Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 2007 I don’t want to wait anymore

Hua Zhaoluo checked Ye Jia's pulse first and found that the fetus' vitality was normal. She also went to the hospital to take a X-ray and found no abnormalities.

This way everyone is finally relieved.

Chris called Hua Zhao aside and excitedly asked about Peter's family.

"Tell me, did the Gray family really imprison boys and girls? How dare they do such a thing! I didn't hear anything about it before!" Chris said.

"Maybe you're not at a high level yet," Hua Zhao said.

Those people are all prepared for perverted bosses. Only people in the circle can know that. Chris is obviously not in that circle.


"I'm glad I'm not at a high level," he said.

Hua Zhao nodded. Regardless of whether it was true or false, the fact that he could say this meant that his brain was online.

"Also, my husband made up as you and detoxified other victims." Hua Zhao said.

Chris smacked his mouth and tasted it, it was wrong!

"He" detoxifies others, and others are grateful to "him". Can he keep the benefits? No way!

After all, it was someone else who detoxified, Hua Zhao's husband, and the benefits must belong to him.

As for "him", staring at this face to detoxify, there are so many people and there is no airtight wall. When the time comes, the Pitt family will know about it and fire will be fired at him!

Nothing happened to me!

"Don't worry. From now on, there will be people blocking assassinations around you. I'll give you a few bodyguards who are on the same level as me to ensure your safety." Hua Zhao said.

"Can they all be blocked? Including the one chasing him in front?" Chris asked.

"Everything can be done. Leave it all to my husband. He will ensure that everything is properly arranged." Hua Zhao said.

Chris was not as confident as her. He didn't know who her husband was, but Hua Zhao was the one who detoxified him and his wife, indirectly saving his child.

Even if you use him as a shield, he will admit it!

"Also, do you know how your father's 1% share came from?" Hua Zhao asked.

Chris shook his head: "Father never mentioned it. I asked him, but he didn't tell me. Maybe there is some secret here?"

"What did your father do during his lifetime?" Hua Zhao asked.

"He works for the Pitt Group. He seems to be a researcher. I don't know what he studies specifically." Chris said.

"Research on that poison and its antidote." Hua Zhao said: "It is said that he researched it, so I gave him 1% of the shares."

After this word came out of Betty's mouth, they verified it in many ways and it was probably true.

This is also the most reasonable, otherwise why should we give him 1% when no one else gets it?

Or maybe give him money to silence him.

Chris's expression suddenly became gloomy and twisted, looking ugly as never before.

It turns out that this 1% is stained with the blood of many people!

In the end, the father may have felt uneasy, so he didn't want to leave his biological children to his biological children, so he left him as an illegitimate son!

Such good intentions!

Hua Zhao saw him like this, turned around and left, leaving him some space to take his time.

She feels that even if people live in cruel reality, they should not live in false fantasies.

Chris apparently had a misunderstanding about his father before, thinking that he was actually the only one favored by his father. For this reason, he couldn't bear to retaliate in kind, but chose to return all the money to his brother and sister.

It is enough for him to have his father's preference, no money is needed.

May everyone and everything prosper.


Chris has already thought of countless ways in his mind. If he goes back this time, he might be able to take advantage of the chaos to deal with them all!


Hua Zhao went to the place where Master Xiaoan stayed again.

There was no one in ambush inside, maybe she hadn't taken the bait for a long time, or they knew she had left, so they didn't do any useless work.

But just as Hua Zhao was about to leave, several cars drove in outside.

The "bodyguards", "maids" and "housekeepers" got out of the car, and more than a dozen movements quickly entered the role and started working.

It seems that they also got the news that Hua Zhao was back and quickly arranged it.

"Good guy, you really prepared it just for me." Hua Zhao said.

Her eyes were very excited because she discovered where these cars came from.

It was not driving from far away, but from another house on the other side of the community.

Maybe that's the headquarters.

Hua Zhao quickly communicated with the plants she had planted before. Sure enough, these days, because she was not in country M at all, the other party seemed to have relaxed its vigilance, and the two sides came and went casually day and night.

People in the two houses communicate with each other frequently.

Hua Zhao asked Jian Bai to stay and said he wanted to go down and take a look.

Jian Bai didn't dare to ask, thinking that it was "convenient" for Hua Zhao to go down, so he didn't dare to look around and just stayed in the car.

As a result, Hua Zhao quickly disappeared behind the big tree and came to the house.

The trees in the entire community are now her eyes. There happens to be one in the yard with lush branches and leaves, and she can see every room inside.

Hua Zhao "saw" a woman sitting in the living room drinking coffee. She looked like she was in her 30s, her manners were elegant and dignified, and she looked unfamiliar.

It was someone she had never seen before.

The woman put down her coffee and frowned. The man sitting next to her immediately said: "It's really not an option to wait like this. If it doesn't work, we lure her here on purpose."

Although the man only showed his face in profile, Hua Zhao had seen his photo and knew that this man was Master An's only son, An Long.

I didn't expect him to be there, but he was hiding quite well.

Then this woman should be Anyang.

Finally met.

But it surprised Hua Zhao, because the people who came to him were all strangers.

Anyang spoke, his voice a little hoarse: "Ling her over will scare the snake away."

Even the tone and voice of speaking were unfamiliar to Hua Zhao.

"Then what do you think we should do?" An Long asked.

The woman frowned and said reluctantly: "Keep waiting. No matter what, you can't take the initiative, otherwise she will not take the bait, but will make us lose her. I heard that her kung fu is good, no worse than men."

An Long didn't believe it. Even if he was no worse than a man, could he still be no worse than 10 men? Too many ants kill an elephant, but there are still not enough people!

It is true that there are not enough people. They are hiring experts and have been hiring them for a month.

Originally, he was only employed for half a month, but who would have thought that Hua Zhao would suddenly leave for Europe, so he had no choice but to continue the job for another half month.

If you continue, rich people won’t dare.

The mercenaries said that they can't be idle for a long time, the sword will be dull, and they won't accept such a simple and boring task!

The two discussed for a while, and finally decided that they must wait for Hua Zhao to come to the door on her own, and then capture her alive.

It must be alive.

It was almost done, but Hua Zhao didn’t want to wait any longer.

A vine seed quietly fell to the ground, grew, its branches stretched into the open window, blossomed, and its pollen dispersed in the wind.

The two of them had their own concerns and were unaware of it.

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