Ye Shu really didn't want to worry about it, it was very troublesome when he heard it.

But looking at Ye Dan's current appearance, he feels very pitiful.

She didn't pity the child who was so tired that she fell asleep in her arms.

No one seemed to care about him today. His clothes and face were dirty and he cried like a tabby cat. Now he was hugged by Ye Dan and fell asleep.

When you become a mother, you won’t be able to see this.

"I don't want to care." Hua Zhao said: "There are many injustices in the world, and there are many people who encounter liars. I will care about whoever cries and begs? Why am I so nosy?"

Ye Dan understood what she meant.

She has been expelled from the family and has nothing to do with the Ye family. The stranger's matter really has nothing to do with her.

Ye Dan thought for a moment, then suddenly held the child and knelt down to Hua Zhao again.

"Hua Zhao, I haven't thanked you yet. I heard that you have been taking care of them all these years since I was away from home. I am really grateful to you!" She even kowtowed as she said this.

It's just that there was a child in his arms, so he didn't hit the ground.

The posture could not be lower.

"If you save me again, you can't let them have a poor mother who goes to the streets to beg for food, right?" Ye Dan cried.

"It doesn't matter. Regardless of whether you are poor or rich, if you don't show up, it has nothing to do with them." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Dan paused and said, "It's not that I don't want to go back, it's just that I don't look good enough to go back! Besides, they are descendants of the Ye family after all. They know that they have a mother who is begging for food, so they feel embarrassed, right?"

Hua Zhao heard it. She was threatening her with several children.

It's not really a threat, it's just that he wants her to think more about her children and not embarrass them.

This...who is the biological mother of those children?

But it really made her say something.

After so many years of getting along, Hua Zhao straightened those children up, and his relationship with her became good, and he no longer hated her.

She didn't want to ruin this relationship over a trivial matter.

If Ye Dan is really impoverished, she may one day return to the capital to seek refuge with a few children. When the time comes, she will become like this because Hua Zhao refused to save her on the spot...

"Did you hear that I was raising them? Who said that?" Hua Zhao asked.

"I, I call my mother occasionally..." Ye Dan said.

In fact, there are not many, only one or two a year, to report that everything is safe and to ask about the situation.

She just hates everyone, including her parents.

Ye Shu sighed.

Hua Zhao didn't want to talk nonsense to her anymore, and said: "I am not a Bodhisattva who saves people in distress. It's okay for me to help you this time, but it can't be in vain.

"Otherwise, if you have a problem in the future, you can come to me. If you have a problem, come to me. Am I your good friend?" Hua Zhao said.

"Okay, okay! If you want any benefits, just ask!" Ye Dan said.

She admitted this very much. No matter what the matter involved, she had to give the other party some benefit.

It's okay to give her benefits, she doesn't want to make money now, she just wants to get her money back.

"If the manufacturer is right, there will be no problem with the goods he shipped, but that batch of goods was switched. Logically speaking, the cost of that batch of goods is 500,000, and the profit is also 500,000. Now I don't want the profit. You intercept the goods and I only want the capital!" Ye Dan said.

The current clothing business, especially large-scale clothing, is very profitable. This is only earned by first-hand wholesalers. If it is sold directly to retail, the profit will be even greater.

Hua Zhao nodded, her approach was not excessive.

She thought she would let her work in vain, or give her three melons and two dates, but she didn't expect that she only wanted to protect her capital.

Rather sensible.

Don't think that you are still a member of the Ye family, asking for this and that.

"I'll look for it." Hua Zhao said, "Give me the information about your acquaintance and the manufacturer."

The other party was only gone for one day, so it would not be troublesome to track him down.

"Okay, okay!" Ye Dan began to explain.

Hua Zhao immediately heard that there was a problem.

She only knew the last name of this so-called acquaintance. She heard where he lived, but she had never been there and never seen his ID card.

Even if you see it, it may be fake.

It wasn't like the other party was trying to trick her out of the blue, it was more like he had planned it in advance and was a professional liar.

There are indeed people like this who make money through deception and abduction.

"You go back and wait for news." Hua Zhao said.

Ye Dan was grateful and left with a heavy heart.

Tian Lei ran out of the door early and left with her.

This time there were only two of them on the road, and he had no intention of moving his hands around. He walked behind Ye Dan, looked at her eyes flashing, and suddenly said: "Did you have children before?"

Ye Dan made a move, then continued walking with the child in his arms, saying indifferently: "Yes, so what? Now all the family's money has been lost. Whether you can get it back depends on my sister. You just tell your dad It’s useless.”

If it was before, she would really be afraid of Tian Lei's threat.

But now that things have happened, she is no longer afraid.

Tian Lei listened and remained silent all the way without speaking again.


Hua Zhao and Ye Shu couldn't leave again.

Hua Zhao sent people to investigate the circle.

First arrest the owner of the clothing factory and question him!

If the other party is a professional liar, then the factory director must also be involved! Not as innocent as he said.

At the very least, he cooperated with this scammer and received some kickbacks in the process.

This is also a common operation.

Sure enough, the factory director dug out more information about the other party.

That person's name isn't his real name, it's just a code name.

As soon as the goods left the factory, he changed hands and sold them to several related households that he often cooperated with.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, which is the peak season for the clothing business.

The quality of this batch of goods was good and high-end. He resold the 500,000 yuan worth of goods for 800,000 yuan.

If it weren't for the urgent need to sell the stolen goods, he would slowly go out and find a place to retail, and the profit would be double or triple.

A leather jacket that costs 50 yuan can easily be sold for 100, 150, or even 200.

Leather jackets are very fashionable nowadays.

And down jackets.

If you can wear one during the Chinese New Year, it will definitely give you face.

One side ate 500,000 yuan of capital, and the other side ate hundreds of thousands of profits, and he did not pay anything, just talking. It was nothing but a huge profit.

So there are many such scammers at this time.

But it's not easy to find someone now. I heard that this person would stay away for a while after making a deal, and then come back again after the limelight has passed.

And now, the New Year is coming soon, and I heard that people are going back to their hometown to celebrate the New Year.

As for where my hometown is, no one knows.

He is a cautious person.

Hua Zhao told Ye Dan and Tian Xin who rushed back the news.

Tian Xin is now so anxious that he can burst into flames.

But when he met Hua Zhao and Ye Shu, he heard that they were Ye Dan's sisters and could help recover the money for the goods. He met them as if they were relatives.

No, it's like meeting your ancestors.

Now that he couldn't find anyone, he became anxious again.

"Then what should we do now? Wait for him to appear again before arresting him? Can he still appear?" Tian Xin asked anxiously.

"Theoretically, this is what we should do." Hua Zhao said: "But now I can help you recover some losses.

"The factory director took the kickback from the scammer. Those who received the goods are considered stolen goods and have to spit them out." Hua Zhao said.

The director of the show confessed that the scammer gave him 100,000 yuan in benefits in order to get him to cooperate.

And those who took the stolen goods only sold part of them.

Now these things are in Hua Zhao's hands.

Hua Zhao said to Ye Dan: "I will keep the 400,000 yuan in cash recovered. I will return the remaining goods to you. You can handle it yourself."

According to their algorithm, you should be able to earn back your capital.

Even if it's less, it's still a lot less.

Of course Hua Zhao was not greedy for the money, but she was afraid that Ye Dan and Tian Xin would get a taste of the benefits and come to her whenever they were in trouble.

Tian Xin blinked, why do you still need money? Or as much as 400,000?

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