
It was not Tian Jie who spoke, but Tian Lei.

The grandmother called her "kiss", as if he was kissing her.

The voice was so boring that Liu Yuegui's goosebumps rose. She simply didn't like this boy.

"As I told you yesterday, Ye Dan has been kicked out of his house, and you have nothing to do with us!" Liu Yuegui said.

"Mom~" Tian Xin shouted.

Liu Yuegui immediately said: "No, no, no! Don't call me that, I don't deserve it!"

It's really Zi Xiao's father, why does his tone of voice sound so disgusting?

"You guys should leave quickly, or I'll call security," Liu Yuegui said.

Tian Xin secretly pinched Tian Jie, and Tian Jie suddenly cried: "Grandma, grandma! Can you keep me here? My dad and brother always beat me!"

Tian Xin? ? ?

Tian Lei......

Liu Yuegui......

The couple immediately became furious.

They don’t think that a 3-year-old child can lie, so he is really being beaten!

Who is Ye Dan looking for? How come one is worse than the other!

This sentence really works.

The three-year-old child cried so hard that the two people who always liked children couldn't bear it and left him alone.

They don't feel confident letting their children continue to follow the father and son!

Then the security guards were called in to escort the two people out of the community.

Tian Xin was confused until he left the community and asked Tian Lei: "Did you teach him?"

"No, why should I teach him this?" Tian Lei said.

"Is that what your aunt taught him?" Tian Xin said.

"I don't know." Tian Lei said.

No answer.

It was cold during the Chinese New Year. The two southerners, who had never experienced northern winter, were not fully prepared and their clothes were not thick enough. They stood for a while and hurried back to the hotel.

Ye Dan hasn't come back yet.

She was really talking to Wang Jian about divorce.

"I know I'm sorry for you. It's okay if you ask me to divorce Tian Xin." Ye Dan said.

Just when Wang Jiang was about to smile, Ye Dan said: "But we have reached this point today, and we can't go back to the past.

"You can't really forgive me. There will always be obstacles in your heart, and I can't accept you anymore. I'm sorry for you, and I don't dare to face you again." Ye Dan said.

What he said was a human word, and he said that Wang Jian was moved to his heart.

He shut his mouth.

They have been married for more than ten years, and she knows who he is. Now that he wants to say nice things to trick her into remarrying, it is not easy to succeed.

"Since we can't go back, let's look forward. I will divorce Tian Xin and give you some compensation. How much do you want?" Ye Dan asked.

Wang Jian said nothing.

Of course he wanted the money, but he didn't know how much it would cost.

"How have you been these past few years?" he asked.

It was the first warm words since the two met.

But Ye Dan showed a sarcastic smile and quickly disappeared.

Wang Jian just wanted to find out about her family background.

She knew this man well, so she didn't feel reluctant to let him go immediately.

Over the years, she was not the only man named Tian Xin, she had also met several men before... She had no mental barriers when she committed herself to him.

If it was her who was inside at that time, and Wang Jian who was outside, Wang Jian could also find ten or eight women and have six or seven children, if he had the ability.

He wouldn't guard for her.

Of course she doesn't either.

"Tian Xin is a small business owner. He has some money, but not much. A few years ago, he was tricked by an acquaintance for buying goods. If I hadn't met Hua Zhao by chance, and I begged Hua Zhao again, we wouldn't know where we would beg for food now.

"But even with Hua Zhao's help, only a small part of the goods was recovered, and Hua Zhao was given a lot of benefits so that his help would not be in vain, so we didn't have much money in hand. We sold the remaining goods for 100,000.

"When I divorce him, the maximum I can get is 50,000. This depends on the Ye family's intervention, otherwise he won't give me a cent. I will divide 50,000 and give you 30,000." Ye Dan said.

She lied for a while.

His expression was very sincere.

There is nothing wrong with the logic.

Wang Jian also knew her well and felt that she might have played some tricks with the numbers, but it should be about the same.

"30,000..." He thought it was too little.

"As a person, you must be content. Don't always compare with the Ye family or Huazhao. Compared with them, 30,000 is not money. But if you look around, is 30,000 money? Is it a lot? Just look at yourself, 30,000 is money. How many problems can I help you solve?" Ye Dan said.

She is actually very good at talking.

Wang Jian was softened by his words again.

"Now there is gold everywhere outside. You should go to the south and take a look. You have 30,000 yuan as capital. If you work hard, it will double several times a year and it will become 300,000 or 1 million in a few years. To make money, you still have to rely on Himself." Ye Dan said.

Wang Jian was completely moved.

Ye Dan tormented him for a while, and Wang Jian actually agreed to divorce.

In the past, Ye Dan had the final say at home.

In the past few years, he only worked and did not talk, and his mouth became stupid.

Ye Dan is getting better and better at saying that it won't be a problem to capture him.

But Wang Jian still has sense and will not divorce without money.

And she had to divorce Tian Xin first before he divorced her.

Ye Dan went back to fool Tian Xin.

"He doesn't agree to divorce. Even 100,000 yuan won't work. He wants 200,000 yuan." Ye Dan said, "Otherwise, he will sue us for bigamy."

"What? 200,000? Then let him sue!" Tian Xinxin said in pain.

"That's what I said. He left. He might actually sue. What should I do now?" Ye Dan asked.

"What?" Tian Xin became even more anxious. He turned around to look for his luggage, as if he wanted to run away.

He was still cursing, saying that he was innocent because he was deceived by Ye Dan. Ye Dan was a broom star and caused him misery.

Ye Dan said sarcastically, "Man, there really isn't a good thing!"

No, all good things belong to other people!

"It's no use running anywhere. I came up with an idea on the way back. Why don't we get divorced first? There's no such thing as bigamy if there's no such thing as marriage." Ye Dan said.

This was an idea, and Tian Xin, who didn't understand the legal terms very well, thought it was feasible.

But something is wrong.

"You're not here to trick me into getting a divorce, are you? Why don't you go back to him?"

"How is it possible? He always beat me and scolded me before. I didn't dare to go with him at all. Otherwise, he would have gone to jail for me. How could I get married again? Moreover, he went to jail for me because he wanted to report greater benefits to my family. Who knew my family was upright and kicked me out directly?"

Ye Dan said: "He has miscalculated now. He only wants money. If he doesn't give it, he will make me feel uncomfortable."

"Hurry up. If he really sues, it will be in court now. We have to get the divorce before the court accepts it."

Tian Xin signed the divorce agreement with her in a daze.

The place where the two of them received their certificates is too far away and they can't go there now.

Regardless of whether it is Tian Xin's household registration or "Li Dan's" household registration, they are not in the capital, and the capital will not accept their divorce.

So sign the agreement first, and then find someone to get the divorce certificate once you have the agreement.

In fact, the marriage certificate between the two was illegal to begin with, but Ye Dan wanted to go more normal.

"What? Half of the property is for each person? Why?" Tian Xin asked: "By the way, this is a fake divorce for us, right? When he divorces you, can we get married again?"


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