Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1636: Fooling children

Although the Liu brothers are unwilling to give in, they can't give any excuses now.

Looking at the cold-faced Hua Zhao and the bodyguards beside her, she knew that it was useless to force him to stay.

I could only pack my luggage reluctantly and leave.

"Wait a minute." Liu Zhao suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at him.

Sister-in-law Liu suddenly forced out a very kind smile: "Xiao Zhao, do you really like auntie very much and don't want auntie to leave?"

The little Liu Zhao was embarrassed and turned away from her, looking at Liu Xinxin, Liu Fei and Liu Le.

"You have to apologize to me and my sister!" He said with his chest puffed out.

"Huh!" Liu Fei immediately snorted coldly.

Liu Le had no expression on his face and pretended not to hear.

Only Liu Xinxin looked at the situation around her, lowered her head in shame, blushed and said with tears in her eyes: "I'm sorry, what I didn't want to do was..."

Just make up your own mind, she doesn't want to do it anyway.

The most likely possibility is that the parents decided to keep the money, and there was nothing she could do about it~

Liu Zhaoke finally heard the apology and didn't care about the attitudes of the other two people. He said with satisfaction: "Okay, you can go."

Sister-in-law Liu was greatly disappointed and immediately glared at him, "What a bastard!"

This look is fierce enough.

Liu Zhao's living environment has been harmonious since he was a child, and he is surrounded by kindness. He has never seen such vicious eyes.

Suddenly he trembled with fright, curled his lips, and was about to cry.

But Xu Mei felt very distressed.

"Why are you staring at the child? Are you still justified in stealing money? Don't leave! I want to call the police!" Xu Mei shouted.

This sentence angered Mrs. Liu and scared her.

When she was nervous, she started to speak out.

"What a bastard! The kid you bought from outside looks at your precious eyes like eyeballs!

"You two are really sick! You have money to raise bastards from nowhere, but you don't know how to treat your own family better!

"My Liu Fei and Liu Xin are both of the serious blood of the old Liu family, are they no better than the two of them?

"If you want to raise your own nephews and nieces, they are better than outsiders! We have brought them here. You can keep the ones you see in the photos. If you don't like your nephews and nieces, we can also adopt them for you."

Liu Qian and Xu Mei stared, it turned out that was their idea!

No wonder they talked about starting a business. Instead of bringing older children who could do the work, they brought a few fourteen and a half-year-olds who were too old to take on the job.

Of course, this is also because the Liu brothers have no younger children.

However, they think that fourteen or fifteen is just right. They are all set. They know who their biological father and mother are. Even if they are adopted, they also know who to kiss.

You are too young. If you don't get close to them, wouldn't it be for nothing?

"You..." Xu Mei was so angry that she wanted to curse.

Suddenly someone took her hand and asked: "Mom, what is a bastard? Who is a bastard? Who is the bought child?"

Liu Hua ran out of the room. When she heard this sentence, she asked Xu Mei with tears in her eyes.

Liu Zhao was so frightened that he stared blankly at Xu Mei and Liu Qian.

Both children are very smart and know what a "bastard" is and what a "bought child" is.

They understood what Mrs. Liu meant.

Are they not the biological children of their parents?

Xu Mei went crazy and shouted to Mrs. Liu, "Get out! If you don't get out, I'll call the police!"

The call to the police was a threat before, but now it seems sincere.

If they weren't Liu Qian's brother and sister-in-law, she would really call the police now!

Liu Qian was also mad and pushed them away.

The two Liu brothers looked at each other and knew that this time they were really angered, so they quickly walked away in despair.

Only Sister-in-law Liu was still unconvinced and muttered: "I'm not wrong, I just bought the child..."

"Shut up!" Boss Liu slapped her and pulled her away.

Liu Qian and Xu Mei gave birth to a child and called their hometown to announce the good news.

When the children are too young, there is no time and effort to take them back to the elderly.

It was difficult to explain on the phone how Xu Mei’s two children were born since her uterus was gone.

Can't understand the explanation.

Liu Qian didn't want to explain, because the organ designed to cover a woman belonged to his wife, and he didn't want anyone to hear it!

So it was vague. Anyway, he and Xu Mei had a child, a twin brother and a twin!

Although he repeatedly confessed that he was his biological child, others did not believe him.

How can I give birth without a uterus? Are you kidding me? When they are illiterate?

The old family just figured it out. These two children were bought from outside.

The Liu family is gone.

Liu Zhao and Liu Hua pulled Xu Mei and burst into tears.

Xu Mei quickly explained to the two children.

How to explain...

Popular science?

Can the child understand it?

She looked at Hua Zhao for help.

"You usually protect them so well." Hua Zhao said, "Why do they believe whatever outsiders say?"

One sentence made the two smart children stop crying.

The two little guys blinked. Was what those people just said false? not real?

That's right, they are bad people! I like to lie to children!

They had stolen his money before, but instead framed them as spending it themselves.

Yes, you can’t believe what bad people say!

The two little guys suddenly looked angry and no longer sad.

Xu Mei blinked, is this okay?

Hua Zhao winked at her, of course.

Just kidding...

Children, why are you so serious? Coax them first, and when they grow up and learn scientific knowledge, they will naturally know that they are biological children.

Now tell them, they really don’t understand.

Xu Mei had no other choice, and the results in front of her were good, so Xu Mei followed Hua Zhao's words.

Sure enough, the two little guys had no doubts at all. They completely held back their tears and said that they would never believe other people's words in the future. Only their parents and aunt would not lie to them!

Xu Mei and Liu Qian? ? ? Something doesn't seem right.

But it seems pretty good.

Forget it, they are still young, so it is a good thing that they think so.

The two men also told them the principle of not revealing their wealth.

The root cause of today's incident lies in their exposure.

Liu Fei and the others said they wanted to see their piggy bank, but the two little guys, who regarded them as brothers and sisters, were not wary and showed it to them.

Although the two little guys didn't tell them how much money was in it, they would weigh it.

There is no rattling sound, there are no coins inside, it is all paper money, so it is not light.

Several minors became interested.

The result is what it is now.

The little guys are obedient.

Hua Zhao finally left with peace of mind.

The next day, she went to the food factory to inspect again. Xu Mei had already gone to work in the factory.

The two of them were doing business, and Xu Mei explained to her the performance of this quarter, the plan for this year, etc.

Hua Zhao has nothing to worry about. The machines are all imported. Although they are not the most advanced in the world, they are enough to make some soda and sell them domestically.

As for those snacks, because of her later experience and some of the seasonings she provided, they can lead the world. They are not only popular in the country, but also exported in large quantities.

Hua Zhao has a lot of things to do, and she is always busy for a few days every year... She usually doesn't care about it.

That day, when she came out of the food factory, she saw an acquaintance at the door.

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