Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1513 Going to Hong Kong City

Liu Yuegui asked as soon as she entered the door: "Where is Qin Zhuo? I called his home and he wasn't there. Is he at your place?"

Hua Zhao shook his head: "He hasn't been here for the past two days. He is busy packing up his new home."

Immediately, he saw Ding Xinyue's mouth pout, and then quickly straightened it out.

"I went to my new home too. General Tie was guarding the door, but there was no one there." Liu Yuegui said.

"Second aunt has something to do with him?" Hua Zhao asked.

Liu Yuegui said angrily: "Of course there is something! About the blind date! You all don't care about it. Didn't he come back for the blind date? Why has he disappeared? Is he a liar? I just said that this kid had a fight with Ye An before. An idea, what are these young people thinking?

"My wife and children don't eat people, is it that scary?"

Liu Yuegui was very resentful.

Although Ye An is married, it is a fake marriage, just like she is not married. She is "sick" and has not been actively treated. She will not be able to give birth to a child in her life. She is angry and worried.

Qin Zhuo is even more outrageous than Ye An. He doesn’t want to get married even if he’s not sick!

"Second Aunt, you have wronged Qin Zhuo this time. He is looking for a partner." Hua Zhao said.

"Huh?" Liu Yuegui asked curiously: "How can he find him? Are his classmates and friends old? Oh, his classmates also have younger family members..."

This is now the main scope for young people to find their own partners.

"No." Hua Zhao said with a smile: "He went to the streets to choose Shanghai."

"What?" Liu Yuegui blinked and said she didn't understand.

"Recruiting by the way." Hua Zhao found out the recruitment advertisement that Qin Zhuo had shown her before and asked her to check it. Hua Zhao said it was OK, so he printed a lot and went to the school gate to find a partner. No, he handed out flyers.

"This, this..." Liu Yuegui looked at the flyer and was speechless for a moment.

"Is this reliable? You don't know the origin. What do you see when you see it on the street? Look at your face? This is no good, it's too superficial." Liu Yuegui said: "There are many aspects to consider when marrying a wife, two Only if the individual’s personality and family are comparable.”

Although the Ye family has a family motto of free love, and a man can have any kind of wife, there are not many people who are truly free in love.

Except for Hua Zhao and Ye Shen.

Other people's partners must be approved by their families after seeing them.

"But when marrying a wife, you have to look at her face first. If you can judge her face, if you think it's okay, it's not too late to get to know other things." Hua Zhao said.

"This is a bit, this is not good..." Liu Yuegui still felt that it was not working, but she couldn't say what was wrong.

But Qin Zhuo finally took action and seemed to really plan to find a partner to get married, so she smiled.

Only then did he see Hua Zhao and Ye Shu putting their luggage next to them, and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go to Hong Kong City." Hua Zhao said.

"Go to Hong Kong City..." Ding Xinyue said suddenly, her eyes sparkling, she hesitated twice before she could hold back, and said, "I want to see it too, but I haven't seen it yet."

She looked at Ye Shu with twinkling eyes, like an expectant little girl.

I have to say that Ding Xinyue is also very beautiful.

Ye Tao picked the most beautiful one among the many blind dates~

Ye Shu is an eldest aunt and has always been generous. She couldn't help but want to agree to such a trivial matter as taking a younger sibling shopping.

Hua Zhao suddenly said: "No."

There was another purpose for going to Hong Kong City this time. The Ye family could not be around them. She hadn't had time to tell Ye Shu about this yet.

Ding Xinyue immediately looked at Hua Zhao with tears in her eyes. This was the first time that she showed her "true face" that she didn't like her in public...

"Have you applied for a pass? You can't go without a pass." Hua Zhao said.

Ding Xinyue's tears suddenly got stuck in her eyes.

Liu Yuegui smiled and felt relieved in her heart. In other words, Hua Zhao had always been very good to her family. As long as Ding Xinyue didn't offend her, she would not embarrass Ding Xinyue.

"It's just that you don't have a pass to join in the fun." Liu Yuegui said: "And the port city is so far away, so it takes a week to come and go, right? You don't have any holidays now, so you don't want to work anymore?"

Ding Xinyue pouted again, this time she really couldn't go.

She murmured in a low voice: "I have never left the capital when I am this old."

Liu Yuegui immediately said: "Who said that? Have you ever visited Brother Tao? He is outside the capital."

Ding Xinyue....

Does her mother-in-law also hate others?

Hua Zhao and Ye Shu looked at each other, and they were about to drag their luggage and leave.

Liu Yuegui said again: "You two are going by yourself? Without the children?"

These two people always like to take their children with them wherever they go, regardless of whether the children are in school or not.

She didn't agree with this approach before, but she was surprised when the two of them stopped taking each other one day.

"No more. The children don't like it when we go shopping." Hua Zhao said, "We have to sneak away, otherwise it will be troublesome for them to follow if they find out."

Hua Zhao saw Fang Haixing who happened to come in and asked, "Is there anything going on over there, grandpa?"

Fang Haixing said: "No, I just came to get you a piece of fabric. One of the old man's coats is torn. I want to find a piece of material that was used to make the coat and mend it for him."

Fang Haixing may be used to mending fishing nets. Although he has only learned needlework for a few years, he is already in good shape. Especially when it comes to sewing, he can almost make it look like new without any traces being visible.

With this skill, I can make a living even when I go out.

Hua Zhao found the key to the warehouse and handed it to her, asking her to find it by herself.

"By the way, let me tell grandpa that I will be away for about seven days to half a month, give or take, and let him take care of the house." Hua Zhao said.

Fang Haixing showed a sincere smile.

The so-called letting Hua Qiang look after the house is just talk. There are so many bodyguards in this house, so there is no need for Hua Qiang to look after the house.

But the old man is afraid that he is useless, and hopes that he will be useful to his children. Hua Zhao said this, and Hua Qiang must be happy.

She was really lucky to meet these two grandsons.

"Be careful on the road and come back early." Fang Haixing couldn't help but say.

It was inappropriate for a nanny to say this, but Fang Haixing never thought of herself as a nanny.

Hua Qiang and Hua Zhao were her benefactors. They saved her life, gave her a home, and taught her how to live in peace...

She couldn't help but care about Hua Zhao and Hua Qiang, and wanted to show them her heart all the time.

Hua Zhao smiled and waved, so in this family, Fang Haixing, a nanny with a grassroots background, became the housekeeper.

When she was away, the nanny and children at home, as well as grandpa, were all under her charge.

Hua Zhao leaves.

Fang Haixing entertained Liu Yuegui and Ding Xinyue naturally.

Liu Yuegui thought it was normal and she was used to it.

Ding Xinyue felt uncomfortable all over, and she couldn't help but feel that this nanny had a better life than her! !

Living in such a big house, with a large separate room, a monthly salary of 500, plus a lot of bonuses.

Her monthly salary is only 250! These are all higher than ordinary people.

She is not willing to give in, she is going to Hong Kong City!

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