Old Li, his son Li Datou, and the uniformly dressed people Li Datou brought with him at the beginning were loaded onto trucks and taken away.

The people who came with Old Man Li had already fled far away.

At first, these people wanted to arrest them, but Hua Zhao said no, so he let them go and stayed here instead of running away. What if this woman changed her mind?

Hua Zhao looked at the scattered villagers, his expression not very good.

Every village has its own customs. If the leader is not upright, the customs of this village will not be good.

Especially in this era, it is not uncommon for an entire village to act as a gangster.

She ignored this problem at first, and just came here for the "Sweet Water Well".

They don't understand that this well is actually priceless, and the water flowing from it is not ordinary groundwater, but a spring.

Moreover, she tested the water quality and found that there were many minerals in it that were beneficial to the human body.

"Qianli Zui", "Amber" and "Crystal" can taste so good, this well has made a great contribution.

Since you don’t want to leave, then change the environment.

"Go and check whether the father and son have any other illegal or criminal behavior." Hua Zhao said.

As far as this incident happened to her, she was not harmed. It was actually not a big deal. If she really wanted to go to the line, she could handle the two of them, but she couldn't convince the public.

It's better to start with other things. She didn't believe that these two people were good people before they met her!

"As well as everyone else in this village, please check carefully." Hua Zhao said.

Jian Bai nodded and followed.

It was finally quiet at the door of the winery. Hua Zhao led the people inside and continued what she was going to do, checking the progress of the construction.

Because we were building bungalows, we had sufficient materials, funds, and manpower, so the progress was very fast.

A large factory building has been built.

As for the grain and grapes used in wine making, she uses grain and fruits grown by herself and adds them to ordinary raw materials in proportion.

In this way, the taste can be upgraded layer by layer.

Otherwise, the taste really won’t change in decades.

And they all use plants that she has optimized. How much does a bottle have to cost so that she doesn’t feel bad?

This is just right now.

"Very good. Will it be completed in another month?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Yeah." The contractor nodded.

He is very happy today... He can be regarded as charging into the battle to fight for Hua Zhao today!

As long as he does the job at hand well and makes no mistakes, Hua Zhao will definitely be thinking of him if he has any job in the future!

His relatives' relatives asked their connections to find him a job in front of Hua Zhao. In fact, he didn't know much about Hua Zhao. He only knew that she was the daughter-in-law of a big boss and that she was rich.

He didn't know that Hua Zhao had his own construction company, but he found outsiders to do the work because he couldn't make time during the construction period.

However, real estate is becoming hot from now on, and her construction team will probably be very busy in the future and will not have time to do some small construction work.

Hua Zhao exchanged a few words with the contractor, thanked him for his generous action today, and hinted that he would come back to him if there was any work in the future.

The contractor was extremely satisfied.

Nowadays, it is very difficult for a contractor to do his job. The boss often presses for money, asking him to pay for building materials and pay wages out of his own pocket. He has to wait until the boss sells the house before giving him the money.

He was almost brought down by his last boss!

This is different for Hua Zhao. A contractor is a contractor, and the workers only need to do their work. The purchase of materials and payment of wages are now handed over to Li Xiaojiang, and Li Xiaojiang has no intention of defaulting or deducting payment.

He didn't even ask for gifts, he was really a "silly young man".

He bid farewell to the foreman and asked him to continue watching the workers work. Only Hua Zhao and Li Xiaojiang were left in the room.

"How is he?" Hua Zhao asked Li Xiaojiang.

Li Xiaojiang smiled: "He is a very smart man. He also wanted to give me gifts, and there were quite a lot of them. But he was just afraid that I would deduct his money, and he didn't want to involve me in making money from you."

For example, two people work together to cut corners.

"That's it for now, who knows what will happen in the future." Li Xiaojiang added.

"How is his private life?" Hua Zhao asked.

"Private life?" Li Xiaojiang didn't expect Hua Zhao to care about this, but he thought about it and said: "He is from another province, his wife and children are all in his hometown, he sends money back every month, and the rest..."

He said with some embarrassment: "He actually took me to the karaoke bar once. I saw that he was interesting with one of the girls."

"What about you?" Hua Zhao suddenly asked.

"What?" Li Xiaojiang was a little confused.

"Which young lady don't you have in mind?" Hua Zhao asked.

I didn't expect that she would ask this, and ask it so directly. Li Xiaojiang's face turned red and he shook his head desperately: "No, no, no, I was snatched away by him. I drank when I went there and went home after drinking. I still I have to go home to take care of my kids! And if he comes to see me afterwards, I won’t even go!”

Hua Zhao nodded and said with some disappointment: "That's all this person is, and he doesn't need to have a close relationship with him.

"A person's personal morality is very important. If he can even betray his wife who shares the same hardships with him, what's the point of other people?"

"You should also pay attention to this in the future." Hua Zhao looked at Li Xiaojiang with a serious expression: "You can fall in love, have sex, and get married, but you can't drink flower wine. Be careful of being deceived. There are people behind those young ladies. Those who are powerful, be careful if they kidnap you and then rip off your vote."

This is not an uncommon occurrence.

Li Xiaojiang walks around the streets, and of course he knows that there are many such things. Others also know, but they can't control their belts.

Li Xiaojiang nodded: "I can control it."

"If you have the chance, just give him a hand. I don't like changing partners often." Hua Zhao said, "If you can't hold him back, forget it. This is the last time."

As for the life-saving grace, that's really overthinking.

"I understand." Li Xiaojiang said.

Hua Zhao chatted with him some more about the factory and then went home.

"I heard there was trouble?" Ye Shen asked.

Hua Zhao smiled and said: "Fortunately, the people in Tianshui Village are probably jealous. They want to get some benefits but fail to get it, so they are impatient."

There are many such things. I heard from Lin Jiu that people from several factories around him often come to beat Qiufeng, and the beatings are miserable.

They want to be as tough as a winery, but they don’t dare.

The consequences of offending anyone are very serious, and someone can be killed wherever they get stuck.

Look, the Li family and his son are just little people at the bottom of the food chain, yet they dare to come and close the factory and arrest people.

Of course others dare too.

"Have someone check their village carefully. There must be something wrong." Ye Shen said.

Hua Zhao smiled and pressed a kiss on his face. This was a heart-to-heart connection, and she thought so too.

Jian Bai is back.

"How is it?" Hua Zhao asked immediately.

"You really guessed it right. The father and son were not clean. I heard that his son had killed someone in a fight before, but ended up spending the money to keep him secret." Jian Bai said.

This matter is serious. How can we talk about something like beating someone to death in private?

Of course it's not possible in theory, but if people don't investigate this kind of thing now, and the family of the deceased doesn't pursue it, it's really okay.

"There is also Li Datou's wife, who was bought from outside and kept in his cowshed. Now she has been rescued." Jian Bai said.

Hua Zhao sat up straight and asked, "Have you given birth to a baby?"

"Two children were born." Jian Bai said.

Hua Zhao's waist is bent, which makes it more difficult to handle.

"Go and ask her. If you want to go home, send her home. If you want to stay here..." Then she had no choice.

"Ask her if she needs any help, and help her if you can," she said.

Jian Bai nodded and said, "There are dozens of women and children who were also trafficked in their village. It is said that there are several human traffickers in their village."

Hua Zhao's waist straightened up again.


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