Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1678 Big brother asked me to help you find a partner

Of course she knew Ye Ming's big brother's number. Ye Mao gave it to her, but she had never called it before.

When the call was connected, Wang Ling said directly: "Brother Ye, you said you would help me introduce Hua Zhao. It's been several days and I haven't heard from you. Have you forgotten the matter?"

Her attitude and tone were as natural as if the two of them had never been on a blind date or been rejected before. They were familiar but not overly so.

Ye Ming didn't forget it, but he just didn't want to contact her.

It’s too late to hide!

But this also gave her an excuse to continue contacting him.

Ye Ming said: "I'm sorry, I really forgot. In this way, I will ask Hua Zhao to call you later, and you two can talk by yourself."

"Okay." Wang Ling smiled.

Ye Ming hung up the phone without even saying hello.

Wang Ling's smile froze for a moment and then returned to normal. He had expected this to happen.

Hua Zhao's call quickly reached her office.

She has completed the procedures in the past few days and went to class at No. 6 Middle School.

Because I am a music teacher, and because I am in high school, there are not many classes, so it is very relaxing. Several music and art teachers sit in a big office, chatting, reading books, and occasionally helping the school complete some tasks.

Only people with connections can get in.

Wang Ling's arrival caused a small stir. Because she was a single beauty, several single male teachers in the school were a little excited.

The students were even more excited. Wang Ling was one of the most beautiful teachers, adding a little color to their boring study life.

"Hello, I am Hua Zhao." Hua Zhao said.

"Hello, I'm Wang Ling, nice to meet you." Wang Ling said with a smile.

Two sweet and crunchy sounds collided.

Hua Zhao felt inexplicably that there was a spark somewhere.

The two exchanged pleasantries for a few more words, and Hua Zhao arranged to meet at home.

Don't be afraid of making an appointment at home. Even if she knows the address, she can't come in without her permission.

Make an appointment somewhere else, Ye Mao might get angry if he finds out.

Hua Zhao had a feeling that he was neglecting his good friend, just like he was neglecting him.

She could understand that if one of her family members neglected Ye Shu, Xu Mei, or even Ye Shen and Ye Ming, she would also be angry.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Ling had a big smile on his face.

The phone missed a sound, and the person sitting next to her heard it a little bit, and immediately asked curiously: "Who were you talking to on the phone just now? Hua Zhao?"

"Yes, Hua Zhao." Wang Ling nodded.

"Which Hua Zhao?" Several people in the office asked at the same time.

There are few people with the surname Hua, and even fewer with the name Hua Zhao, but they do know Hua Zhao... After so many years, he has not been forgotten.

The teacher who taught Hua Zhao is still there, mentioning it every day, talking about it every day, even if he wants to forget it!

"It's the Hua Zhao who passed the exam in our school. She asked me to go to her house for dinner." Wang Ling said with a smile.

"Ah! Do you know Hua Zhao?"

"What's your relationship?"

"Hua Zhao invites you to dinner?"

I care about all kinds of problems.

"My father and Hua Zhao's father-in-law are good friends." Wang Ling said with a smile.

She doesn't mind letting others know that she has a backer and is very tough!

This is a good thing, why hide it?

After she finished speaking, everyone looked at her differently.

There was a female colleague who wanted to cause trouble before~ but now she gave up the idea.

Wang Ling was satisfied.

When it was time to get off work, she left half an hour early.

These are all small things. Who doesn’t have this? Anyway, it’s okay. It’s normal to leave work early.

Besides, they are all related households, so it is normal to be abnormal.

Wang Ling wandered away, found the place according to Hua Zhao's address, and was picked up at the gate of the community by his family's bodyguard.

Walking into Huazhao's house and into the living room, Wang Ling couldn't keep his expression calm.

It was somewhat different from what she imagined.

It was much richer than she imagined. If she hadn't seen it before, she wouldn't have been able to think of it.

It turns out that the Ye family is like this.

Wang Ling looked towards the living room. A beautiful and shameless woman stood up and smiled at her. There was no one else in the room, so she knew that this was Hua Zhao.

It was much more than she imagined.

Wang Ling has always been very confident in her appearance in the past. Even if she is not the most beautiful one, everyone is about the same, and it is even impossible to tell the winner.

Everyone has their own love.

But now, she could tell the winner all of a sudden.

Regardless of appearance or temperament.

Wang Ling couldn't help but smile calmly.

Hua Zhao smiled naturally: "Here you go, sit down quickly. I've heard my mother-in-law praise you several times. Today you can be considered a real person."

Not too flattering, but her smile and attitude were the biggest welcome and made people feel happy.

Wang Ling's nervousness dissipated unconsciously, and he also laughed.

Only after laughing did I understand what was going own kung fu is still far behind compared to this, I have to learn!

"I also heard eldest brother talking about you." Hua Zhao pulled him to sit on the sofa and said with a smile: "eldest brother said you are a very good girl. It's a pity to be with him. He asked me to help you find out about the capital. Young talents, I hope you can choose one you are satisfied with."

Wang Ling's smile almost fell down again.

Hua Zhao still smiled naturally and asked kindly: "What are your criteria for choosing a mate? Tell me and I will help you with your advice. Based on your father's relationship with my father, you must not be polite to me, just say it boldly. !”

Wang Ling couldn't say a word.

She wanted to say that she was attracted to Ye Ming and would not marry him except him.

But looking at the impeccable Hua Zhao, she had a feeling that if she dared to speak to Hua Zhao, she would be so angry that she would not be able to get off the stage. She would never have any chance to get close to Hua Zhao and Ye Ming in the future.

It's not easy for her father to come forward.

Ye Mao is not easy to use either.

Just because of such a nice house, it belongs to Huazhao's family, not Ye Mao's family, let alone Ye Ming's family, or even Mr. Ye's family.

Hua Zhao's status in the Ye family is indeed unparalleled.

That is, this house, this land, and every penny in this house can be said to have been earned by Hua Zhao himself.

But because Ye Shen is here, she can keep whatever she earns.

Otherwise, she's just a woman from the countryside... It's hard to say who earned this money.

Looking at Hua Zhao's cool eyes, Wang Ling quickly came back to his senses and said: "I just want to find someone who is close to me, and I don't have any specific requirements."

It’s a lot to ask for, but she doesn’t want to mention it now!

Just as Hua Zhao was about to speak, the bodyguard brought in another person.

Hua Zhao immediately stood up to greet him and asked kindly: "Here you are, how have you been these days? Have you had any headaches?"

The person coming is Chen Feng.

He was treated in Pengcheng for a period of time. When Hua Zhao returned to the capital, he also came back.

Just as one course of treatment was over, Hua Zhao asked him to come over today for the next course of treatment.

Chen Feng smiled and said: "It hurts once in a while, but it doesn't hurt much anymore, and it lasts only a short time. I'm fine."

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