Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1515 It’s all because of them

Pan Lizhen lowered her face and said, "I don't know you."

But her expression was clearly one of recognition and hatred.

The port city is so big, the circle is so small, and the other party seems to be very rich, but also so good-looking....Who is it?

Everyone asked questions one after another.

Pan Lizhen didn't say anything, but took a newly selected small bag and walked away in a hurry.

The people behind her started discussing before she could walk away.

"Looking at her like that, she thought she was Mrs. Jin. Why is she so arrogant?"

"That's right, she's just a name in name now. I heard that Kevin Jin hasn't entered her house for several years."

"I also heard that Jin Kevin's second son born outside the home is having a full moon today!"

"This is true, I even stuffed a red envelope into it."

Several women talked in gibberish, without caring about Pan Lizhen's face.

Who made Pan Lizhen always look down on them like a condescending young lady in the past? Everyone pushed her down. If she was in the first grade of junior high school, don't blame them in the fifteenth grade.

"Okay, okay, we are all the wives of the royal family. It would be sad if the rabbit dies and the fox dies." A woman spoke up to smooth things over.

When a mistress, a mistress, a mistress, a son, a son, or a son is born, they rob their son of his property. This is the most intolerable thing for them!

If a man robs him, he will rob him, but not the family property!

The laughter subsided, and someone said: "It's not anyone else's fault, it's all Pan Lizhen's fault. She was so stupid that she poisoned her own son and hurt her body. Of course she went out to find someone else to have a son."

Pan Lizhen had personally poisoned her two sons in order to frame Hua Zhao.

Although the poison was cured, it left serious sequelae. Now both children are very sick. They often go to the hospital and cannot even go to school.

How can such a person inherit the family business?

It is not certain whether such a person will be able to give birth to a son when he grows up.

For this kind of people, this is useless.

Of course Kevin Jin is going to be reborn.

And he was tired of seeing Pan Lizhen. He didn't divorce because he was afraid of dividing the family property, otherwise he would have dumped her by now.

Pan Lizhen didn't go far, step by step, like stepping on the tip of a knife, and heard their conversation clearly.

Her teeth bled from biting them down.

Was she the one who wanted to poison her? The idea came from Jin Kaiwen! How could she be willing to do something to her son if he didn't order her!

But outsiders didn't know this. Jin Kaiwen asked Pan Lizhen to take the blame, otherwise he would not care about the children and just find someone to kill her.

Pan Lizhen could only eat Coptis chinensis while being mute.

She suddenly raised her head and looked at the two figures walking in front.

It's all because of them...

If Ye Shu obediently married her, they would definitely treat you well now, hello, me, everyone, and she would treat them well when they came to Hong Kong City.

It's because of Hua Zhao...

If she had taken out the antidote earlier... No, she clearly knew their plan. If she had come out to stop it earlier, things would not have turned out like this.

Now they actually come to Hong Kong City, which is really great.

Pan Lizhen followed Hua Zhao and Ye Shu and followed them back to the hotel.

Then he drove away.

She returned home, and as soon as she entered the door, she heard the screams of her two sons upstairs.

It seemed that he was beating and scolding a Filipino maid.

She immediately asked the housekeeper dissatisfied: "What's wrong? Who made the young masters unhappy again?"

The housekeeper lowered his head and said, "It was Ali who washed the curtains. The eldest young master thought the sun was too bright."

Pan Lizhen frowned and said, "Is there just one pair of curtains at home? If you take off one pair, why don't you put another one on? Do you want to dazzle the young master in the eyes?!"

The housekeeper lowered his head and said, "The previous one was cut off by the second young master. You haven't given it to the family this month, so you haven't had time to buy a new one."

Pan Lizhen choked, paused for a few seconds, turned around without saying anything and stomped upstairs.

Jin Kaiwen provides the family's living expenses every month. After all, his four children still live in this house. Although two of them are disabled, they are still children.

He didn't even give him a small amount of living expenses. He said that the people who were thrown away were also his people. He was so poor that he withheld his children's food rations.

Every month he would ask his secretary to send money to Pan Lizhen.

But Pan Lizhen has recently become obsessed with playing cards...and she is not very lucky. She cannot increase revenue and can only reduce expenditure.

Pan Lizhen passed by her son's open door and turned a blind eye to the scene of the two sons punching and kicking a thin maid inside, and went directly back to her room.

Her two sons were both sick and weak, and they had little strength and could not be hurt even after being beaten a few times.

When she returned to her room, she opened the safe directly.

After enduring it for a long time, I finally took out the jewelry box at the bottom.

Opening it, there was an imperial green bracelet inside. It was an heirloom of the Jin family. It was given to her by her mother-in-law on the day she married Jin Kaiwen. Not to mention priceless, it was worth millions. In addition, her net worth has doubled several times in the past few years. .

She couldn't bear it.

But she had nothing else, having sold everything before.

Pan Lizhen gritted her teeth, thinking about her son, thinking about herself, thinking about Jin Kevin who had not entered this house for several years, and thinking about the huge wealth of the Jin family, she stuffed the jewelry box into her bag and went out.


Ye Shu returned to the room and asked Hua Zhao: "Someone was following us just now, did you see it?"

"Follow me straight away without even trying to hide. I don't think you can even see her." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

"Who is it? What are you doing?" Ye Shu asked curiously: "Look, she looks pretty good, she is still a woman, why is she following us sneakily?"

Pan Lizhen had a grudge against them, but she also knew how to hide it. She was wearing big sunglasses and a big silk scarf just now, but Ye Shu didn't recognize her.

Hua Zhao recognized it, after all, she had good ears, and she heard others criticize Pan Lizhen.

She has been paying attention to the situation of the Jin family and knows that she is living a miserable life.

But knowing and seeing are completely different, and it’s still nice to see.

It might feel better in a while.

Sneaky and uneasy at first glance.

It just so happens that she has something to do with the Jin family~

"I think that figure looks like Pan Lizhen." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Shu exclaimed: "Oh! It's really her when you say so. What does she want to do? Seek revenge from us?"

She couldn't think of anything else.

The way she was following her didn't look like she was doing anything else.

Ye Shu said, with anger in his eyes.

The Jin family had designed to trick her and her son before, but she didn't even ask them to settle the score, so they weren't finished yet?

Come on then!

Everyone attacks her, does she look like a weakling?

"Don't take action this time... No, just look at me and try to let me do it!" Ye Shu rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'm so angry! I need to vent!"

But she also knew that in the past few years, she had been pampered and her skills had fallen behind.

Unlike Hua Zhao, I heard he is even more powerful.

"Come on, let's compete first and let me see what you are capable of." Ye Shu said.

Hua Zhao was not polite and jumped up from the bed, and the two started gesticulating in the room.

She deliberately gave in and fought with Ye Shu to vent her energy.

Ten minutes later, Ye Shu collapsed on the ground and gasped.

"I feel relieved this time," she said.

The next day, the two continued shopping.

Sure enough, he was followed again.

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