"What? Mom is coming back?" Xiaowei exclaimed.

"Why are you so surprised? The New Year is coming soon, and my mother will definitely come back." Hua Zhao said.

"Oh, right." Xiaowei calmed down. He was just busy with "big things" recently and forgot about other things.

What age or not is not in his mind at all.

It was my first time to do something bad, so I was a little excited!

"When will mom come back? Let her go directly to your place. If she sees the Liu family, she will be very angry." Xiao Wei said.

"No need." Hua Zhao said, "Let her come back and meet the Liu family. They should be the ones who feel uncomfortable."

What was Zhang Guilan like back then?

She was the mother-in-law of the Liu family back then! Old slave.

How is it now?

Now they have to beg Zhang Guilan to reward them with food.

Most people cannot bear this reversal.

"Okay, whatever you say will be what it is." Xiaowei packed up his backpack and walked out.

On the contrary, it was my sister who did this. If my mother is angry, she won't be angry with him...

As soon as Xiaowei came out, the door of the wing opened and Liu Cong came out.

"Brother, are you going out again? I'll go with you to learn more." Liu Cong pushed Xiaowei's bicycle away first: "I'll take you with me today!"

"What kind of knowledge do you have? It's useless if you have all this knowledge, unless you want to enter the industry." Xiaowei muttered reluctantly: "The water here is very deep, you can't wade in it, and you need to have the capital to enter the industry. You Yes? Don't expect me to lend you a penny, I won't."

Liu Cong listened with good temper and did not refute a word.

The two went to the flea market together.

A serious antiques market has not yet been formed, and it will take another two to three years.

Nowadays, antique trading is still a very small circle, mixed in with the flea market.

Xiaowei entered a store by a familiar route and showed the contents of his backpack to the store owner.

In the end, the two of them negotiated the price and settled for a small porcelain bowl for 500 yuan.

Liu Cong stood next to Xiaowei like his subordinates, a little jealous.

He watched Xiaowei collect this small porcelain bowl from a secondhand stall a few days ago for 50 yuan.

I made 450 in a blink of an eye!

In just one move, the money was so good!

Of course, he also knows that making this money depends on his vision, and he doesn't have this vision now.

There is no capital, not even 50.

Fortunately, he has a shortcut.

Liu Cong followed Xiaowei out and went shopping at the flea market.

Xiaowei's spare time job is actually like this. He doesn't have time to go to the countryside to shovel the land, so he relies on his eyesight to collect things at these stalls.

Most of the people who set up stalls here are land shovelers, and some are dealers, but they don't have good eyesight. They don't expect to make a fortune directly by picking up a big leak, but expect to make hard money by flipping hands.

Xiaowei counted on both, Xiaolu also picked up, and Big Lu also picked up.

But the real big leak was that he had already leaked it to his sister. Hua Zhao is still collecting things...

She plans to give it up after 2000 years.

From then on it is a good time to sell, sell the ordinary things for money, keep the really good things, and open a private museum...

Isn’t it great to earn tickets?

Liu Cong followed Xiaowei and fell behind.

Xiaowei noticed it, curled his lips and didn't look for him at all.

Liu Cong hid behind the crowd and stared at him until Xiaowei walked out of the market and left on his bicycle.

He just came out of the crowd and went straight to a few shops.

These shops are all what Xiaowei calls "black shops". They love to lower prices when collecting goods, but sell goods at high prices. He has never cooperated with these shops.

Liu Cong went in to explore the way...

This kind of shop is good, but Xiaowei will not be told what is collected in this kind of shop immediately.

Xiaowei will never even know because he never enters these stores!

Moreover, there are many ways to open a store, and there are several big stores. Xiaowei also said that the boss has strong connections, and if he has any good things, he can find a place to sell them within a few days.

This way he will never know....

After leaving the flea market, Xiaowei turned around, sneered, stared at the bicycle and went home.


Hua Zhao also picked up Zhang Guilan and took her directly back to Zhang Guilan's courtyard.

On the way, Zhang Guilan was not told that a "guest" was coming to the house.

She was afraid that Zhang Guilan would be angry...

She must be angry knowing that the Liu family is here.

It would be better to be angry for two hours less in the morning and evening.

So when Zhang Guilan opened the door and saw Liu Xiangqian, she was stunned.

Then I saw Mrs. Liu and Mr. Liu sitting in the kitchen eating and drinking, and I was even more stunned.

Old man Liu and Mrs. Liu also looked at Zhang Guilan without recognizing him.

They had seen Zhang Guilan when she was young, but Zhang Guilan at that time could not be compared with now.

No matter in appearance or temperament, they are completely like two people.

But when Liu Xiangqian came to the capital a few years ago, he saw Zhang Guilan after his transformation, and he was somewhat similar to what he is now.

He was stunned for a moment and then rushed over and shouted: "Guilan! You are back! I, I came to see you! I, I miss you so much!"

People of his generation were very reserved, so he was quite embarrassed to say this in public.

But he had rehearsed this sentence countless times in his mind, and now that he saw Zhang Guilan, he blurted it out.

It disgusted Zhang Guilan!

She turned around and asked Hua Zhao, "Why are they here?"

Hua Zhao immediately dumped the blame: "It's Dawei's fault. He is so kind and filial. His grandparents and father can no longer survive in their hometown, so they will naturally come to him to support them in their old age."

Zhang Guilan immediately gritted his teeth, scanned around and didn't see Dawei, so he let it go.

"Get out! This is my home! You are not welcome!" Zhang Guilan shouted.

No one moved.

Is this her home or Liu Dawei’s home?

Liu~Dawei! It is natural for them to live in the homes of their sons and grandsons.

Old Mrs. Liu and Old Man Liu looked at each other. When Old Man Liu stared, Old Mrs. Liu put down her bowl and walked out.

While wiping her tears, she came to Zhang Guilan and cried: "Guilan, I was sorry for you in the past. I occasionally beat you and scolded you. I was wrong. I am not a human being. You see, at my age, I only have a few days to live." Come on, please forgive me!"

She knelt down in front of Zhang Guilan and cried. Her hair was gray and she was really miserable.

If the soft-hearted person sees it, he must be pitiful.

Zhang Guilan is a soft-hearted person.

"I forgive you," she said.

"Huh?" Even the crying Mrs. Liu was stunned and couldn't help but make a sound.

She suspected that she had heard wrong, why did she forgive her so easily?

This is too easy to deceive... No, no, no, this is too kind-hearted, right? !

What a good man!

She can finally enjoy her happiness!

"I forgive you too." Zhang Guilan looked at everyone in the yard and said.

Are there two people you don’t know? Forget it, forgive me together!

Liu Xiangqian was overjoyed and was about to rush towards her.

Zhang Guilan said again: "I've forgiven you, you can get out."


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