Nowadays, college students are assigned jobs. With a decent job, even if Ma Fuqiang is lame, he will be able to find a good wife in the future, right?

If she works harder to build a house and earn some money, it will be safer.

Hua Zhao nodded: "Going to school is a must. Learning culture is only beneficial."

As for the guaranteed distribution, she can't tell Aunt Ma now that by the time Ma Fuqiang graduates from college, she will no longer be guaranteed the distribution.

That was kind of crushing.

"But if the eldest brother goes to school, no one will look at the sixth child." Aunt Ma was very worried. She had an idea in her heart and didn't know whether it was appropriate or not.

She glanced at Hua Zhao, who was sitting under the grape tree. She seemed to be the same 18-year-old girl who had eaten melon seeds and chatted with her in the village.

Except that the clothes look better, nothing else seems to have changed.

Aunt Ma couldn't help but say what was in her heart: "I want Qiuping to continue working here, so I will go out and do something else. I will set up a stall during the day, go to the night market at night, and sell fruit in the morning, so that I can have something to eat." It’s all for nothing.”

In fact, it is to take a path that Li Xiaojiang did not take.

Li Xiaojiang earned 190,000 yuan in a few years, which was a great stimulus to her.

Hua Zhao earns more, and Aunt Ma also knows it, but she is not stimulated at all because she can't walk the way they go.

Li Xiaojiang is different, that is a path that ordinary people can take.

She has been setting up a stall to sell clothes for a few days, and found that business is really easy to do, money is really easy to make, and her heart is really alive.

It was Hua Zhao who pulled her out with good intentions, gave her a place to settle down, and gave her a job. Now she has given up her job, which is a bit unscrupulous.

Hua Zhao smiled: "Why should I take it seriously if you hesitate to say anything? It turns out that this is it. You can go out and do it without worries. I have found the way for you. How can I not let you go?"

"I was just afraid that you didn't dare to go out to do business before, but now that you dare to go out and make a lot of money, I'm more happy than anything else!"

She hoped that Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping would live a good life in the future, very good, very good.

In this way, the pain in the past is just a trial, not a hurdle that cannot be overcome.

But in this case, it would be difficult to ask Aunt Ma to set up a stall and buy clothes one by one.

Besides, after Li Xiaojiang's inventory is sold out, she will have no supply.

"I was worried about this." Aunt Ma said: "He told me where to buy goods and how to buy goods. He also said that his friend would take me with him when the time comes, but he also said that you have to rely on your own vision when choosing clothes. "

"This..." Aunt Ma became worried: "I'm an old woman, what sense do I have! The clothes I bought won't be easy to sell, and I'll have to pay for them later!"

"Auntie, you are not old at all, don't belittle yourself." Hua Zhao said.

Aunt Ma is actually about the same age as Zhang Guilan, and they had a good time playing together when they were young.

But Aunt Ma's current state is incomparable to Zhang Guilan's, just like two generations.

Aunt Ma wasn't too happy when Hua Zhao said this. It's not like she didn't know what she looked like by looking in the mirror.

"And your concerns can be easily solved." Hua Zhao said: "Choice selection is indeed very important and there are risks, so we will not sell clothes. Selling them is safer and simpler, and we can make more money."

"Is there such a thing? What?" Aunt Ma hesitated: "I don't have much capital."

Nowadays, selling TVs, radios, and motorcycles can make a lot of money, but her little capital is enough to buy a spare part.

Let her borrow money to make a living? No, no, no, even if I beat her to death, I wouldn’t borrow money or owe a debt. She didn’t want to carry the famine, so she wouldn’t be able to close her eyes when she slept at night.

"It doesn't cost much." Hua Zhao said, "Just selling socks and silk stockings."

Aunt Ma's eyes immediately lit up: "Stockings? Are they those flesh-colored, transparent stockings?"

When she was setting up a stall, she was often asked if she had any stockings. When she heard she didn't have any, she would turn around and leave.

In other stalls, there are several capable owners who have silk stockings in hand, and business is extremely good.

She also asked Li Xiaojiang about it, but Li Xiaojiang said that silk stockings were very popular, and even when he went to the south to purchase goods, he relied on robbing and luck. With his small business, he could not rob others, so he just sold clothes honestly.

"I heard that all silk stockings are imported, and we don't have a factory to produce them at all?" Aunt Ma asked in surprise.

A country as big as theirs can't even produce a pair of socks? She didn't believe it at first, but after touching the socks up close, she believed it.

Those socks are too thin, but they are still transparent and elastic. What kind of machine must they be produced on?

Hua Zhao nodded and shook his head: "It is true that the machines used to produce stockings are all imported, and few domestic manufacturers can produce them."

Foreign exchange is in short supply, and its use depends on approval. Major state-owned enterprises don’t have enough money to buy key projects. How can they get approval to produce socks?

For private enterprises, it is even more difficult to import machinery.

And the common people now have money and love beauty, and young women are embarrassed to go out without stockings in summer!

So the business of stockings is particularly booming now.

When an ordinary person's monthly salary was only 100 yuan, a pair of stockings could be sold for 1 yuan, 5 yuan, or 10 yuan.

It's a luxury.

Hua Zhao had never thought about doing this business before, and he doesn't want to do it now... he has no energy and no one.

And with the development of the times, stockings will no longer be so profitable in the future, and they will become a bit useless.

But now she can get it cheap.

"I know people in the port city who can provide a stable supply of goods in the long term," Hua Zhao said.

Silk stockings are just ordinary items on the outside, just a pair of socks. The quality is not very good. Many of them break after just one wear. They are simply consumables.

There are many manufacturers in Hong Kong City.

The Zhou family is a local snake, so it should be no problem to contact one.

"Really? That's great!" Aunt Ma said, "Give it to me first, it's 100 yuan."

Hua Zhao...

Well, Aunt Ma still needs to practice her courage.

"I understand. I'll make a call when I get home soon and ask them to ship it immediately. It will probably arrive in a few days. I'll have someone contact you then," Hua Zhao said.

"And I think that instead of selling one pair one by one, it is better to engage in wholesale with small profits but quick turnover." Hua Zhao said: "If you sell 100 pairs a day in retail, you can earn 50 cents a pair, which is only 50 yuan. If you sell 10,000 pairs a day, a pair Earning 2 cents is also 2,000 yuan, what do you think?"

Of course, the latter sounds good, but 10,000 pairs requires a lot of capital. Aunt Ma hesitated and said nothing.

Hua Zhao also knows that courage needs to be practiced, and it cannot be gained by just talking, just like Zhang Guilan.

Without saying anything else, she left the vegetable base and immediately called Zhou Wenxuan.

A trivial matter like buying socks was nothing to Zhou Wenxuan, so he just asked his assistant to do it.

Zhou Wenxuan has also been in Pengcheng for a long time. He knew that silk stockings were very popular there, and he also knew that Hua Zhao was wealthy, so he directly asked his assistant to place an order for a factory for a year.

After Hua Zhao found out, he only praised this person for his ability to do things.

This is the power of talent. With just one word from the boss, people can arrange everything clearly instead of in a mess.

Zhou Wenxuan is a Hong Kong businessman, and when he wants to deliver goods, he arranges them first, so Hua Zhao received a truckload of silk stockings three days later.

And Ma Qiuping and Shi Yang have also returned.

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