Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1523 Jumping into the sea

The fishing boat rushed straight towards them. Seeing that they did not run away, they all ran to the deck to watch the fun. One of the women even waved to them.

Fool, right?

Hua Zhao was actually directing the water plants all around to move, and they had already entangled themselves in the oars of the fishing boat rushing over.

Just a command from Hua Zhao can make it stop working.

The huge amount of seaweed scattered in the sea can even capsize a fishing boat if it dares to hit it.

But Hua Zhao felt that they did not dare.

I really don’t dare.

Seeing that they were not moving, the fishing boat quickly reduced its speed, turned a corner, and drove dangerously past the yacht.

Because the boat turned too sharply, the boat tilted hugely and almost capsized. A dozen people on the boat suddenly screamed in surprise.

When the boat sailed past and stabilized, more than a dozen people suddenly started to curse.

He was originally going to give the fat sheep a show of strength, but ended up making himself very embarrassed and embarrassed.

O'Neill tilted his head and looked at Hua Zhao. Is this why she stopped the ship? plan?

But the best strategy is the last of the thirty-six strategies, run!

I'm afraid it's too late to run now.

There was actually a fishing boat following behind the fishing boat.

This fishing boat looks broken, its performance seems to be poor, and its speed is slow, but it has come here now.

Two fishing boats circled around them, trapping them in place.

O'Neill frowned and looked at the bodyguards he had brought.

This is a mercenary, and now his face is livid.

The mission he took was obviously only B-level, and the money he received was B-level, but now he is blocked by two pirate ships. If the opponent is extremely vicious, he is S-level, and it will be difficult to survive!

"I want more money!" he said.

O'Neill immediately wanted to spit him out. If he said such words on the spot, wouldn't he reveal his identity in front of Hua Zhao?

He is not a bodyguard hired on a daily basis, but a temporary one and not very loyal.

He is so shameless!

O'Neal gritted his teeth and made a sign of agreement, then quickly turned back to look at Hua Zhao.

Fortunately, Hua Zhao didn't seem to notice his actions. She was still looking at the two fishing boats with interest.

"Stop turning, it's a waste of gas. If you have anything to do, stop and tell me." Hua Zhao took out a loudspeaker from somewhere and shouted in Cantonese.

The temporary pirates on both ships were very confused when they heard this.

This time the fat sheep is so kind-hearted and thinks about them...

They actually stopped the boat, one behind the other, and stopped in front of the yacht.

A sturdy fat man stood on the deck of the fishing boat with a gun in his hand. He pointed the gun at the people on the yacht.

"Except for these two women, everyone else jumped into the sea obediently. I am not interested in men!" Shao Dalong shouted.

Naturally, no one moved, and Hua Zhao's bodyguard suddenly took out his gun.

Although it is not as big as Shao Dalong's, nor as long as him, it is more refined and the accuracy is definitely higher than those of the opponent's that seem to be homemade.

Shao Dalong paused. I never heard that Fat Sheep has a gun!

I only heard that he was a rich man from mainland China! Isn’t this kind of thing not allowed in mainland China?

wipe! Scammed!

Now the opponent is no longer a fat sheep to be slaughtered. If they fight back, they may lose their lives!

Shao Dalong cherishes his life and never encounters hard problems. If he encounters it unexpectedly, he doesn't know what to do.

Let him put down his gun and leave now, and he won't have to mess around anymore.

But he didn't dare to shoot.

Hua Zhao smiled. Unexpectedly, Pan Lizhen found some cowards. Was she being tricked?

"What's your name?" Hua Zhao suddenly asked.

The beauty actually asked for her name, but Shao Dalong wasn't stupid... He didn't tell her.

"You don't need to know who I am! Now throw the money over and spare your life!" Shao Dalong shouted.

He didn't say that the woman stayed... He just planned to make some gas money and go back to settle the score with Pan Lizhen!

The really cowardly Hua Zhao couldn't even make a move.

This won't work, they have to take action.

"I don't need money, but I need a life. Come on, shoot." Hua Zhao said: "Let's see if it's yours..."

Before she could finish speaking, she suddenly pulled Ye Shu and jumped into the sea, sinking in an instant.

Before the other party could react, Jian Bai had already led someone to shoot.

Two people were killed in the blink of an eye.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

The people on the two fishing boats immediately fired back.

The bang bang bang bang sounds of gunfire were denser than firecrackers.

"Fuck!" O'Neill and the mercenary cursed at the same time. The two of them raised their guns to fight back while entering the cabin.

Li Lin, who was following Ye Shu, wanted to go in, but was suddenly pulled by Jian Bai and fell into the sea.

grass! Although he can swim, he is not very good at it! I won’t hold my breath!

Jian Bai didn't care, and jumped into the water with him and another bodyguard, hiding under the boat and shooting at each other from time to time.

I don’t know why there are so many seaweeds in this water area.

I didn't notice it before, but after the boat stopped, I realized that the water was pitch black, completely blocking the other party's sight so they couldn't take aim.

And not everyone on the other side has a gun. This thing is very expensive.

The other party drove a dilapidated fishing boat and obviously didn't have much money.

Only seven of them had homemade or old weapons in their hands.

Six of them were killed in the blink of an eye, and one was left.

Jian Bai didn't know why Hua Zhao asked him to leave a fat man like a leader and let him stand there and shoot randomly. What if she and Ye Shu were hurt?

But in the end he chose to believe Hua Zhao.

His current task is to "take care of" Li Lin.

I didn't expect that Li Lin was not good at water, so that was just right.

Li Lin didn't stay underwater for long before he had to go up for air. He was unlucky and there weren't many aquatic plants around him.

So Shao Dalong saw the place where he was hiding with sharp eyes, and suddenly he was so angry that he shot at him with bang bang bang.

Li Lin was not spared. He was shot in the head and sank quickly.

Shao Dalong also has no bullets.

Fortunately, if the opponent is flooded, the water gun cannot be used normally.

It's just that the two in the cabin are more difficult to deal with.

Then don't bother.

"Let's go, let's go!" Shao Dalong shouted quickly.

In fact, someone was sailing the boat without him shouting, but both boats were anchored and could not start.

"No, the propeller is stuck with something, and the engine is going to die!" someone shouted.

"Damn it!" Shao Dalong cursed angrily and wanted to paddle away.

But this is a fully motorized fishing boat and there are no oars for him to row.

Jian Bai and another bodyguard rushed onto a boat and kicked the remaining people into the sea with three strikes.

And Hua Zhao has returned to the yacht.

Taking a sea bath in the middle of winter is really not something that most people can bear.

Even if she could bear it, Ye Shu couldn't. Her upper teeth were knocked out and her lower teeth were knocked out.

She took Yeshu back to the cabin to change clothes.

By the way, he chased O'Neal away: "What's going on with these people outside? Why are they looking for us? Go and ask."

O'Neill stood on the deck, looking at these people in the sea with a headache.

He killed someone.

It's a small thing, he's been killing people since he was little.

But he's killing people here and it's troublesome.

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