Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1671 Lamb to the Slaughter

"That's not the case. It's still sold for rubles." Ye Chen said, "I won't sell it to him if it's cheap. At worst, I'll sell it myself."

He couldn't lose face and was scolded by his wife when he returned home, so he would rather lose face here.

Taking things back as they are is not only embarrassing in front of my wife, but also embarrassing in front of other people.

Hua Zhao went there and made a lot of money, so he went along with him, but his work was in vain? He himself was embarrassed.

Hua Zhao nodded. Ye Chen's selling price was not too low. It was the same as when they sold it on the road, which meant that the price here was higher and the dealer still made a profit.

Hua Zhao then asked Ye Shen, "How was your discussion?"

"Not bad." Ye Shen was very happy. He brought the surplus domestic goods to the port and once they were resold, he made more than ten times the profit. It was easy and simple, just like picking up money.

However, not everyone can pick up this money. It is very difficult to transport small commodities from the south to the northern port.

Nowadays, the roads are not good, there are few trucks, and train leather is even more difficult to find. Transportation is a very difficult task.

There are also capital, connections, etc., so Ye Shen finds it simple.

But as long as someone can do it, they can make a lot of money, and there have been some bad guys in recent years.

Hua Zhao chatted with Ye Shen in a low voice, and Ye Shen also became interested in the trade between the two parties and planned to work for a long time.

Hua Zhao smiled happily.

No one cares about having too much wealth.

But out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ye Chen sitting there with an upturned face.

Hua Zhao was speechless.

Some people are like this. If gold falls in front of them, they will not pick it up because they think it is dung.

"Brother Chen, what do you think? Will you take this route in the future?" Hua Zhao asked.

Ye Chen paused and said, "I don't really want to do it."

"Why?" Hua Zhao was really surprised.

In other domestic businesses, it is very rare to make 100% profit, and it is even less profitable to make two or three times a year.

As for the Sino-Soviet trade, you can earn more than ten times or dozens of times in one trip. If you make several trips a year, your fortune will be like a rocket!

"I don't speak Russian." Ye Chen said, "If I hadn't followed my second brother this time, my eyes would be black and I wouldn't be able to do anything.

"In the future, without you guys, I can only carry something like everyone else, and grab money from others along the way... There are still risks," Ye Chen said.

That money-grabbing operation really embarrassed him.

And he can only carry one or two bags at a time, and he can't carry more.

Looking at the expressions of other people, it was definitely not unfounded that the train was not peaceful.

So I don’t know who earned this money!

Just as he was talking, the train arrived at the station.

A few people happened to get into Hua Zhao's carriage.

They are all young men, light and strong.

Everyone didn’t bring any big luggage with them, unlike other passengers who carried big and small bags.

Some people have packages on them, but the shape and weight...

The eyes of Ye Shen and other bodyguards immediately lit up.

Jian Bai glanced at Ye Shen, then picked up the water glass and went to the car connection to get water.

When passing by a few people, I accidentally nudged a long bag.

Jian Bai passed by holding the water glass "without any clue".

The other party frowned at him, said nothing, turned around and continued walking.

Then passed by the partition between Hua Zhao and Ye Shen.

Some sleeper partitions don't have doors, and some do.

There is no way for Ye Shen and Hua Zhao to sit now.

When the man in the lead saw Hua Zhao, he stopped walking and stared at her, unable to walk.

The man behind him looked over curiously and his eyes widened.

There are few women on this train, and there are even fewer such beautiful young women.

And, does it look familiar?

It’s the look in the eyes that can be seen on TV every year.

But because Hua Zhao appears in costume on TV, and apart from TV dramas, she never shows up on any other occasions.

So when they saw Hua Zhao now, few people recognized her and just felt that she was so beautiful that it dazzled her.

Think about it.

Suddenly, the beauty in front of her disappeared and was blocked by someone.

Ye Shen stood at the partition door and looked at the people coldly.

Passers-by often looked at Hua Zhao, and many people liked Hua Zhao, but Ye Shen never minded.

But the sight is disgusting.

The sight of these people is disgusting. What are they thinking in their hearts...

Ye Shen really wanted to deal with a few people right now.

Several people across from him were awakened by his cold gaze, but they didn't want to take action now.

The train hasn't started yet, and there are police here on the platform. If something happens under their noses, they won't care.

Just somewhere they can't see.

Several men stared at Ye Shen for a few times, and then stared at their partition, memorizing the number on it.

In a moment, they will be back!

The leading man showed a strange smile to Ye Shen, turned around and led the people away.

The few people didn't go far before they found their own partition and moved in.

Jian Bai came back with a water glass and nodded towards Ye Shen.

He just tried it out, and the thing in the bag did look like a gun.

And what they did just now was barely concealed.

Others seemed to feel it too. There was almost no talking or chatting in the train, and everyone was quiet.

Like an honest lamb.

Otherwise, what can be done?

Plane tickets? Expensive and not available yet.

They can only take this bus back to their country. This is the only way!

All they can do is hide the money as well as possible.

Some people hide money in the soles of their shoes, some in insoles, some sewn into clothes, some in other things, and some stuff it into the mattress when no one is in the car. under.

Others put money in plastic bags and stuffed it into thermos cups, and drank from the cups along the way.

No one will find out this way, right?

These methods work, otherwise the money will be made for others, and this line will not prosper for several years.

The only thing the robbers can say is that they want money rather than life, if the passengers cooperate.

If you don't cooperate, you can only kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Also, not friendly to pretty female passengers...

The train started slowly.

There was a small commotion in the car, and smart people knew that danger was about to begin.

Sure enough, soon, several men stood up and walked towards the locomotive.

There is a phone in the locomotive, so they can contact the train station, but they are still afraid that the other party will call the police. What if the police take charge? Very troublesome.

So control the driver first.

The driver was very familiar with this routine. He resisted at first, then was beaten, and then it had no effect. Then he stopped resisting...

One person really has no chance of winning against several people with hot weapons, and he doesn't know kung fu.

Just now, the driver saw a few "old acquaintances" coming up on the platform in the car, and they were waiting nervously, but he didn't wait for a long time.

He was extremely curious. Did these people change their tactics today?

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