Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 1719 Acquisition of the Castle

But if the local family declines and becomes a passerby, and she buys the castle, the problem won't be too big.

If you really can't keep it in your hands for a few more years, you can still make a profit by selling it when the economy there stabilizes.

It's not bad if you keep it in your own hands. When the children are on vacation, you can go on vacation and experience the life of ancient nobles.

Of course, everything had to be cheap, and she would only buy it at a bargain price. Even if someone took it back, she wouldn't feel bad.

Xiaowei would feel relieved if he had her. There are still many small manors and small castles at bargain prices.

The castle was a hot potato in the hands of those declining families.

Because the annual property taxes and maintenance of the castle cost a lot of money.

Just like the poor cannot afford to live in a villa, they cannot afford to pay hundreds of thousands of property fees, which is overwhelming.

As for the old castle, it won't work if it isn't repaired, and it won't work if it is repaired casually. It must be repaired as it was before. What it looked like hundreds of years ago will be what it looks like when it is built.

They originally had wrought iron windows, so you can't replace them with plastic and stainless steel. The labor cost will be too high to repair.

Therefore, many ancient castles are sold cheaper than ordinary houses, even selling for 1 yuan or 10 yuan!

No one bought them.

No one else can afford it!

Except for the really rich people.

But now all the really rich people in the Soviet Union have run away, and those who don’t are panicking to death. They don’t know if they will have the money to repair their own castle next year, so why should they repair someone else’s? Something wrong?

So when he saw that someone was taking it and the price was "very high", Xiaowei was immediately taken as a victim and tried his best to stuff the castle into his hands.

Xiaowei collected more and more, and collected more and more. He collected more than ten at once. It was not until a "kind person" reminded him of the pit in the castle that he woke up and realized that he had been fooled.

As a native Chinese, he had no knowledge in this area and could not even imagine the rules here.

He quickly called Hua Zhao.

Hua Zhao picked up the phone and smiled, and said to Dawei: "I won't call you now. I'll ask him when he will be back later."

The phone was picked up, and before Hua Zhao could speak, Xiaowei spoke in a loud voice.

Finally, he said guiltily: "Sister, I'm sorry, I did something wrong..."

The procedures for those dozen castles have been completed. Even though he is a foreigner, he can still buy a house here.

Is the visa ineligible? As soon as the other party conveniently opened the door, Xiaowei suddenly had a long-term visa and permanent residency.

How can we let this person be taken advantage of? These dozen castles will be raised by him from now on.

Not raising? Not good enough? You have to pay a fine!

Otherwise, the original owners would have left them in ruins long ago, and they would just be broken without repairs.

If you don’t fix it, you’ll be fined more, but you still have to fix it…

Many people became poor because of a castle~

Hua Zhao doesn't care about the maintenance money. She has many ways to revitalize several castles.

It doesn’t take much. In just a few years, there will be a lot of wealthy people in China. By then, wouldn’t it be a good project to travel to European castles?

"While the other party feels that they are taking advantage, you can continue to be the scapegoat." Hua Zhao said: "If you accept it again, accept the big one, the famous one. The contract is clear. If the other party wants to buy it back, or the government wants to take it back, you can We have to pay a huge amount of liquidated damages, maybe US$1 billion.”

"Ah, you still want to accept it?" Xiaowei felt that he didn't explain clearly, so he told the castle's pitfalls again.

Hua Zhao smiled and said: "Of course I know this. Many countries have such regulations. Before, I just thought about buying a few for fun. Since the other party thinks we are stupid, let's show them who is stupid."

If you live in the castle by yourself, too much would be a burden, but if you use it to make money, it would be too little.

She has already thought about it. When the time comes for the ten-day tour of Europe, she will travel in her own territory, and all the money will be spent in her pocket!

"Go ahead, don't take too many, which will arouse the other party's suspicion. Take a few more big ones, make a total of 20," Hua Zhao said.

She is now fully capable of completing all the castles she wants to sell, but that will indeed cost a lot of money to maintain for several years, which is a heavy burden.

The key is that if you eat too much, you will cause public outrage when you make money in the future.

It would not look good if the other party gets jealous and looks bad.

Xiaowei hung up the phone with relief and went out to continue being the victim.

After hanging up the phone, Hua Zhao exclaimed: "I forgot to ask him when he would be back. I guess he won't be back soon..."

Dawei also heard it, Xiaowei was busy buying a house over there.

He looked at his sister speechlessly, why did he like to buy a house so much? He didn't finish buying a house at home, but went abroad to buy it.

"If it doesn't work out, just give Xiaowei a year off from school. It's not good for him to delay his studies too much," Hua Zhao said.

They are all professional courses, and you can’t do them without studying them.

Dawei nodded: "I'll say hello to his teacher first and ask if it's okay."

He probably had no problem, Xiaowei was their teacher's favorite, and he wanted to be treated like a disciple.

"By the way, how are your grandparents?" Hua Zhao asked.

Old man Liu and Mrs. Liu were sent to a nursing home by Dawei before. Hua Zhao wanted to know if there was something wrong between the two of them again.

Dawei shook his head happily: "No. There is food and accommodation there, but others have prepared the food and are just waiting to eat. The living conditions are also good. There is a single room for two people, and they are quite satisfied."

If it were before, the big-hearted Mrs. Liu and Mr. Liu would probably be dissatisfied because they wanted a lot.

But after several years of picking up rags, digging through trash cans, and living in warehouses for several years, the two old people moved into a pretty good nursing home. They were like mice falling into a rice vat and entering heaven.

There are several meat and vegetable dishes every day, and they are ready to eat when they are put on the table.

The house is also warm, warm in winter and cool in summer. Clothes are washed and baths are washed! The hair is trimmed and the nails are cut.

Some people are sent to the hospital when they are sick! They don't have to pay any money.

When they have nothing to do, they just play cards, chat, and brag with their peers...

This is not heaven. What is heaven?

If I had known that the nursing home was so good, they would have come here!

Of course, even though it was good before, no one was willing to spend money to send them in.

Now that the two of them have stopped acting like monsters, they are afraid that Dawei will let them out.

Even if he gives them a yard to live in after they go out, can Dawei still hire a nanny to take care of them? Even if there is a nanny, there are not so many old men and women around...

Hua Zhao laughed loudly after hearing this, but he didn't expect these two people to dismiss it like this.

As long as she didn't come to be a monster, she had no intention of beating them to death.

It was Zhang Guilan who had a grudge against them. Zhang Guilan didn't want to take revenge, so she wouldn't do it for them.

Besides, it also depends on the face of Dawei and Xiaowei.

"Well, where is Liu Yue?" Hua Zhao asked.

She has not forgotten the thoughtful Liu Yue.

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