Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1585 I didn’t hit her

Ding Xinyue is not young anymore. Her second brother is two years older than her and is about to turn 30. It is not easy for someone to get married, and the Ding family wants to make it better.

Probably more than a little better.

My own house is tight. If another room is given to Ding Xinyue's second brother Ding Guoqing, where will the old couple sleep? Sleeping in the living room?

In this way, the three of them sleep in the same room. After getting married, it is difficult to share a room again. The woman also said that she disagrees.

Ding Xinyue's second brother proposed to borrow Ding Xinyue's house.

Ding Xinyue's family is big, with an area of ​​more than 200 square meters, a single-family house, and a square courtyard. But she lives alone, what a waste!

It's better to give him a house to live in and add some popularity to the yard.

He doesn't live in vain, he pays rent.

The rent for a main house in a courtyard house is 30 yuan a month, which is the market price.

"That's all." Ye Tao said.

That's all he heard.

"This, this." Liu Yuegui stopped packing her things and sat on the sofa, sighing.

What to do about this matter?

Logically speaking, brothers and sisters should help each other.

You really can’t live in your house, and my house is empty, so there’s nothing wrong with renting it to you.

But I felt uncomfortable.

Why does her son live with others? It's like sharing a house.

Two families living under one roof, just thinking about it, is like a mess, bumping into each other, and making life uneasy.

"You can't hit people, either." Ye Ying finished packing her things and said, "If you have something to say, please say it. Don't do it. Beating a woman is nothing. Brother Tao will come back later, so we have to talk to him."

Just as he was talking, footsteps came from downstairs. The footsteps quickly reached the third floor, and Ye Tao dragged Ding Xinyue in.

Ding Xinyue's face was covered in blood and she was crying. She looked so miserable.

Ye Tao didn't feel embarrassed when he saw Ye Shu and Hua Zhao coming. They were all close relatives, so there was no need to feel embarrassed.

He asked Liu Yuegui with a dark face: "Mom, where is the medicine box? Let her take care of it first. If you are a New Year's Eve girl, running around with this face on your face, people who don't know think I did something to her!"

The noise that Ding Xinyue made just now has already been heard by neighbors.

The two men ran out and came back, and were also seen.

Rumors are sure to be rife tomorrow.

Said he beat his wife!

"I didn't hit her." Ye Tao explained: "She came to hit me. I blocked her, but she was too strong and bounced back, unable to stand firm and fell."

Unluckily, it hit the sharp corner of the bedside table and got scratched.

This explanation was immediately accepted by everyone.

If Ye Tao wants to beat his wife, will Ding Xinyue still have the energy to run out?

Of course, if he really dared to fight, Ye An could stop him even though he was missing a leg.

Liu Yuegui had already found the medical kit and helped Ding Xinyue pack it herself.

How could a person of her age, married to a man who was a soldier, not know how to deal with simple injuries?

No matter how difficult the care is, she can handle it.

Ye Shang was also injured several times and almost couldn't survive.

She pulled this face to wipe the blood from Ding Xinyue's face, and then wiped the wound.

Don't start lightly!

Ding Xinyue grimaced in pain and shed tears.

But she didn't dare to be arrogant or yell or curse.

She had just flipped the table over on impulse, and now she regretted it to death.

She stared at Ye Shang who came out of the bedroom, trembling all over.

My mother-in-law has no new ideas and is easy to coax. If she says a few nice words and coquettish words a few times, she will ensure that there will be no next time, and then everything will be fine.

But if I offend my father-in-law, I probably won’t be able to turn around for the rest of my life.

Ye Shang didn't look at Ding Xinyue, he was chatting with Hua Zhao.

Chat with each sentence, don't let the air become silent, otherwise it will be embarrassing.

He felt that what happened today was embarrassing and he felt very shameless....

When Hua Zhao and Ye Shu came just now, he stayed in the room for a long time and pretended not to hear them!

Hua Zhao was very calm and had no intention of watching the excitement. He chatted with Ye Shang about the increasingly tense economic situation in the Soviet Union...

She had discovered a long time ago that the three elders of the Ye family, no, including Mr. Ye, all four of them were very concerned about face and very chauvinistic!

Especially Ye Shang, who is doted on by a wife like Liu Yuegui, he is very open-minded on the surface, but in fact he is very concerned about face, especially in front of juniors.

Today, his daughter-in-law turned the table over. Not to mention the great shame and humiliation, he couldn't find a place to put his long face for several days.

"Mom and Dad, it's hard to walk on the road after dark, so Xiaoying and I took the children back first." Ye Ying's husband Sun Qing said.

After a while, the fourth child and his wife were probably going to have a fight, and he didn't want to get involved at all.

But Ye Ying didn't want to leave. Her brother hurt herself. Sun Qing wanted to hide, but she didn't want to.

She wanted to resolve the dispute between the young couple and let her mother have her grandson as soon as possible!

"You can take the child back by yourself. I'll be back soon." Ye Ying said.

Sun Qing glanced at her. Of course he knew what his wife was thinking, but he didn't agree.

The couple should resolve the matter themselves, and no one else involved will understand.

"Let's go together. I'm not worried about you going home alone." Sun Qing said.

When they first arrived in the capital, they lived with Liu Yuegui.

But he also thinks this is not good! !

Later, he was poached by Hua Zhao and went to work as the vice president of a book company. When he got rich, he immediately bought a house and moved out.

Ye Ying was determined to stay and turned to Hua Zhao: "You can take me home later."

"Okay!" Hua Zhao agreed immediately.

Sun Qing had no choice. Although he was a cousin-in-law, he didn't dare to say no to the big boss.

Sun Ying withdrew with her children.

Ye An gave Ge Hongmian a cold look, and the other person's wife followed behind him and left.

There are still a few children from Ye Dan's family. Wang Yan is 20 years old and not young anymore. He is very smart. He left with his younger brothers and sisters and went to Hua Zhao's house today to stay. He didn't want to see his elders quarreling.

Everyone has left, and Ding Xinyue's wound has been treated. The wound, which is not deep or shallow, has stopped bleeding. Just put a gauze on it and that's it.

She stared at Hua Zhao and Ye Shu. If they didn't leave, she couldn't let go and cry and apologize to her parents-in-law.

Ye Shu knew what happened, his curiosity was satisfied, and he wanted to leave, so he winked at Hua Zhao.

But Hua Zhao sat there without moving.

She is used to the Ye family's internal affairs, and she has to be more lenient than others. She has to take care of anything that will have a negative impact on the Ye family.

"I heard that your brother is going to live at your house? Do your parents agree?" Hua Zhao asked Ding Xinyue directly.

Ding Xinyue couldn't help but glare at Hua Zhao, and said in a bad tone: "This is my family's housework!"

"What's your attitude! How can you talk to the second sister-in-law?" Ye Tao quickly glared at Ding Xinyue and explained to Hua Zhao: "Second sister-in-law, don't be angry. She, she is not angry today. Don't talk to the second sister-in-law." General knowledge."

Hua Zhao smiled at him.

Ye Tao is indeed a man from the Ye family and knows how to protect his wife.

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