Zhou Wenxuan is a cautious person.

Not before, but after being kidnapped once and escaping death.

He thought carefully about how he came into contact with Master An.

While recalling, he explained to Hua Zhao.

But I have to explain it clearly, otherwise what should I do if Hua Zhao misunderstands that there is something going on between him and Master An?

"This is also the first time I have met Master An. I have only heard of his name before, but I have never seen him in person."

Zhou Wenxuan said: "This time I returned to Hong Kong City and looked for a master that my family had been seeing. The master said that he had something to do and that he could no longer do divination until the matter was finished. He recommended An Grandmaster.

"As soon as I heard it was Master An, who was more famous than the master my family often dealt with, I agreed and asked him to calculate the days. He spent three days and gave me a few days, and that's it."

Zhou Wenxuan said: "I really didn't know he had a problem! If I knew, I definitely wouldn't find him!"

"I know." Hua Zhao said, "Don't be nervous, I believe you."

Even in the Jin family back then, it was hard to say who used whom to deceive her.

There are also things about the Wang family included in it.

If he didn't see the person or stun him, Hua Zhao wouldn't even know what he wanted to do~

Zhou Wenxuan breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Hua Zhao believed in him.

"Give me Master An's contact information." Hua Zhao said.

Zhou Wenxuan immediately wrote down the other party's phone number and address.

Hua Zhao took a look and found that he actually lived in the Mid-Levels villa area. He was indeed rich.

She has fallen in love, what should I do~

Hua Zhao smiled, said goodbye to Zhou Wenxuan, and asked someone to send a message to Xiang Qian to find out the detailed deeds of Master An.

Then take a boat directly to find Ye Shen.

It’s true, I couldn’t see you anywhere before, but now I’m with you. It’s too much to go out early and come back late every day, to gather less and stay away more.

She wanted to punish him, do this and that in broad daylight!


Sun Yan also went out early and came back late these days, dragging Ye Chen around the streets.

After 10 years of development, Pengcheng has become very big.

In order to see carefully, they still used two legs to turn around, and they didn't finish turning for several days.

But I did see a lot of scenes that I would never have seen in Beijing.

Let’s just talk about these skyscrapers standing next to each other. Standing under them, you feel like you are in New York, Country M. It’s so impressive!

The industries are even more diverse and dazzling.

Open a restaurant, clothing store, furniture store, building materials store, etc., and see which one makes money.

Don't know what to do.

"It's like what Hua Zhao said. There is gold everywhere here. It's so easy to make money! I estimate that the water seller on the roadside can make 100 a day." Sun Yan said.

100 a day, a month's salary of an ordinary person in two or three days, which is a bit exciting.

Ye Chen also glanced at the water seller. They came one after another and could only rest for one minute.

Let’s make 10 cents for a bottle of water. It’s more than 100 per day, and it’s impossible for her to earn only 10 cents for a bottle of water.

Because my family owns a beverage factory, and he has heard that a bottle of beverage costs only a few cents, but costs 50 cents...

Ye Chen turned away his eyes.

Sun Yan also thought of this and stopped looking at the water seller.

Thinking about the money Huazhao made, I suddenly felt that these stores were just like that.

They still have to open big companies and factories.

"Husband, have you decided what we are going to do?" Sun Yan asked.

Ye Chen shook his head expressionlessly.

After seeing too much, he became more confused and even less knowledgeable.

"How stupid!" Sun Yan scolded him.

Ye Chen was too lazy to pay attention to her.

The light turned green, and Sun Yan pulled Ye Chen across the street and entered the shopping mall opposite.

This is a clothing wholesale mall, and Ye Dan has a stall here.

Sun Yan is going to learn from the experience.

Today is the weekend, and there are many people in the shopping mall.

She didn't know which floor or number Ye Dan was on, so she had to look for him one by one.

Found it quickly.

Ye Dan is on the second floor, on the main road, a stall with a good location.

The small stall is about ten square meters in size, with three walls covered with clothes and people standing inside and outside.

Ye Dan enthusiastically solicited customers and seemed overwhelmed. Thanks to someone's help.

Wang Yi and Wang Yu were actually helping Ye Dan sell clothes.

After receiving comprehensive guidance from the Ye family, the two of them did not feel that it was a shameful thing to sell clothes individually.

Wang Yi is one year older and more open-minded.

Wang Yu can only speak when customers ask for price.

This is also very good.

The key is the closeness shown by the two children to her. Ye Dan will shed tears when he thinks about it.

As you get older, your thoughts really change.

In the past, she only wanted to make money, get rich, dominate others, and let the whole family see her ability and look up to her.

She can do anything for this, and she doesn't care about the children.

Now that I am older, I realize that face and money are not as important as parents and children.

She was grateful to Hua Zhao for carefully teaching several children and teaching them to recognize her without sowing discord...

If it was her back then, she would definitely sow discord...

I don’t want to think about it anymore, it’s too embarrassing.

Ye Dan turned around and saw Sun Yan.

She didn't recognize him, and just as she was about to say hello with a smile, she saw Ye Chen next to Sun Yan.

Of course she didn't know Ye Chen.

"Ye Chen." Ye Dan exclaimed.

Ye Chen smiled dryly and said, "Sister Dan."

Ye Dan looked at Sun Yan again and guessed her identity.

"Oh, you two are here to go shopping, come in quickly! This is..." She didn't deserve to be called younger sister.

Ye Dan paused and said, "Is this your wife? She is so beautiful! Why is she so handsome! Come on, come on, the clothes I have here are suitable for handsome people. You come and choose a few, and I will give them to you."

Although she still hates Ye Xing in her heart and hates him for leading her astray, she will not vent her anger on Ye Chen.

She knew that Ye Chen and Ye Xing were completely two different people.

"No, no, no." Sun Yan waved her hands repeatedly.

Although her eyelids are not deep, they are not too shallow either. If this were the shop owned by Ye Chen's other cousins, she might know how to handle it.

She didn't dare to take advantage of Ye Dan. He was an orphan and a widower... If the second aunt found out, she would blame her to death.

Ye Dan wanted to give it away sincerely.

"Xiao Yi, choose some suitable clothes for your aunt, choose something good-looking!" Ye Dan said.

"Okay!" Wang Yidao.

Every child taught by Hua Zhao is not stingy.

Wang Yi quickly picked out a few clothes that suited Sun Yan.

They are all fat and big skirts.

"You kid, how did you choose? It's a shame mom still believes in your vision. You see, your aunt is so good that she has to wear tight clothes to show off her figure." Ye Dan pointed out.

"My aunt is pregnant." Wang Yidao.

"Ah~" Ye Dan knew it and immediately praised: "Then my girl is really good at choosing and has a good sense."

Her mind was active and she thought of many things from this news.

When her mother was chatting on the phone, she learned that Sun Yan had already given birth to one child.

Now she is pregnant again, and Xiaoyi has the attitude that she wants to keep the child.

If the children are left behind, the job is not guaranteed.

Did Sun Yan and Ye Chen come here for other purposes?


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