful essence? Golden? Red?

Hua Zhao shook his head inwardly.

After years of experiments, she has discovered that the golden and red essence cannot be used by healthy people. They are fine and have no organs that need to be repaired. When the energy of the essence is released, there is no place to carry it, which is a bad thing.

Several white mice in the experiment exploded and died.

Hua Zhao was so frightened that he quickly told Ye Shen and Ye Ming that the contents of the pendant could not be used until he was critically ill.

Otherwise, he will be critically ill.

Now the green essence is useless, and the prescriptions in ancient books that claim to be able to cure hundreds of poisons are useless. Hua Zhao is at a loss what to do for a while.

Study secretly.

Check the information and find out what new poisons in the world can cause people to have symptoms like Ye Shu.

If she continues to develop, the meridians throughout her body will be blocked, and then one day, she will suddenly die.

No cause can be found.

However, such evil things will not be found for a while.

Ye Fang came to the door.

As expected, the hospital's machines were backward, and the samples left in the hospital found nothing wrong. Judging from various indicators, Ye Shu was in very good health.

"Don't worry, I have an idea now. My sister just took medicine and feels better." Hua Zhao said.

"Yeah." Ye Shu nodded, feeling better after a while. Hua Zhao's words really worked.

"That's good." Ye Fang breathed a sigh of relief.

What people fear most when they get old is that people with white hair will send people with black hair...

Bah bah bah! Ye Shu just got a little poisoned, and with Hua Zhao here, he will definitely be cured!

She cared about Ye Shu's life, why she came back from farming, and tried to persuade her.

Dabao, Xiaobao and Xiaomei were very happy to see this great aunt when they came back from studying with their cousins ​​for a day.

Although they rarely see Ye Fang, they can see that Ye Fang really likes them, so they are very close to Ye Fang.

Seeing the ten children who filled the room at once, Ye Fang laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth.

She is old... Although she is not very old yet, she has already reached the age of being a grandmother.

As a result, her son failed to live up to expectations and didn't even have a partner.

She couldn't help but complain once she remembered it.

"What on earth is Qin Zhuo doing over there? So busy that he doesn't even have time to have sex?" Ye Fang asked Hua Zhao.

"It's quite busy. Now Pengcheng is developing better. Real estate projects are becoming more and more popular, and intermediaries are even more popular. He is so busy that he never touches the ground." Hua Zhao said.

But there is definitely a tight schedule for dating, but it depends on whether Qin Zhuo wants to.

Qin Zhuo obviously didn't want to.

He was once bitten by a snake and was afraid of ropes for ten years. Now every woman looks like a liar.

"No matter how busy you are, you have to go home during the New Year! Don't even think about running away during the New Year this time." Ye Fang said to Hua Zhao, "This time you have to help me keep an eye on him and cover for him. Auntie is not done with you."

"Oops!" Ye Shu suddenly exclaimed: "Auntie! How did you become such a person?"

Ye Fang was stunned, but also shook her head and smiled bitterly, yes, she never imagined that she would become like the second sister-in-law.

If nothing happens, force your son to get married.

"He is over 30 years old, and he has never even talked to a partner! Can I not be anxious?" Ye Fang said: "I asked him to come back to see a doctor, but he didn't do it. Is there something wrong with him? Really, what's wrong with this kid? They also avoid treating diseases and treat them if they have any problems, and they can always be cured.

She raised her head with some embarrassment and asked Hua Zhao: "Do you have that kind of medicine?"

Hua Zhao....

I'm so speechless, I want to laugh but I dare not.

In order to save face, Qin Zhuo begged his brothers not to tell his parents about his relationship with a liar. He felt embarrassed.

As a result, Ye Fang didn't understand him very much and thought he had some hidden illness.

Hua Zhao can't explain it either.

"Ahem, there must be medicine. If he needs it, he can come to me at any time." Hua Zhao said.

"That's good." Ye Shu felt relieved and asked Hua Zhao: "Have you secretly checked his pulse? How was it?"

"Well, I haven't thought about this before. He has always been in good health and has never been diagnosed. I will touch him next time I see him." Hua Zhao said.

"That's good, that's good, I'll leave him to you." Ye Fang was relieved.

Hua Zhao would not worry about the children in her family, no matter how big or small they were.

Seeing several children having fun in the yard, Ye Fang looked envious: "If Qin Zhuo had gotten married earlier, his children would have been all over the place by now... If he had gotten married earlier, he could have had two more! It's better now..."

"Find a partner first, and we'll talk about the rest later." Ye Shu said with a smile.

She had always had a good relationship with Qin Zhuo, and they usually called and wrote letters, so she knew what was going on with Qin Zhuo.

It doesn't matter if you are physically sick.

But it’s time to get over this hurdle in my heart. My aunt is right. It’s not cool not to get married after you are over 30.

He is now the only one in the family who is in trouble. Ye Tao has found the person he likes and got married in the past two years.

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