Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1699 Poaching Yourself

There were too many bids, 3 types of wine, more than 200 countries, and more than 600 bids, although many of them were submitted by the same person.

But anyone who thinks of taking advantage of such loopholes is smarter, more serious, and pays attention to details.

Each country's business strategy is written differently by the other party.

I can’t say that I was very serious, or that I was just a little whimsical and just thinking randomly, but there were a few ideas that Hua Zhao was very inspired by and thought they were feasible.

So she looked at it very seriously, but a little slowly.

Of course, she didn't have time before, so she drove on the road almost every day in order to organize Tao Ji.

Now, all the bid documents have finally been read.

There are not one or two smart people, but six.

Six people applied for the agency rights of the small country. The price they offered was high and the business plan was also attractive.

The most outstanding among them is Sun Bai.

Not only did he fight for the agency rights of country M, he also bid for the agency rights of more than 200 countries around the world, and the money he offered was higher than anyone else.

But only for a few small countries did he write the bidding documents carefully, and the others were just for fun.

If Hua Zhao gave it to him, he would take advantage of it, but if Hua Zhao didn't give it to him, he would have an attitude that it didn't matter.

Hua Zhao called Ye Shu over: "Sister, come over and help me. I'm really too busy."

"Me? No need." Ye Shu hesitated: "I see that you are very free. When you are at home, you only go out to socialize occasionally. You are free the rest of the time."

He also went out with her to go shopping, torture people, open a gold shop...

I heard that I went to the gold store when it opened. I have never been there before, so I just sat at home and waited to collect money.

She felt that Hua Zhao was very leisurely and had plenty of time.

Hua Zhao immediately glared at her: "I deliberately spared time to accompany you! To accompany you! Who is so bad that he collapses? He is sentimental and cries every day, and stays up in the middle of the night to wipe his tears? I won't accompany you, I'm afraid You can’t think about it!”

Now that the poison has been cured and Ye Shu is in a better mood, he can say some things as a joke, otherwise he would not dare to say a word.

"Ah? Do you know?" Ye Shu laughed awkwardly twice and licked his hair: "I just cried twice in bed, and you know it?"

"Not twice, but more than twenty times!" Hua Zhao said with a smile: "You don't know how loud your voice is! You started crying so loudly in the middle of the night, and the yard was so big and dark, it was almost like a ghost story. It scared Qianjin to tears and came over to ask me if my house was haunted."

She was not exaggerating at all. Ye Shu sometimes forgot everything when he cried, and he didn't know how loud his voice was.

The bodyguards had good ears, but they knew what was going on and were not afraid.

Qianjin woke up one night and suddenly wanted to sleep with her. She ran out of the room and heard her in the yard, which almost made her pee.

I didn't even dare to cry and ran to Huazhao's room to let my mother catch the ghost.

"Hahahaha, I don't even know! I feel sorry for my little daughter. I bought her many beautiful little dresses this time. Remember to take them when you leave!" Ye Shu laughed.

"Let's not talk about this anymore. To be honest with you, I can be busy with drinks at home, but I am beyond my reach abroad. Someone has to take care of it, and it's you." Hua Zhao said: "You can either work for the rest of your life, or help me train A CEO comes out."

Ye Shu paused for a few seconds and said: "I'm leaving. I'm afraid that Yao Kun won't be able to handle it alone, and Li Lina and Sun Liana show up again."

Ye Shu occasionally thought about it and felt that Xie Lena was defeated because she was too anxious.

If she could wait, not hold on to Yao Kun so tightly, and then wait until she died of poison, she would probably succeed to the throne peacefully!

After all, if Hua Zhao hadn't exposed her ugly heart, Xie Liena seemed to be a very good woman, with good family background, good looks, good knowledge, and good posture.

Yao Kun admired her very much before, and even she couldn't find fault with Xie Liena.

Ye Shu didn't think that Xie Liena was the only one in the world. There must be many women like her.

She was afraid that Yao Kun would be taken away.

"Whatever can be taken away is destined not to be yours." Hua Zhao said.

For money, she can give up her cousin...

Ye Shu immediately rolled his eyes at her and said with a smile: "You are such a ruthless person, you are so ruthless when poaching yourself!"

She is Yao Kun's corner, and she is also Yao Ji's corner, and Yao Ji is Hua Zhao's, so she is not afraid that if she leaves Yao Ji, she will suffer the consequences if something goes wrong with Yao Ji?

"Haha, I'm just kidding." Hua Zhao said: "Although this is the truth, we still have to take precautions. From now on, the assistants and secretaries around my cousin are not allowed to be women."

Of course men are at risk too.

But if Yao Kun can be snatched away by a man... then what would a husband like him do? Hurry up and kick the eighteenth level of hell!

When Ye Shu lost her energy, Hua Zhao helped her kick her!

"To be honest, distance creates beauty. You should keep a certain distance from Yao Kun. Don't watch it every day during the day and at night. Sooner or later you will get tired of watching it." Hua Zhaodao.

After hearing this, Ye Shu felt this way...

I saw them in the company every day during the day. Neither of them wanted to show intimacy. They both had straight faces and pretended to be serious.

It was fresh at first, but as time went by, I felt that the relationship between husband and wife was no longer so sweet, and I wanted to be stern when I saw him!

Acting coquettishly is no longer so smooth, I just want to keep a straight face!

Hua Zhao laughed loudly after hearing her rant: "That's right, so although I moved closer to Ye Shen, we never worked together! He was busy with his business, and I was busy with mine at home.

"To solve the stone, make something, write a plan, and make a phone call. We will only meet in the evening."

"So come and work with me. We have worked in the catering industry, drinking and eating. When the time comes, you will be as good as Yao Ji in the beverage industry, and you will also be the number one in the industry. At that time, standing next to him will be considered as neck-to-neck. "

The last word instantly moved Ye Shu's heart.

After so many years, she sometimes couldn't figure out what she wanted from her hard work? make money? It doesn’t seem like that. There is already so much money at home that I don’t know how to spend it.

But she just wants to work hard, and sometimes work doesn't seem so happy.

Sometimes she wonders what she is doing? Obviously you are not a workaholic, why do you force yourself to be a workaholic?

Now that she is enlightened, she wants to keep pace with Yao Kun.

She didn't want to be a woman he "raised", and she didn't want to live the life of other rich wives around her, relying on men to support her.

She didn't want to be so successful that she could overwhelm Yao Kun. She just wanted to stand by his side and make others, herself, and Yao Kun feel that she was worthy of him and that she was a perfect match for him.

Because of her age and second marriage, those rich ladies often talked about her behind her back. At first, when Yao Ji didn't get started, they even talked about her in front of her.

Although Ye Shu was open-minded, it was not that she didn't hear and didn't mind. The key was that she also cared about it, and she wanted to prove it to everyone.

"Okay, I'll do it with you!" Ye Shu said.

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