Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1696: Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys

The liquor dealers did bring in a lot of them, dozens of them.

There were more at the beginning, but some small dealers saw the industry leaders gathering and voluntarily withdrew.

Some people are unwilling to give in and want to fight for a piece of the pie.

Hua Zhao held a small wine tasting party, gathering everyone together to taste the wine she brought.

In fact, when I got the drinks at the food festival, I was not only drunk for thousands of miles, but also watered down...

Otherwise she wouldn't be able to bring so many! It is enough for so many people to drink from morning to night, for 7 consecutive days.

Add water and it will be different.

Moreover, the watered ones are sold at a high price, so the original brew can be bought at a high price.

Now it's time for them to see what the real "Thousand Miles Drunk", "Sleeping" and "Amber" are.

Sun Bai was the first to get drunk while holding Qianli Zui without water.

This is indeed the love wine of his dreams. No matter how much it costs, he will get it!

The reception was almost over when Hua Zhao showed up. She didn't greet anyone. She didn't know anyone except Sun Bai, and she didn't want to know everyone.

She directly stated her requirements: "One agent for each country, one distribution agency right every three years, everyone bids on the agency fee, and the box is there."

She pointed to the inconspicuous box on the table and said: "The bidding document must not only state the price, but also your business strategy after being an agent. I will make a comprehensive evaluation and select an agent."

The eyes of many small liquor dealers who stayed here were bright. This was their life!

In terms of money, they can't compete with the big guys. If they can get agency rights by spending money, they will lose completely.

But if it's a competition of strategy and brains, they won't lose!

The liquor dealers who can survive under the capital of the big boss are all smart people and have means.

"Also, the amount of wine I can produce each year is limited. The production volume is announced on January 1st every year. At that time, everyone still needs to bid." Hua Zhaodao.

Her current output is really limited, and her road ahead is huge. She plans to have one distributor per country!

Her current small wine shop cannot meet the needs of the whole world.

It’s not like any agent can give me as much as I want.

Supply is less than demand, so everyone naturally needs to bid.

Many people closed their mouths and their eyes lit up.

They sensed business opportunities from these requirements.

It is difficult for big countries to compete for distribution rights. Can they compete with small countries?

What about Zimbabwe, Congo, and Libya? Distribution rights in these places must be cheap, right?

Once they get it, they have room to operate.

Although cross-border sales are definitely not allowed, there is nothing wrong with buyers going to them to buy it and then taking it home themselves, right? No one can care!

Originally, if Hua Zhao said that he could have as many drinks as he wanted, it wouldn't be worth it.

But she said that the production volume is very small and you have to bid for the goods, so that's fine.

Everyone tasted the wine that they had never drunk before and felt that it was valuable enough. Those rich people were absolutely willing to send their servants to fly for several hours to go to a small country to buy wine.

Of course, not everyone thought of this method, only a few smart small dealers did.

Hua Zhao smiled, toasted everyone with a glass of wine and left.

They have three days to prepare a bid.

And she is so busy now, so busy fixing Xie Lena!

It's actually not painful to cause trouble at the food festival. There are still a large number of people outside who don't know why and continue to buy their products.

Especially when Taoji has a huge price reduction.

Many housewives are budget-conscious, and they will not spend double the price just to pursue better taste.

Hua Zhao drove to the outside of the "Taoji" food factory and walked around twice.

I went to the food sections of major supermarkets and looked around.

OK, that's it.

Anything made from plants, especially flour, has the essence of plants in it.

In the past, when she first got the superpower, she couldn't mobilize these, she could only mobilize the essence of living plants.

But after so many years, her abilities have become stronger and stronger, and she can do more things.

What's more, ready-to-eat products are all made from fresh ingredients, and the ingredients inside are full of vitality.

Well, not anymore.

Customers will find out what they bought when they get home. Why is it tasteless? It's like eating paper, or cotton!

Immediately, someone took the item to the supermarket to return it, and they bought a fake! Or fake products! The Yao Ji they bought before did not taste like this.

Yao Ji started selling fake and inferior products?

The supermarket immediately reported the incident to Yao Ji's relevant departments.

Yao Ji was prepared, but instead scolded the supermarket.

Taoji uses a different account with the supermarket. The supermarket must have known when purchasing the food that it was not Yaoji Food.

Now if something goes wrong, come to them instead? Is there any more heavenly justice? If you want them to take care of this matter, fine, all the money from the sales of "Tao Ji" next month will go to their account.

After hanging up the phone, Yao Kun felt refreshed.

In fact, they had an agreement with the supermarket before and were not allowed to sell products with packaging that were very similar to theirs, which would be considered counterfeit at a glance.

Supermarkets are also responsible for providing them with information on counterfeit products, and they are the first stop for counterfeiting.

For this reason, they gave the supermarket 2 points more profit.

It turns out that the problem lies in this first step. The supermarket actually signed a normal purchase contract with "Taoji".

Xelena's public relations ability is indeed very strong, or her parents' connections also played a big role in it.

Famous lawyers, famous doctors, anyone who needs them will give face.

Yao Kun was full of energy, and this time he asked them to kill the chicken and show it to the monkey! Let them make a mess and see if they dare to do it again!

Oh, it wasn't him who killed the chicken, it was Hua Zhao who killed the chicken. He just had a look... He still can't figure out how Hua Zhao did it. Did he have a master under his command?

What master can make food that has been prepared before become tasteless?

Or has Xelena just learned to be pretentious, but in fact, the things she makes are really incomparable to them?

Yao Kun bought a bag of dumplings from a roadside convenience store and cooked them. He thought they tasted pretty good. Although they didn't have the same flavor as theirs, they were much better than other brands of dumplings.

Strange, can't figure it out.

Or is it that Hua Zhao actually faked it? Just like creating evidence, did you make a fake "Peach Note" and exchange the items?


This is easy for her! They brought so many bodyguards!

Yao Kun figured it out so clearly that Hua Zhao didn't need to explain it.

Hua Zhao couldn't search for all "Taoji" foods. She didn't have this function yet, so she only found a few "Taoji" brands from large supermarket chains and processed them, and skipped those from other small stores.

She then approached reporters and asked them to report on the unpalatable taste of Taoji Food and the reactions of customers.

Explain again, that is Tao Ji, not their Yao Ji.

This is very successful, coupled with the foreshadowing of the previous news, everyone finally knows that Tao Ji is Tao Ji, Yao Ji is Yao Ji, Tao Ji is really unpalatable~

Customers just avoid the trap and don’t buy it. 5 They don’t buy this either. If it’s free, they can go home and feed the dogs.

No, someone tried it and the dogs wouldn’t eat it!

The most terrible thing is not the customer's reaction, but the supermarket's approach.

The supermarket returned all the goods.

A large number of goods were pulled back just a few days after leaving the factory. Taoji's cold storage could not fit them and had to be placed outside.

Now that the weather is hot again, this kind of food will smell bad if left outside for a long time!

Bring them to a rented cold storage to store them? It’s not enough for the transportation money!

And when Xelena tasted it, it was really unpalatable, and she wouldn’t be able to sell it after saving it.

I can only watch them slowly become smelly.

Within three days, all the goods that had been sold before were brought back and filled the empty space of the factory.

The stench was overwhelming.

Just like Selena's face at this time.

The investor's face was even worse than hers, and everyone gathered together again to withdraw their investment.

This time the attitude was more determined than last time.

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