Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1536 Buying indiscriminately

Although the other half-bet materials are also good, they cannot be compared with the imperial green.

However, "Emperor Green" is now in other hands, and they can only look at other products.

Hua Zhao was watching too.

"Boss, I want this." She pointed at a half-bet item.

There is a sign underneath the material with the weight and base price written on it., 800,000.

"Is anyone bidding?" Zhang Liang asked.

No one said anything for a while. The material performed well and the price of 800,000 was slightly higher.

"If not, then it's a deal." Zhang Liang said.

Everyone was stunned again. This new boss Zhang is really hot-tempered. Don't you know how to wait a little longer? Maybe you can sell it for more money.

But this is also a good thing for them. After a while, they see something and find him quickly to seal the deal.

Hua Zhao asked someone to explain to Zhang Liang's assistant, while she directed someone to explain the stone.

There are many stone-breaking machines on site.

This thing is explained quickly, fix it, start the electric saw, and the stone is like tofu, you can cut it how you want.

"How to cut it?" asked the old master in charge of cutting the stone.

"Grind, grind off all the skin." Hua Zhao said.

This is also another way to solve stones, usually used on small materials.

The material weighing 11 pounds is not that big.

The window of the material was also opened, and you could see that the skin was not thick. The master picked it up skillfully and polished it in a few minutes.

An experienced master craftsman can polish the stone skin cleanly according to the feel of the hand without damaging the jade flesh inside.

While grinding and flushing, the stone was freed and the situation inside became clear.

It turned out to be a piece of high-ice material with floating flowers!

There was a sound of inhalation all around.

The window was actually opened in the worst-performing area, where it looked waxy and dark green.

As long as the dark green is not the best, its value is not very high. It is pitch black and not liked by women, unless it is made of glass.

But it happens to be a waxy variety, so 800,000 yuan is really expensive.

But who knew the performance inside would be so good!

The high-ice species, Floating Flowers, have a good foundation, so even if they only have a little floating color, the color grade has improved, and they are common and top-quality.

800,000, a huge loss.

Among this pile of semi-gambling materials, there is more than just skin green.

Otherwise, they all rely on green skin, which is very strange.

And there must be a few good ones for everyone to see, in order to stimulate their consumption.

Trapping Jin's family is one of today's goals, and half of it has been completed.

Their other purpose is really to sell woolen materials and make money.

Bringing so much wool here is not just for fun.

"Miss, I'll offer you 5 million to sell this material to me!" Zhou Wenxuan said immediately.

"Five million, Zhou Sheng is too stingy, our director paid 6 million!"

"You are not generous, I will pay you 8 million!"

In a blink of an eye, the price soared to 10 million.

The ordinary guests who come to gamble on stones are very excited. This is what they come here to see! But it’s best for the protagonist to be yourself.

Even more excited than them was Susanna.

She kept asking what happened to the translator. What was going on? Did the stone that Hua Zhao bought sell for 10 million in a blink of an eye?

This is more exciting than gambling!

Moreover, there is no gambling skill, no problem of cheating, no fear of being cheated, it all depends on luck!

This is good!

Susanna's face turned red with excitement as she looked at the stones all over the place.

She seems to have found a way to turn over...

The price stopped when it reached 10 million, leaving only Zhou Wenxuan, the highest bidder, while the others seemed to have given up.

Such a 10-pound piece of material, no matter how good it is, is limited. I can only cut out a few bracelets, a few brands and a bunch of leftover materials.

No matter how high it is, they will have no profit margin.

"I will offer 10.01 million." Jin Yinghua looked at Hua Zhao and said.

He was confident and agreed that they would have the right of first refusal.

"Okay, deal." Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Wenxuan was a little confused. Are all mainlanders so impatient?

"Miss Fang, I still want to bid." He said.

Hua Zhao has just introduced herself, her surname is Fang.

The Jin family only thought that she wanted to keep a low profile and did not want to reveal her true identity to the outside world. With her identity, she really should keep a low profile, so they did not say anything to expose her.

"Next time, let's give it to Mr. Jin this time." Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Wenxuan looked at her and then at Jin Yinghua, and he really couldn't understand the relationship between the two.

"Okay, I wish Miss Fang a lot of luck in betting today," he said.

The ingredients are not cut into slices, so it’s hard to tell what the inside is like. Maybe it’s cracked in the middle, has moss on it, or has mutated or something like that. You still have to bet on it.

The real ingredients are cut into slices, which is the safest way.

For this thing in front of you, you still have to bet a little bit, 10 million is the ceiling, and even if it is consistent inside and outside, you will only make two to three million in the finished product.

Forget it, just give it to the Jin family.

Jin Yinghua has also thought of this, but he doesn't mind the lack of money now, even two to three million.

He continued to stare at Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao left the half gambling area and went to the full gambling area.

Many of the ingredients at Zhang Liang's place are priced at a fixed price. If you want them, you can put them in the cart and go to the checkout without bidding.

This one is more popular with everyone. Although hidden markings can be simple, there is also the possibility of being missed.

It's better to do it this way.

So it's very lively here.

Hua Zhao also started the buying and selling mode, loading one car after another.

Jin Kaiwen was a little anxious: "Are you all buying here? Why don't you go look elsewhere? I know that several other companies have taken out heirlooms at the bottom of the box. The probability of betting on the price is very high!"

Hua Zhao guessed right. The Jin family had already negotiated with several wool dealers and asked them to double the good stuff at the bottom of the box five or six times. He would buy it at ten times the price!

But he has to pay him 80% of the difference in price.

Everyone he approached agreed to it.

The materials at the bottom of the box are also for sale, so it is certainly a good thing to be able to sell them for more money.

Hua Zhao glanced at Jin Kevin: "What do you care about what I buy? Is it your fault if the bet goes down?"

One sentence shut up Jin Kaiwen.

Yesterday, it was indeed agreed that Hua Zhao would gamble on the stones, deconstruct the stones, and sell the results to them.

As for which piece to buy, they have no rules.

But the heirlooms of several other wool dealers are really good things. If the bet goes up, Hua Zhao will make a profit, right?

Isn’t it good to turn 50 million into 500 million?

It's not good for her to buy randomly and lose everything in one go!

The Jin family thought of everything, but they didn't expect Hua Zhao to "buy randomly", which was equivalent to throwing money away.

Although 50 million is designated for consumption, it is possible to change it to more.

Who would buy randomly?

But just now, the way Hua Zhao casually loaded the car was like buying indiscriminately.

"Check out." Hua Zhao said to Boss Zhang.

Zhang Liang spoke the dialect of his hometown and looked at Hua Zhao happily: "Boss, do you need delivery service? Where to deliver? I'll pay for the shipping!"

"No need to send it away, it will be unlocked on the spot." Hua Zhaohao said angrily: "If the bet goes up, sell it for money, and if the bet goes down, throw it away."

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