Xu Mei was not at home when she arrived, and there were only three teenagers at home.

One girl and two boys, fourteen or fifteen years old.

This is probably the child of Liu Qian's eldest brother and second brother, as Xu Mei said.

The expressions of the three people were one with guilty conscience, one with arrogance, and one with an expression of indifference.

Hua Zhao didn't talk nonsense to them and asked where Xu Mei had gone.

The girl said weakly: "My little sister accidentally fell her head, and the third aunt took her to the hospital."

"Accidentally fell on your head?" Hua Zhao emphasized the word "accidentally".

The girl still looked innocent as before.

Another boy holding his neck said: "She fell on her own! You little bastard, she dared to bite me! What happened to me when I ran away from her? She couldn't stand and fell down, and there was a bulge on her head." What's the big deal? It's so pretentious to go to the hospital."

Hua Zhao nodded, good.

She didn't want to talk to them anymore, turned around and left, going to the hospital.

At the entrance of the hospital, Hua Zhao met Liu Qian who hurried inside.

Seeing Hua Zhao, Liu Qian was a little surprised. Hua Zhao knew it so quickly?

He just nodded to Hua Zhao and ran directly to the ward without having time to say anything.

Xu Mei told him the specific room.

Hua Zhao followed in.

In the room, Liu Hua's head was wrapped with gauze, and one corner was a little red.

It's not what the boy said, it just looks like a bulge.

Seeing Liu Qian and Hua Zhao, Liu Hua's eyes suddenly became wet and she cried.

"Dad, aunt..."

She stretched out her hand, originally towards Liu Qian, but then she thought of something, turned her hand and stretched it towards Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao held her little hand and looked at her pitiful appearance, feeling heartbroken.

"What did the doctor say? Did you hurt your head?" Hua Zhao asked Xu Mei.

Xu Mei said with a sullen face: "It's okay inside, just a skin injury."

Hua Zhao couldn't say the words "That's good". It hurt the child, even scratched the skin, and it made her feel distressed as a mother!

What's more, it's bulging and bleeding!

"It's just a skin injury. What hospital should I stay in? What a fuss." A woman next to him said.

Hua Zhao then looked at the other people in the room.

This is a double ward and there are other people in the ward.

Hua Zhao recognized the two couples standing not far away. They were Liu Qian's eldest brother and second brother whom he had met many years ago.

They also recognized Hua Zhao and were immediately polite with smiles.

Hua Zhao looked away expressionlessly.

Xu Mei's eyes were already raised, her hands tightly grasped the strap of her bag, she tried hard to restrain herself.

There were other people in the ward, looking like they were waiting to watch a show.

And she is considered a person, so she doesn’t want to make people laugh at her family scandal!

She just glared at Liu Qian fiercely.

If Liu Qian doesn't give her a satisfactory answer to this matter, she will...

After having children, the word divorce cannot be mentioned lightly.

If it's a scumbag dad, just leave him.

But Liu Qian is a good father, and divorce will be very harmful to the children.

"Show her. Is the injury serious? Does she need to be hospitalized for observation?" Xu Mei said to Hua Zhao.

The doctor was vague before, saying that the problem should not be serious, but if she was worried, he would be hospitalized for observation.

Of course she is worried!

Hua Zhao felt Xiaohua's pulse with one hand and gently stroked her head with the other.

After a while, "the pulse was felt", she said to Xu Mei: "It's okay, it's not a big problem. It's better for her to go home and raise her."

"Then leave the hospital!" Xu Mei stomped out of the ward on high heels to find the doctor.

Liu Qian came over and wanted to take Xiaohua away.

Xiaohua twisted a little, not wanting him to hold her.

Liu Qian knew what was going on... He felt a little unhappy. Of course, it was not directed at the children, but at himself and his eldest and second brothers!

"Little Hua Guai, you don't want dad to hold you. Do you want to go by yourself? Or do you want aunt and mother to hold you? They can't hold you." Liu Qian said.

Liu Hua immediately stopped being coy and obediently let her father take her away.

Of course she still likes her father, but her father's recent behavior has made her a little angry.

"If you still hold such a big child, you are too spoiled."

It was Liu Qian's sister-in-law who said sarcastically again.

Liu Qian stopped, turned around, and said coldly: "When it comes to spoiling children, I can't compare to my eldest brother and you!"

"Hey! Why do we spoil our children?" Mrs. Liu continued to argue, but her man grabbed her and glared at her, and she became silent.

When Second Sister-in-law Liu passed her, she turned her head and sneered: You stupid woman dared to offend Liu Qian! Don’t you know who you want to rely on for food in the future?

But that's fine, Sister-in-law Liu can only show her goodness by becoming a villain.

Sister-in-law Liu twisted her waist and happily chased after her, greeting Xiaohua along the way.

Sister-in-law Liu understood the look in her eyes and was furious!

Back then, Liu Qian opened a steamed bun shop in his hometown for his two brothers and sister-in-law, and it was located in a vegetable market.

At first, I hoped to find something for them to do, to keep them "busy", to stare at each other and pinch them, but not to pinch them.

The plan was very successful. In the past few years, the two families have almost become enemies, and all that is left is face.

If they hadn't all fallen in love with Liu Qian this time, the two families wouldn't have been able to get together.

After returning home, Xiao Hua was put in her room. Hua Zhao took out a small bottle of homemade "Yunnan Baiyao" from her bag and changed her medicine.

Xiaohua immediately smiled and said her head didn't hurt so much, and her aunt's medical skills were really good!

Hua Zhao smiled, picked up the fairy tale book next to her, and told her a few stories.

Xu Mei couldn't sit still for a while, so she pinched Liu Qian and returned to her room.

Hua Zhao heard them arguing in the house.

In fact, it wasn't really a quarrel. Liu Qian didn't reply. It was Xu Mei who scolded him unilaterally.

Liu Qian was at a loss and said nothing.

"You've lost some money again! You made it clear before you went home that you were going to pretend to be poor! Pretend to be poor! But it turned out to be a good thing for you. When the village chief cried out about poverty, you took over everything and built roads in the village! And you even built them all the way to the county. inside!

"Okay now, I've recruited someone!" Xu Mei scolded.

After what happened that year, the two of them stopped working in the food factory in the capital. They told their family that they had been fired by Huazhao and that they were going to work in the south.

Since then, his family has rarely contacted him.

Xu Mei acted "mischievously" and called home several times to borrow money from them.

From then on, they called back to their hometown village committee to notify the Liu family to pick up the phone, but they did not answer the call 9 out of 10 times.

Thinking of this, Liu Qian felt quite uncomfortable.

"How do you plan to solve this problem?" Xu Mei asked.

After the scolding, I feel relieved, but I still have to speak out unanimously and solve the problem.

Liu Qian thought of the injury on his daughter's head, and his face turned cold: "I want them to leave now."

Xu Mei is quite satisfied with this answer.

Suddenly, the square door was pushed open, and Liu Zhao stood at the door and said with a serious face: "We have to get our pocket money back! We have to make them apologize to us! They stole the money, not we spent it. !”


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