Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1658 Want to find a wife too?

Ye Shen felt very guilty and distressed. Hua Zhao cared so much about Hua Qiang's wedding and did everything by himself to perfection. Maybe it wasn't out of love for his grandfather.

Maybe it's regret?

Deep down in her heart, she actually hopes to have such a grand wedding, right?

His fault! I never thought of this before!

Hua Zhao had never complained about their wedding in so many years, so he ignored it for a while...

This is so inappropriate.

Ye reflected deeply....

"Humph." Hua Zhao turned over in his arms with satisfaction, but she didn't want to hold any more weddings.

His guesses were all correct, and she regretted that none of her grooms showed up at the wedding.

But thinking about the situation at that time, how could she have the nerve to ask the groom to show up?

This groom was drunk and "robbed". He didn't give her any peanuts to eat because he was kind and generous.

"Don't do it. It's only once in a lifetime. Whatever you do at the time is what it is. It's the second time to make up for it later. It's not the same and it's unlucky." Hua Zhao said.

The last three words persuaded Ye Shen.

Some things cannot be disbelieved.

I would rather believe that it exists than believe that it doesn’t exist! He didn't dare to gamble.

"Then don't do it. How do you want me to compensate you?" Ye Shen asked.

"Humph, you are such a straight man! You ask me this kind of question, how can you show your sincerity if I say it?" Hua Zhaodao.

In fact, she didn't think about it herself.

She didn't need Ye Shen to compensate her for anything. She never felt that Ye Shen owed her anything.

The sloppy wedding was not Ye Shen's fault, it was the fault of the original owner, who made her resort too violently...

Ye Shen stopped talking, obviously trying to think of a solution.

Before I could even think about it, I heard even breathing coming from my arms.

Hua Zhao fell asleep.

Ye Shen smiled slightly, lay beside her gently, covered her with a quilt, and hugged her to sleep.

The next day, the scene was set up.

The guests have also arrived.

Ye Zhenguo, Ye Mao, Miao Lanzhi, Ye Shang, Zhang Guilan, Ye Cheng, Tang Fanghe, Ye Ming....

Anyway, all the Ye family members are here, except for the two who were kicked out of the family, the others are in decline.

Very generous to Hua Qiang.

Over the years, the Ye family has regarded Hua Zhao as a close relative.

Hua Zhao's closest relative is also their closest relative.

What's more, Ye Zhenguo and Hua Qiang still have life-saving grace. Of course he will come when an old friend gets married.

To be honest, he was still a little envious in his heart...

Look at other people's granddaughters. They all know how to find a wife for their grandfather, but his grandsons and granddaughters won't care about him!

As Hua Qiang's granddaughter, Hua Zhao warmly entertains "guests", and her own family members are also guests now.

Her senses were extremely keen, and she soon discovered Ye Zhenguo's subtle emotions, the slight envy, jealousy, and sourness, which was a very familiar smell.

Hua Zhao was stunned for a moment. Is that what she thought?

She winked at Ye Ming.

Ye Ming was not on the same channel as her this time and didn't understand.

So he took the time to call Hua Zhao aside: "What's wrong? Is there any problem that Brother Shen can't solve?"

He was very curious and his eyes were expectant.

Hua Zhao almost didn't follow his channel, but she quickly adjusted.

Knowing that he didn't see it, I didn't know whether I should say it or not.

Maybe he just felt wrong?

"What's the matter? Is it difficult to speak?" Ye Ming became more curious and urged: "Speak quickly!"

"Well, since you want to know so much, I'll ask." Hua Zhao said, "How many years has it been since grandma passed away?"

Ye Ming's eyes were confused. How many years had her grandma passed away? Did she still need to ask him? He felt that with Hua Zhao's memory, Hua Qiang would remember it even if he said it once.

The key is, he doesn’t remember!

Soon, he realized that Hua Zhao was asking about his grandma.

"Oh, it's been almost 30 years, what's wrong?" Ye Ming asked.

"It's been a long time..." Hua Zhao paused and said, "Then have you ever considered finding a wife for grandpa?"

Ye Ming's eyes widened instantly and he looked at Hua Zhao for a few seconds.

"Have you been infected by the second aunt? Did you end up being a matchmaker for grandpa? If one is not enough, you have to do two?" he said.

After saying that, the corners of his mouth could not help but curl up. If he were not afraid of being heard by others, he would laugh out loud now.

Hua Zhao wants to introduce someone to his grandfather!

Ha ha ha ha!

Grandpa will beat her to death if he finds out, right?

Well, I would definitely be reluctant to beat her to death.

That means beating him to death for exposing the news, right?

Ye Ming held back his laughter.

"What's so funny?" Hua Zhao asked curiously: "Isn't it normal for a single old man to find a wife? Our family tradition is not feudal, so we don't all have double standards. If other people's single old men find a wife, it's okay for you to find a wife. Isn’t it okay for a single old man at home to find a wife?”

Ye Ming's smile slowly disappeared. Thinking about it, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

It's just that grandpa...the cold, stubborn, rigid, and hot-tempered looking for a wife...

"Grandpa himself has a double standard. Don't look at it. He doesn't mind Grandpa Hua finding a wife, and he is quite blessed. But if you let him find a wife by himself, he will definitely be embarrassed, shy, and afraid of embarrassment. So whoever tells him about this will be beaten! "Ye Mingdao.

"You don't want me to bring it to grandpa, do you?" He shook his head like a rattle: "I won't go, you have to go by yourself!"

Did he offend Hua Zhao somewhere? So Hua Zhao dug a hole for him personally? Or is this a pitfall that must be beaten?

"It seems that you still don't understand Grandpa." Hua Zhao said: "Look, Grandpa is sore all over his body. Does he also want to find a wife in his heart? Is he just embarrassed to mention it?"

The two stood in the corner. They could see others, but others could not see them.

Hua Zhao pointed him in the direction of Ye Zhenguo and Hua Qiang.

Ye Ming looked at it, his face stiffened.

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