Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1595 Complete detoxification

"I'm married again. He doesn't know about my situation yet, and I don't want him to know." Ye Dan pulled Zhao Xiaohui and expressed his thoughts.

It's very simple, just find someone to pretend to be her parents.

"But, but, we have a lot of relatives coming to our house during the Chinese New Year, and I'm afraid they will spill the beans." Zhao Xiaohui said.

She could tell her parents the truth and get them to cooperate, but how could she explain it to so many relatives?

Moreover, people talk a lot. If word gets out that she still has contacts with Ye Dan, it will not be good for her reputation!

"Then those relatives of yours are not allowed to come." Ye Dan said forcefully: "I don't care. Anyway, you have to borrow it if you want to, or if you don't, you have to borrow it. Otherwise, I will report you!"

"At 8 o'clock tomorrow morning, I will bring someone over. It's up to you." After Ye Dan said that, he turned around and left.

Zhao Xiaohui stamped her feet behind her, but did not chase after her.

She felt that Ye Dan could definitely do what he said.

People are barefoot now, but she wears shoes.

Zhao Xiaohui stamped her feet and pushed her bicycle to her parents' house.

For this kind of thing, biological parents are definitely more reliable than parents-in-law.


On New Year's Eve, Hua Zhao woke up early in the morning and felt around him, but it was empty.

Ye Shen hasn't come back yet.

What are you busy with?

Really, if he didn't come back, she would have to go to Pengcheng to help him.

If the boss doesn't show up for so long, the younger brother below will change his mind.

Suddenly there was a sound of firecrackers outside, the kind of firecrackers that children play.

Nowadays, the spirit of the New Year is still very full. When the New Year comes, the little ones are very excited and get up before dawn.

The sound of firecrackers was followed by a burst of whispers, which sounded like Yunfei was persuading his younger brothers not to let them play now, otherwise it would be bad if they woke up their mother and great-grandfather.

Hua Zhao stood up, found out a beautiful New Year's outfit, washed and put on makeup, and then went to find Ye Shu.

The first thing every morning is to detoxify Ye Shu.

The current antidote dosage has been used to a few tenths of a milliliter, and is taken in divided doses.

Hua Zhao felt that if the operation was done well today, Ye Shu's poison would be completely cured.

Ye Shu has also gotten up and dressed up.

The clothes are from Hua Zhao's sister model, a Chinese-style cotton-padded jacket. After wearing it, the whole person looks particularly elegant.

Ye Shu suddenly sighed.

"What's wrong? Nervous?" Hua Zhao said, "Don't worry, it's the last step, everything will be fine."

"No." Ye Shu said: "I'm not the nervous one, I just think that women want to please themselves. We are dressed so beautifully, but those two stinky men don't know where they are! Are you angry or not?"

"Haha." Hua Zhao smiled: "Don't pull me in, I'm not angry. Brother Shen must be busy with business. It's just hypocritical for me to complain."

As for Yao Kun...

"Hasn't the company's affairs been settled yet? Hasn't the mole been caught yet?" Ye Shu asked.

How do you say this?

Although Hua Zhao knew the truth, it was difficult to tell him now, otherwise Ye Shu would be even more angry.

"I didn't ask him recently. I just pretended to be cold to him and didn't answer his call." Hua Zhao said.


After choosing the dose of antidote, Hua Zhao handed it to Ye Shu, who took it and did it casually.

No, it is squeezed into the mouth with a syringe, and it needs to be rinsed with water afterwards to ensure that it is not wasted.

Hua Zhao carefully checked Ye Shu's pulse.

Because of dozens of previous tests, she had already determined the dosage very accurately after taking the last medicine.

In just a few minutes, Hua Zhao saw that Ye Shu's blood vessels were completely unblocked, and the previously stagnant areas no longer existed.

After waiting for a few more minutes, nothing new happened. Hua Zhao took his hand off and said with a smile, "Okay."

Ye Shu also laughed and patted his chest nervously.

Are you really not nervous at all? Of course there is, and it's very stressful.

"This is really hard to prevent. I won't dare to use body lotion in the future." Ye Shu said.

Not only this, she now resists even going out to eat for fear of being poisoned.

"I just have to be more careful about this. I'll add a lock to the bedroom in the future so that the servants can't go in." Hua Zhao said.

The two were talking, and there was a lot of excitement outside.

It seems that guests have arrived.

Fang Haixing's voice was surprising and brought people here all the way.

Although her brother and sister-in-law came over this year, Fang Haixing did not celebrate the New Year with them.

Instead of spending the New Year awkwardly at her brother and sister-in-law's house, she prefers to be here, relaxed and comfortable.

"When did you arrive? Is there such an early flight?" Fang Haixing asked.

Yao Kun said: "I took a friend's flight and then transferred here."

Just to come to see Ye Shu today.

He felt that with so many people from the Ye family present, Ye Shu would give him some face and give him a chance to talk to her.

Ye Shu heard his voice and rushed out in surprise the next second.

Hua Zhaola didn't even hold her back, she was so reserved, so reserved...

Forget it, between a couple, feelings must be expressed clearly, and reservations are reserved for unmarried people.

Yao Kun was stunned when Ye Shu jumped into his arms.

In the next second, he reflexively prepared for protection.

Ye Shu raised his hand and slapped him: "Why did you come just now!"

A slap fell on his shoulder, gently.

This was not the time to slap him and break his bones.

Yao Kun was really stunned. What kind of turning point is this?

This scene was something he had never imagined.

He was surprised and disbelieving.

Holding Ye Shu in his arms, tears were about to fall.

He saw Hua Zhao out of the corner of his eye and immediately cast a questioning look.

Hua Zhao refused to eat the dog food and said to Ye Shu, "Explain it to him yourself. I'm going to make breakfast."

"Oh." Ye Shu pulled the person back to the room.

A group of children who got up early turned around. Dabao, Xiaobao and Xiaomei saw Yao Kun and immediately swooped over.

"Dad! Dad!"

"Dad, why did you come here!"

"Dad, we thought you didn't want us anymore!"

The three children cried while talking.

Although the family members didn't mention Yao Kun and Ye Shu's divorce, they could feel it.

They were also restricted from contacting Yao Kun.

If Ye Shu hadn't denied it every time, they would have collapsed.

They like their dad and they don’t want to change their dad.

Fang Haixing wiped tears from his eyes.

Her only regret in her life may be that she has no children.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Fang Haixing immediately wiped his tears and followed, leaving space for the family.

Hua Zhao asked her by the way: "Has your brother's house been rented?"

"After renting, I finally chose a building with two bedrooms and one living room, more than 80 square meters." Fang Haixing said.

"Two bedrooms and one living room? How can we live here?" Hua Zhao said.

Fang Dahai's family has three sons and three couples living in two bedrooms and one living room. Which one of the remaining couples lives in the living room? It would be strange if there is no contradiction!

Fang Haixing sighed: "I also persuaded my sister-in-law to rent two houses directly, so that everyone can live more comfortably, and she doesn't have to spend money. The three nephews all have jobs and can make money, and the wife can go out to find a job. , paying the rent is still no problem.”

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