Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1627 A bowl of water is flat

400,000 is really a lot. I think back then, when the Ye family next door bought back half of their property, it was only priced at 150,000.

The Cao family at that time was larger than the current courtyard.

Although house prices have increased over the past ten years, they definitely did not suffer a loss when selling for 400,000 yuan.

They were all people who had inquired about house prices, and some even secretly brought agents to visit them, and when they saw them, they said they were their friends.

The highest intermediary offer at the time was 350,000.

But there was no happy expression on the faces of the Wang family.

400,000 is divided into one cent, and each family can’t get much. If you are selling the house by yourself...

It's too late to say anything now.

Wang Dong was particularly talkative and dissatisfied.

Next to him stood a young man in his twenties, wearing glasses and looking unhappy.

The eyes behind the lenses stared back and forth at no one in the room.

Occasionally, it would fall on Hua Zhao and take a long time to move away.

"Don't be stunned. Let's divide the money equally. Consider it my last contribution as a father to you!" Mr. Wang said angrily.

"Dad, how can we divide it equally? How can a son and a daughter be the same?" Mr. Wang's eldest son said immediately.

Mr. Wang's eldest daughter immediately said: "Why is it different? The law stipulates that men and women are equal and have the same inheritance rights! Are you older than the law?"

"Do you think whose daughter really inherited the family property?" said the eldest son.

"Why do you care about other people's homes? Our home..."

"Stop arguing!" Mr. Wang shouted: "I can divide my money however I like! I just said, divide it equally."

"Our father is still wise!" Mr. Wang's daughter said.

Several of his sons quit.

"Since the son and the daughter have the same amount, they will also have to pay the same amount for the old age! Then everyone will take turns to provide for the old age." The eldest son said.

"How can I have a daughter to support me in old age? It's not like I don't have a son!" Mr. Wang's eldest daughter said: "Besides, my family still supports my parents-in-law, so I really have no energy left."

"When you need money, you are equal to men and women, but when you are providing for your retirement, you have nothing to do with your daughter? You take advantage of all the good things!" The second son said, "If you don't want to provide for your retirement, don't share the money!"

"Why? Our dad is willing to give it to me!"

Several people in their fifties and sixties started arguing in the blink of an eye.

Mr. Wang was so angry that he coughed.

Hua Zhao didn't care, he just knew how to quarrel, he really didn't have the ability, he had the ability to fight! Get started! Punch, kick and scratch hard!

It's a pity that Mr. Wang was born as a university teacher. Although his children are common people, greedy for money and selfish, they still want to maintain their status and do not fight in public.

That would be really ugly, and it would be shameful to spread the word.

"Since none of you want it, let's not divide it. My house will be my own even after the money is sold. I will keep it for my retirement." Mr. Wang returned the property certificate to Hua Zhao and began to collect the money on the table.

All quarrels disappear instantly.

Then several children rushed over and started to divide the money.

If there was no robbery, then there would definitely be a fight, which would be ugly.

400,000, and each person would be divided into tens of thousands. They had already understood in their hearts that each person would take his own share.

Except for the daughters, the sons all looked unwilling.

Just wait, they can't run away from the responsibilities they have to bear!

Several people took the money, put it in their pockets, turned around and left without saying anything else.

Hua Zhao watched them all walk to the door. He was serious and finally couldn't help shouting.

"Wait a moment."

Everyone still listened to her words. They all knew Hua Zhao and knew that she was the daughter-in-law of the Ye family.

Several people turned around, and Wang Dong smiled and asked, "What's wrong with Mrs. Ye?"

"Did you forget something?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Forgot something?"

Brothers, sisters, spouses, and children are looking at each other, forgetting something?

"Do I need to write a receipt?" Wang Dong said, "No need, with so many people present at the same time, who can deny this?"

It's not like who has more and who has less. The person who got less will think about it one day and feel unbalanced and start making trouble again. Others don't admit it.

Everyone gets the same share, which is fair, and this kind of thing will not happen.

And since the others are not vegetarians, no one should make a fuss.

Hua Zhao waited for two minutes. There were so many people across the street, but none of them expected what she was asking.

She was really heartbroken for Mr. Wang.

If these are her children... give them money? Legs on sale! Not a cent!

"Mr. Wang's house has been sold. Which of your houses will he live in now?" Hua Zhao asked.

Although they have already agreed to let Mr. Wang continue to live here.

But these people don’t know.

As children, they should also have an attitude.

But it’s not like I simply forgot about it!

A group of people stood quietly opposite, all a little embarrassed.

They are all highly educated people, they all have some bottom line, and at least they know how to be embarrassed.

Wang Dong laughed awkwardly: "We are going home to clean up the room! We will be back to pick up my dad in a moment!"

The corners of Hua Zhao's mouth curved, revealing a smile that said, "Guess I believe it or not?"

Wang Dong wanted to say something more, and his eldest brother spoke: "The youngest is right, the youngest is the most filial, so that's it, our dad will live at your house."

Wang Dong suddenly jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on, stared at his eldest brother and shouted: "Why? You are the eldest son, you should take care of him in old age! If I want to go, I will also go to your house!"

"Equality between men and women! I, the eldest son, neither get more than my sister, nor get more than my younger brothers, so why should I be the first to suffer the loss if I don't get the good things from you? I am the eldest son, am I unlucky?"

The brothers and sisters didn't speak for a while, but they actually thought that what he said made sense...

They all grew up with a "fair" education. No matter in terms of food and clothing, everyone is fair. Good things are shared together, and pocket money is the same for everyone.

My parents strictly enforced the rules for one night, and no one suffered any loss.

The boss did not get more than them.

"Then take turns!" Wang Dong said: "Come in order, one month per family."

When it comes to dividing things, the Wang family is also skilled in dividing things. This division is fair and no one has any objection.

If you have no objections, let’s go! What are you doing here?

This time, everyone including the boss and his family left.

It’s not like the old man didn’t know where his home was. He would go there, why should he invite them?

Everyone left so fast that Hua Zhao didn't even have time to say that Mr. Wang was not going anywhere and would continue to live here.

She didn't want to talk to them anymore. She would get angry when she saw them and just leave.

Everyone left and the yard became quiet.

Slowly, Mr. Wang's choking voice sounded.

The sound grew louder and more desolate.

He regrets so much, regrets not raising more children, regrets giving birth to them!

I also regret that the bowl of water was flat...

They pay attention to fairness in everything and forget to teach them the respect between brothers and sisters.

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