Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1644 Chen Feng’s sister

The crowd continues smoothly, rushing to spend money, rush to draw prizes, and then show off outside the gold shop.

Someone showed off the first, second, third and fourth prizes he had won.

Someone opens the blind box and looks at the contents. If they are satisfied with it, they keep it. If they are not satisfied, they exchange it with someone else.

Some people like water glasses, some like pens, some like scarves...

Thanks to Hua Zhao and the others, they were prepared in advance and reported in advance, so the road to the door took up one day.

Otherwise, there are so many people, so don’t even think about cars coming. Bicycles will be fine.

So many people were beaming, which attracted more customers.

Ye Shen and the security guards discovered that the already reduced team had grown again.

Hua Zhao felt very distressed and personally prepared some mineral water to send to them.

When Ye Shen saw her walking over, he unconsciously showed a gentle smile and said jokingly: "Congratulations to Boss Hua, you'll make a lot of money every day."

He did not stand in the crowd, but stood on the steps in front of a store. He had an excellent perspective and could observe most of the team.

Once his aura opened up, no one came close to him.

However, there were a few women who were eager to give it a try and prepared mentally for a long time. But just as they were about to go up and strike up a conversation, Hua Zhao came.

Looking at the smile on Ye Shen's face, all the smart people backed away.

But a woman strode over.

"Ye Shen." the woman shouted.

Hua Zhao was stunned, someone actually called out his real name!

As the "eldest brother" of Pengcheng, Ye Shen is not called Ye Shen here.

Thanks to no younger brother around, I didn’t hear it.

She looked at the woman, who was in her 30s, had a fashionable haircut, and was wearing a white professional suit. She was smart and capable.

She is also very beautiful. If her emotional intelligence is sufficient, this kind of woman will have great advantages in the workplace.

Ye Shen had seen the woman a long time ago and recognized her. He was not very surprised. He just lamented that the world is so small.

But he pretended not to know him.

Otherwise, the little jealous jar next to me will overturn.

Ye Shen looked at the woman without saying anything, and gave her a look that said, "You've got the wrong person."

The woman stood closer, but she became more determined. She looked at Ye Shen and smiled and said, "It's really you."

She looked around, smiled playfully, and whispered: "Okay, okay, I won't call you by your name, I understand."

The attitude is very familiar.

Hua Zhao looked at her and then at Ye Shen.

Ye Shen resisted the urge to roll his eyes, turned his head away, and stopped looking at the woman.

The woman finally looked at Hua Zhao and said with a smile: "Hello, I am Chen Qian, my brother is Chen Feng, he is...his good friend."

Hua Zhao also smiled: "Chen Feng, I know him. He has eaten a lot of good things from me."

Ye Shen looked at Hua Zhao and suddenly felt sour in his heart.

I think back then, half of the delicious food his wife worked so hard to cook for him ended up in other people’s mouths!

I couldn't bear it at that time.

Now I think about it even more reluctantly.

Chen Qian smiled: "I heard my brother mentioned that you made delicious food, and he still remembers it."

Ye Shen finally turned to look at her.

This is something I never forget, and it sounds awkward to me.

Hua Zhao smiled and said, "Let's stop chatting on the street. Let's go and find a place to sit and catch up on old times?"

Ye Shen really wanted to say that he had nothing to do with her and had only met her once.

But he also wanted to know news about Chen Feng.

Chen Feng, Zhao Yong, and Zhuang Yuanwu had the best relationship back then, but after he left, they never contacted each other again.

If he hadn't met Chen Qian here, he wouldn't have had anywhere to inquire about these people.

Hua Zhao had already taken his arm and pulled him away.

The power was so great that he couldn't resist it.

Are you really angry...?

Ye Shen felt a little uneasy. Don't let him sleep on the floor at night...

A little sour and sweet...

Hua Zhao didn't go far and went directly to a high-end looking restaurant nearby and asked for a private room.

It was not a meal, and Hua Zhao had no intention of eating with her, so he ordered a few cups of tea.

Everyone talked and then dispersed.

Hua Zhao knew what Ye Shen was thinking, so she asked Chen Qian without Ye Shen asking, "Where is your brother now?"

Chen Qian smiled slightly, and the smile was a little inexplicable: "If my brother knows that you care about him so much, he will definitely be very happy."

It was such strange words again, as if she cared about Chen Feng a lot, and as if Chen Feng was interested in her.

Who are you provoking?

Hua Zhao was a little unhappy, and the smile on his face suddenly faded: "You won't be liked by you talking like this. Is there any need for us to continue talking?"

Chen Qian immediately apologized: "I'm sorry, I was so excited when I saw my old friend that I spoke a little out of my mind. Don't mind, I'll apologize to you."

The apology was very heartfelt, and the expression on his face was perfect.

Looks like an old fritter.

She probably does this kind of thing all the time.

Hua Zhao really wanted to lift up his legs and leave, but felt that there was no need to meet such a person.

It's not that Chen Qian doesn't understand the ways of the world, she's just testing Hua Zhao's personality and her relationship with Ye Shen.

Now that I knew something, I immediately changed my strategy and took the initiative to tell the news about Chen Feng: "My brother has changed his career now and is retiring in a state-owned enterprise."

Ye Shen frowned almost invisible.

I think back then Chen Feng was also a young pioneer with great potential. Why is he going somewhere now? Also joined a state-owned enterprise? Pension?

Chen Qian knew how to look and said, "Didn't he suffer a serious injury back then? Later, he had sequelae. From time to time, he would have inexplicable headaches. The pain was excruciating. Sometimes it hurt for a while, sometimes it lasted for several days.

"The pain was so painful that he hit the wall, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. After getting through it, it felt like he was peeling off a layer of skin. He had to come back a few times... He couldn't do his job, so he could only go somewhere to take care of his old age. ” She had a sad look on her face.

This expression looks very real.

My dear brother, you are worried after all.

Hua Zhao and Ye Shen did not expect that Chen Feng's illness would be so serious.

"Did you go to the hospital? What did the doctor say?" Hua Zhao asked.

"The doctor said that the nerve has been injured, and there is nothing Western medicine can do. I can only seek treatment from a Chinese medicine doctor. Taking Chinese medicine and acupuncture can be of some help, but unfortunately it is limited."

Chen Qian looked at Hua Zhao and said: "I heard that my sister-in-law studied under Mr. Sun. My brother has always wanted to see Mr. Sun. Unfortunately, he is no longer able to see Mr. Sun at his current level. I wonder if my sister-in-law can take the time to show my brother?"

The Chen family was also in the capital. Although it was not as good as the Ye family back then, it still belonged to the same circle.

But over the past ten years, things have changed. The old man of the Chen family has disappeared, and several uncles and fathers have also retired.

The next generation of the Chen family has not grown up either.

Chen Feng, the most promising person, has gone to "retirement", and the Chen family is about to decline.

He really couldn't get in touch with Mr. Sun, who only treated top bosses.

Hua Zhao said: "I won't be returning to the capital recently. If your brother is free, you can ask him to come to Pengcheng."

She didn't know Chen Feng, but she had only met him twice.

But comradeship is the same as brotherhood. Ye Shen definitely wants to save him, so she will give it a try.

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