Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1702 What did you use to kill them?

Jian Bai went out to be busy, and it took 3 hours before he called Hua Zhao.

"That's okay." He said, "Cui Jing is in the hospital now."

Hua Zhao said hello, hung up the phone, drove out immediately, and found Cui Jing in the office above the hospital cafeteria.

The dean asked her to work in the cafeteria, but he didn't ask her to manage the cafeteria. This kind of cafeteria is full of fat men. Now the person in charge of the cafeteria is a relative of the dean.

Cui Jing didn't work as a busboy in the cafeteria. It was too ugly and the dean couldn't live with it. He found Cui Jing a leisurely job, responsible for collecting statistics and collecting meals for patients.

Hospital employees go to the canteen to eat by themselves and eat whatever they want.

Some patients cannot move, and they also need to pay attention to what they eat. They can eat this, and they cannot eat that. They need liquid food, liquids, sugar-free, etc., all of which are provided by the hospital.

Some people are responsible for statistics, some are responsible for purchasing, and some are responsible for distribution.

Statistics is the most boring job, and Cui Jing is the only one in the office.

When Hua Zhao opened the door and came in, she was reading a medical book very seriously.

It seems she never thought of giving up on herself.

Hua Zhao came in, closed the door and locked it.

A soft "click" sound caused a crack in Cui Jing's calm expression.

She stared at Hua Zhao's small handbag and asked nervously: "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Hua Zhao casually put his handbag on the desk, pulled out his chair and sat calmly opposite her.

A scent of flowers instantly spread in the room. Cui Jing took a look and saw that it seemed to be coming from the small perfume bottle hanging on the handbag. It smelled quite good.

Her nerves relaxed unconsciously, and when she took a closer look at Hua Zhao's close-fitting clothes, it didn't look like there was a place to hide a gun. She relaxed completely.

"I am Yao Kun's cousin, you must have heard of me." Hua Zhao said.

Cui Jing immediately knew who she was and glanced at Hua Zhao up and down.

Sure enough, as her daughter said, she is pretty and arrogant, but she dares to come to her... Why is she looking for her?

Cui Jing asked coldly: "What do you want from me?"

"Mingren doesn't tell secrets. You did what happened this time, right? You poisoned people and framed us." Hua Zhaodao.

"Ha, I don't know what you are talking about." Cui Jing said coldly, with a touch of ridicule in her eyes.

She is not afraid that Hua Zhao will doubt her. After all, she works here and has an old grudge, so she is highly suspicious. If she doesn't doubt her, she will doubt the other person's IQ.

But she wasn't afraid, so what if she had doubts? Without evidence, there is nothing they can do against her!

"I'm just here to tell you that it's useless for you to do this." Hua Zhao said with a smile: "We have already thought of a way, and we plan to push someone to take the blame.

"Tomorrow an employee will turn himself in, saying that because he was dissatisfied with the manager, he secretly poisoned the company and took revenge on the company. Unexpectedly, he killed someone. He regrets it and is willing to bear all the consequences."

In this way, Yao Ji's food safety issues were accidental and did not have much impact on production.

The company may suffer some losses, but it will never go bankrupt or even suffer any injuries.

Cui Jing's expression became a little bad.

She was busy and this was not the result she wanted.

She wanted to see all the goods sent out returned to rot outside their factory! Just like Peach Notes.

Hua Zhao looked at her with a mocking and provocative look on his face: "Come on, keep on poisoning people, see if you poison more people or if I take the blame!"

"I don't know what you are saying! I have never poisoned anyone!" Cui Jing said through gritted teeth.

It’s different to have a husband who is a lawyer. There are some things you can’t say even to death.

"Humph." Hua Zhao sneered, suddenly leaned forward and slapped her.

Cui Jing's face instantly swelled.

She looked up at Hua Zhao in disbelief, her heart filled with anger and she had forgotten the pain.

How many years has it been since she was beaten?

No, she has never been beaten by anyone since she was born! Still a slap in the face!

"You!" Cui Jing stood up and turned over the chair behind her.

But she didn't make the next move, she had never fought, she couldn't, she couldn't reach out.

The main reason is that Hua Zhao has proven through her actions that she is not someone to be trifled with and knows how to fight. She is afraid of being beaten again...

Hua Zhao looked at her mockingly: "You are just a coward, you only dare to bully those who are old, weak, sick and disabled, and have no ability to resist, such as the 90-year-old dean's mother, such as the 7-year-old James, such as the dead Keane with one leg, like blind Will..."

Hua Zhao mentioned many names in a row, because she added the key characteristics of these people, and Cui Jing quickly remembered who she was talking about.

The more he listened, the paler his face became, and finally his whole body began to tremble.

How did she know?

What did she mean specifically by these people?

What did she know? !

When she was most frightened, Hua Zhao suddenly stood up and rushed to her, stared into her eyes and said, "You killed these people, right?"


"You don't have to admit it, and I don't want to do anything to you. These people have been dead for a long time, and they have no evidence. It's useless for me to guess. I just want to tell you that I'm not one of those losers. There's nothing you can do to me. ." Hua Zhao said.

Cui Jing felt relieved in her heart. Indeed, she was right. Some of these people had turned into ashes and turned into mud. No one could do anything to her.

Also, this Hua Zhao is so annoying!

Did she just do it to make her angry?

Then she succeeded!

"I'm still curious, what kind of poison or method did you use to hide it from everyone's eyes?" Hua Zhao approached her and said softly: "I have some needs..."

Cui Jing's eyes lit up.

Hua Zhao continued: "In life, there are always many troubles. The best way to make troubles disappear is to make the people who cause troubles disappear. You agree with this, right?"

Cui Jing nodded unconsciously, and she didn't feel anything was wrong.

"How about 10 million?" Hua Zhao opened the small handbag on the table.

Cui Jing looked over unconsciously. It was a mini bag, which could only hold a checkbook and a slender lipstick.

Hua Zhao took out his checkbook and drew out a check.

Cui Jing, who had some knowledge, recognized that this was a cashier's check. As long as you hold it, you can go to the bank and withdraw money, no matter who is holding it.

The bank only recognizes the check but not the person. No matter who is holding the check or how it comes from, it will be exchanged there.

Such checks cannot be reported lost.

So, this is 10 million US dollars in front of her.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Her family was only middle-class before, and all their assets combined were only a few million.

And now there is only one house and 2 cars left, and everything else is gone.

The husband is probably unemployed due to a previous lawsuit.

And she is on the verge of losing her job.

This 10 million can bring them back to life!

Hua Zhao gently pushed the check to her hand and asked softly: "So, what did you use to kill them?"

Cui Jing stretched out her hand to press the check and spoke softly...

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