Dawei rode home quickly and saw what he expected.

When my mother comes back, there are two possibilities. One is to reconcile with my father, and from then on the family will live a noisy life.

One way is like this now, where mom simply rejects dad.

In the end this is more likely.

But the first possibility is not impossible.

It’s been 1989, and it’s been 10 years since it was opened to the public. There are already a lot of rich people.

There are many men who abandon their family and children and go out to fool around, and then go home penniless to find their first wives and make peace with them.

Social climate slowly changed.

Dawei has seen so much that he begins to wonder if his mother also has conservative ideas and still misses his father...

Otherwise, with so many outstanding men around her over the years, why would she still be single?

Suddenly, Dawei thought of another person.

His mother probably didn't remember his father, but the man who almost became his stepfather, Xu Mingming.

Dawei sighed inwardly. He occasionally felt that it was a pity that Xu Mingming did not become his stepfather.

There was a "pop" sound.

Zhang Guilan slapped Dawei's shoulder hard to bring him back to his senses.

Why is this child getting more and more out of tune as he gets older? Is this the time for him to be in a daze? Or is he trying to avoid the problem?

This is somewhat unfair.

Isn't Dawei actively cooperating with Xiaowei to solve the problem...

It's just that the Liu family was slow to take action and it has been delayed until now.

"Dawei, good boy, you said you would support your grandparents in their old age!" Old Mrs. Liu was still sitting on the ground, crawled over and pulled Dawei's trouser legs and said.

Dawei sighed and said: "Yes, I said that, but I also said that I would let you live and retire in your hometown. I will send you living expenses every month, and you have my dad and my eldest brother and sister-in-law by your side. ..They won’t support you in your old age?”

This sentence is said to the surrounding neighbors.

Normal people all strive for a good reputation, especially among neighbors. Having a good reputation will make life much more harmonious.

He didn't want others to roll their eyes at him when they met in the alley in the future.

Sure enough, with his words, the onlookers looked completely like Zhang Guilan and her son.

It’s not Zhang Guilan who is so forceful and unforgiving, kicking old men and women out of their homes and letting them sleep on the streets during the Chinese New Year.

This kind of person shouldn't be here at all!

They were the former parents-in-law. At first, some people thought that the old man's son was dead, and he was still an only son. The two old people had no one to support them in their old age, and it was really impossible to find their grandson.

It turned out that the man huddled in the corner was not a spectator, but his son.

Not only did he have a son, but he also had an eldest grandson and a granddaughter-in-law.

Combined with Zhang Guilan's early divorce and the experience of living as an only child with her children, Dawei said that giving pension money to grandparents is already extremely filial.

Now if I want to rely on Zhang Guilan and live in someone else's house, whoever I want to rely on will have to kick him out.

"My grandparents are sick and need money for medical treatment. Your dad..."

"Okay." Dawei interrupted them: "You can't live in my mother's house, it's not suitable. I'll go out and rent a house for you to live in."

"Oh, Dawei is so filial." There was a unanimous discussion around him.

Who would care about grandparents like this who have not lived together since childhood? Dawei will take care of it.

What a good kid!

Outsiders like this kind of drama of repaying evil with kindness.

Although some people think Dawei is stupid, most still praise him.

Old Mrs. Liu said nothing. Rent a house? Can you rent them such a big house?

"You still have to spend money to rent a house, so we'll just make do with it," Old Man Liu suddenly said.

Recently, they have not stayed at home all the time, but have gone out for a walk. They have also visited squares, monuments, and shopping malls.

They also understood how the people in the capital lived.

Let’s not talk about far away, let’s just say that in this alley, many people live in large courtyards, with several members of a family living in one room. This is the norm for ordinary people.

When Dawei goes out to rent a house, the living conditions will definitely not be as good as this.

"It's not suitable, let's go." Dawei urged several people to get up and look for a house with him.

No one moved.

The atmosphere was a little tense, and the spectators couldn't help but rush to the Liu family.

Liu Cong's daughter-in-law, Sun Xiaoxia, looked around and didn't see Liu Cong. She was anxious and had no choice but to play by herself.

She said very embarrassedly: "Grandma is worried that if she can't rent a good house, the air will leak out and she will get sick from the cold.

"It would be better to seal the doors and windows tightly. Burning coal and charcoal is dangerous and can lead to poisoning. Last year, my neighbor's family died like this! It's so scary..."

She expressed a bunch of worries.

Listening to the words and listening to the sounds actually means the same thing, to live in a good house.

Dawei sighed inwardly and said, "Don't worry, I'll rent a building for you and provide collective heating. You don't have to burn coal yourself. It's safe and hygienic."

At this time, collective heating was not yet common, and many buildings had to burn their own stoves.

Houses with collective heating are all family buildings of good units and are not easy to rent.

But I have a relative who runs an agency, so there is definitely no shortage of housing.

When the Liu family heard that it was a building with heating, they were a little excited. They had not lived in a building yet, so they were going to live in a building?

"Is the building easy to rent? Is it too troublesome?" Sun Xiaoxia asked: "With so many people in the family, don't forget your little sister. She is also old and has to live alone..."

Liu Yue had been standing behind her with her head down. After hearing this, she raised her head to look at her, and then quickly lowered her head.

Use her as a cover? Does she deserve to live alone?

It's not that she looks down on herself, it's that since Widow Zhu and the Zhu family were arrested, her life has been worse than that of a pig or a dog!

She had to fight to eat and sleep, otherwise these people would not leave her a morsel of food or a quilt.

Dawei understood again and said, "Don't worry, I'll rent you a three-bedroom apartment, I guarantee you'll be able to live there."

Sun Xiaoxia said shyly: "This is really troublesome for you..."

"Let's go." Dawei said.

Still no one moved.

Sun Xiaoxia said: "How long does it take to find a house like this? Your grandparents are old and the weather is so cold. We will move out as soon as you rent it!"

Dawei thought for a while, there must be such a house, but it is definitely not suitable for moving in with a bag. There are definitely no beds, bedding, pots and pans.

It's all up to him.

Who to blame?

Wipe your own shit!

Dawei admits it!

"Let's go. I'll find you a hotel first. Don't stay here. My mother won't be happy." Dawei said.

He was filial again... Zhang Guilan rolled her eyes at him, but felt very happy in her heart.

Even if he understands, he also knows that she is unhappy!

"Why is she unhappy? You are so old and still a boy. You have to be the master of the family. You can't just listen to your mother for everything. What does she know as a woman?" Old Mrs. Liu said.

"If I had listened to my mother, you wouldn't be here now." Dawei said.

From now on, he will definitely listen to you!

You must think carefully before doing anything, and take all the people in your family into consideration, and never do anything that can hurt them!

He really learned a lesson.


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