Everyone looked at O'Neal, using a woman's money to buy jewelry for another woman. This is really a big scumbag.

But this old woman looks familiar.

Susanna is in her 40s, while Europeans and Americans in their 40s tend to lose their looks. In addition, Susanna is wearing big sunglasses, so no one recognizes her.

O'Neill stared at Susanna closely and said: "Sister! When is this? It's just a small amount of money. I don't have the check with me, otherwise I wouldn't need you!"

O'Neill seemed to explain to everyone.

Everyone looked at him in a better light. It turned out to be his sister, not the rich woman who supported him, which was okay.

But Suzanne understood, and the focus was only on the first sentence.

She almost let it slip.

After the excitement, Susanna couldn't argue with O'Neal and could only hand him the check.

The store manager quickly took it and called the bank himself to check.

After some operations, Hua Zhao got her jewelry.

"Thank you." Hua Zhao smiled at O'Neal.

O'Neill suddenly laughed: "You saved my life, I just give you something, as long as you like it."

This sentence is also meant for Susanna, I think he spends money indiscriminately!

Susanna didn't seem to hear anything and stared at Hua Zhao as if she wanted to say something.

Hua Zhao has already taken Ye Shu and is about to leave.

Suzanne chased out and followed her.

"Is something wrong, Miss Susanna?" Hua Zhao asked.

Now that she asked, Susanna said it bluntly: "Do you remember the man you met at my house a few years ago? The man who married me! Have you seen him in the past few years?"

Susanna's eyes went back and forth between Hua Zhao and Ye Shu.

One was a woman who gave birth to a woman who looked very similar to Su Heng, and the other was a woman who had a conversation with him. Now that the two of them are standing together, they have never seen the same person?

O'Neill was talking to the store manager inside and came out a little late. As soon as he came out, he heard Susanna ask this, which made him stagger and almost trip.

He stared at Susanna, why did he ask so directly? ? What about detours? Secretly? What about secretly? What about strategy? ?

You shouldn't have brought her here!

Hua Zhao glanced at Susanna in confusion, and then suddenly said: "You said that the man who rejected you in public has never been seen."

Susanna suddenly frowned and looked at the two of them with disbelief.

If she met her alone, she would definitely believe it, but when she was with Ye Shu and said this again, she didn't believe it.

She really wanted to ask Ye Shu directly why your child looked so much like Su Heng.

Fortunately, she still has some sense.

O'Neill had already rushed over and dragged Susanna away.

But he turned back and said with a smile: "Miss Fang, let's go back to the hotel together."


Hua Zhao waved, and five new cars rolled over, all driven by her bodyguards.

"Thank you so much, Mr. O'Neill, for giving me so many cars today." After that, she smiled at Susanna, got into the first car and left.

Susanna's nose was twisted with anger.

"You actually gave her a car and paid so much for it! What a greedy woman!" Susanna said angrily.

Watching the first car drive away, she became even more angry and looked at O'Neill with some mockery: "And you spent so much money on her, but you don't even have the qualifications to ride in a car with her. She just wants to take advantage of you." Play like a fool."

In the past, Susanna liked her brother O'Neal very much and was quite afraid of him. O'Neal's status in the family and the organization was different.

But things are different now. She is the richest in the family, and O'Neal has to spend her money when he goes out to be a maid.

What checkbook didn't you bring? Even if I bring it, I don’t have that much money!

Money determines family status, and she was kicked out of the organization, so now Susanna is not afraid of O'Neal.

Just like a normal sister, she dares to hit and scold her younger brother.

"Shut up! You idiot!" O'Neal yelled.

He also dares to scold his sister like a normal younger brother.

"What do you know? She is a rich person, much richer than you! What's wrong with me spending some money on her? This little money is not taken seriously by others at all. Put away your distressed face and be careful. She saw it and laughed at you!" O'Neill said.

"How rich is she? Did she show you her family fortune?" Susanna didn't believe it, but she didn't scream so loudly.

"I just asked the manager of the jewelry store. The bracelet on Miss Fang's hand is worth more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars. As for Ye Shu, you know how rich she is."

O'Neal said: "Don't forget that we have another purpose, which is to take over Yao Ji?"

They poisoned Ye Shu, and then started to stumble Yao Ji from other places, hoping to disintegrate Yao Ji from within and then take the opportunity to annex him.

If Maury Dylan dies, the family's military-industrial business will also change hands. O'Neill and Susanna will no longer be able to afford the military-industrial business.

Can only do other things.

How difficult is it to start your own business and how risky is it? Might as well pick it up ready-made!

And Yao Ji, a group founded by Asians with a short history, is the easiest to target.

The previous steps were successful.

"It's the last moment. Watch your mouth! Don't piss them off!" O'Neill threatened.

Ye Shu should not be messed with. According to the effect of the medicine, she should have a bad temper. She might die suddenly if she gets angry one day.

The person who made her angry to death must not be them.

He couldn't mess with Hua Zhao either. He needed such a rich young lady very much now.

It turns out that everyone in the circle knows about their family, and it is not easy for him to marry a woman with a good family background.

Fortunately, God allowed him to meet Hua Zhao again.

Susanna just snorted, thought of something, and suddenly asked: "I haven't seen her for so many years, she must be old, right? She won't have been married long ago, right? Ha! Maybe she has several children! Don't be fooled. It’s a joke!”

When I met this Miss Fang before, she looked 18 years old, but now she still looks 18!

Looking at herself, she has changed from a beautiful woman to an old woman.

She was so angry!

"Probably not." O'Neill said: "Her body does not look like a child."

"Humph." Susanna did not deny this.

"Can't such an old rich lady get married? There must be something wrong!" She asked: "What should I do next? Continue to spend money on her? Spend your own money, and don't expect to get another penny from me!" And the 1.2 million from before, remember to pay me back within a year! Not even a penny less."

O'Neill waved her away irritably: "Just keep your mouth shut, don't ask random questions, just alert others, and leave the rest to me."

"I'm too lazy to ask." Susanna opened the car door and said to the driver politely: "Drive!"

One of Hua Zhao's bodyguards was waiting for them in a new car.

It’s okay to ride in a car that someone paid for.

O'Neill and Susanna had been talking loudly beside the car before, and they were not afraid of being overheard by the people in the car.

They all use Latin. Very few people know it. How can an Asian bodyguard understand it?

The bodyguard really doesn't understand, but he can record...


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