Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1558 Cooperation Negotiated

The cooperation talks went very smoothly, and Hua Zhao was left empty-handed. Well, Hua Zhao also paid some price and exchanged 51% of Zhou Ji's shares.

That 1% was given to them on their own initiative.

For this reason, Hua Zhao decided not to cheat them and sell the raw materials to them cheaper.

Anyway, in the end, he made money and got half of her points, so his family would not cheat his own family.

The Zhou family’s grandparents are also very satisfied.

Without Hua Zhao, they would be a small family surviving among the major jewelers in Hong Kong City.

If you have just squeezed into the top class, you will be squeezed out one day. You only need to gamble once, or you can't buy good materials for a year, and your reputation is ruined, and it will be worse than the previous year.

But it's different now. With Hua Zhao's support behind them, they are number one!

The money earned is ten times or even a hundred times as much as before.

So what if 51% is divided? They still earn more than they do now and are still secure.

It’s great to enjoy the shade with your back against a big tree.

They couldn't find the big tree before, but now the big tree has moved here on its own.

They are really lucky!

The grandfather and grandson came out of the cave smiling as if they had picked up money.

The Zhou family members waiting in the room behind the tree saw it immediately and felt completely relieved.

In fact, they didn't worry too much at first. After entering the room, they didn't encounter anything like this. Instead, they were invited to sit down and given a cup of tea.

This kind of courtesy is reassuring.

Within an hour of doing it, the Zhou family’s grandparents also came out.

The two of them walked to the door with their hearts in their stomachs. The expressionless security guard just glanced at them without stopping them, and they went out with confidence.

Hua Zhao took a few more people to a restaurant on the island, hosted a seafood feast, and then sent them off the boat.

As for the specific contract, lawyers will handle it afterwards, and now they can leave.

When it was time to take the medicine, Hua Zhao did not send the person out personally, but just asked the bodyguard to sail the person away.

After drinking another ml of antidote, Ye Shu felt better and better and wanted to go home.

"I miss my children. I haven't seen them for almost a month!" Ye Shu looked at Hua Zhao strangely: "Now I wish I could grow wings and fly back to the capital! But I see how you look so calm, don't you want to? ?”

"I think so." Hua Zhao smiled and said, "But I'm used to it. I was always separated from them for a while before.

"And I am training myself. There will always be a time when the child grows up and his wings become stiff and he flies away. If I don't adapt in advance, I will be sad to death by then?"

"Or she might become a very controlling mother-in-law." Hua Zhao trembled: "That's too scary. I don't want to become that kind of mother-in-law."

"You think so far." Ye Shu was speechless, but he had to admit that what Hua Zhao said made sense.

"But I just want to go home now, okay?" she asked.

Whether she can go home in this body is still up to Hua Zhao.

"Wait for two more days and calm down. You have just come back from the line of death. You have been tired from traveling and traveling. In addition, you are excited to see the children. You should wait a little longer." Hua Zhao said: "You are most afraid of excitement now. .”

"Okay." Ye Shu covered his chest and said to calm himself down.

Not to mention, when Hua Zhao said this, she really felt that her heartbeat had accelerated a little bit due to the little excitement just now, and now she felt a little out of breath.

"Relax, relax." Hua Zhao said, "They are all fine at home. They can't run away, so don't get excited."

Ye Shu calmed down after a few minutes. She is also a person with excellent psychological quality.

And the antidote really works.

Ye Shu now no longer feels irritable or dull every day. She is always excited or inexplicably sad. She is happy with everything she sees.

"But I feel so bored after staying on the island for so many days. I want to go ashore, to a crowded and lively place! I want to see Aunt Guilan, and I want to eat her delicious food! We are now Just go!" Ye Shu said.

Hua Zhao thought for a moment and said, "Okay."

Because she had to take full care of Ye Shu, she didn't go to see Zhang Guilan when she came to Pengcheng.

And Zhang Guilan has never been to this island.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shu packed up, and when the yacht came back, they took the boat out of the island.

The sky has gradually darkened.

The yacht parked directly at a small pier on the seaside. Not far away was the night market where Zhang Guilan set up a stall.

Although she opened a very famous and high-end private restaurant.

But she has also made a name for herself as a night market food stall, and now earns several thousand yuan and nearly 10,000 yuan in profit every day, and she is reluctant to give up.

So this food stall has continued and is very popular with local diners.

This is because there is no Internet, otherwise this would definitely be a place for Internet celebrities to check in.

Zhang Guilan still maintains her previous style of cooking, cooking clams herself.

Now a spicy fried clam has become her signature dish. Many people have eaten her fried clams, but they don't taste the same when they eat other people's fried clams.

Now every customer at the table will order this spicy fried clam.

Zhang Guilan was so busy that she didn't even have time to wipe her sweat.

Ye Shu and Hua Zhao had been standing nearby and watching for a while. Ye Shu couldn't help but said, "Is this okay? Are you too tired? Look at the sweat on Auntie's face."

She felt distressed when she saw it, and quickly took out her handkerchief to wipe Zhang Guilan's sweat.

But before he got close to Zhang Guilan, he was stopped.

Zhang Guilan is accompanied by two bodyguards.

Although Zhang Guilan is over 40 this year, with the support of Huazhao's various nutritional products, health products, and cosmetics, she is as beautiful as if she was over 30.

The key is not youth, but good foundation, good facial features, and a good figure.

There are always some idle men pretending to be crazy under the pretense of drinking and trying to take advantage of others.

The two bodyguards do nothing else every day. They sit at the table closest to Zhang Guilan and observe every guest.

Women are not spared either.

There were a few wives of men who often came to Zhang Guilan's food stalls who came to make trouble.

The gentlemen in my own family have committed a crime and don't take care of it, but they want to get it back from others.

These two bodyguards have also been changed. The previous one changed jobs when he got older.

These two people hadn't met Ye Shu yet, so they stopped her.

Ye Shu was not angry and shouted to Zhang Guilan: "Aunt Lan!"

Zhang Guilan recognized her voice, raised his head excitedly, and saw her and Hua Zhao.

Immediately stir-fry slowly and stir-fry everything in my hand, then throw the pot away and come out.

"Why are you here! Why didn't you call in advance! I won't leave the stall and will wait for you at home!"

"It's fun to eat here." Ye Shu looked around, wanting to sit down and chat, but didn't see a table.

Guilan food stalls are very popular now. If you can’t grab one within 10 minutes of opening, you have to wait for a table.

The two bodyguards knew Hua Zhao and knew that he was the real boss, so they quickly stood up and gave up the table.

Zhang Guilan asked Ye Shu with a smile: "What do you want to eat? Auntie will cook it for you!"

Ye Shu was not polite and named several dishes in succession. She wanted to eat all these dishes.

"Okay, okay, I'll do it right away. You guys sit and wait." Zhang Guilan went quickly.

Ye Shu looked at the lively diners around him, and the smile on his lips could not fall away.

Suddenly, her smile stopped and she saw someone who surprised her.

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