Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 2022 I sold the house

In fact, Hua Zhao did not intend to let Ye Tao sell the house at the beginning. It would be a pity to sell such a good house. If he wants to buy it back in the future, it will be extremely difficult.

And how many times the value can be increased, and one or two small goals can be achieved.

As a public official, Ye Tao should never make a small profit in his life.

At first, she just waited for Ding Xinyue to seize the opportunity and drive him away.

As a result, Ding Xinyue didn't know what she was pretending to be. She didn't seem to care about what her home looked like, and she didn't know how to protect her property.

Or maybe she no longer cherishes the home she and Ye Tao have...

There is something extravagant.

Then there is nothing you can do, just sell the house and get completely clean.

Ye Tao came back the next day and took a look at it.

The Liu family was quite polite to him and thanked him for taking them in!

Now he and Ding Xinyue live in the main house, and next door is Ding's father and Ding's mother.

Ding Yong's wife and children, Ding Xinli and her children lived in the wing, while the other side was occupied by the Liu family.

A proper courtyard.

He didn't see Ding Xinyue, she went to work.

Ye Tao turned around and left. When he came to Hua Zhao's house, he immediately said: "Sell it. Second sister-in-law, don't take it over. If they catch you and make trouble, just sell it to someone else."

Hua Zhao thought the same way. She had so many houses, and she also opened a real estate company. Now she has at least one or two houses.

"There happens to be a suitable buyer. Tang Fanghe wants to buy a house for the Tang family and bring the rest of the Tang family into the capital to live together." Hua Zhao said.

She actually didn't think it was a good idea.

Living together, even if they are all relatives with the same surname, there will always be fighting and fighting.

The fragrance is far away and the smell is near, it's better to separate them.

But Tang Fanghe seems to be obsessed with "family" and likes to live together.

Then let her go. It's not her family that is fighting the war anyway, so she doesn't care.

Besides, there are not many people left in the Tang family.

Tang Fanghe still has a cousin alive, with a son, and two nieces and nephews. Her parents are gone, but she has grown up and started a family.

Calculating it this way, it is just right for four families to live in one courtyard.

Ye Tao agreed as soon as he heard that it was the Tang family. His new third aunt was not a fuel-efficient lamp. The Ding family and the Liu family could not get any advantage from her.

Hua Zhao called Tang Fanghe at that time, and Tang Fanghe came over immediately, very happy.

"I'm worried about not being able to buy a decent yard. Your sister-in-law has taken away all the good yards in the capital! Seeing that house prices are changing day by day and rising like a rocket, I'm really worried!"

Tang Fanghe smiled and said: "Don't worry, Third Aunt will not take advantage of you. Third Aunt recently looked at a house and she understands the housing prices in the capital. Your big yard is so good. The market price is 2 million. Third Aunt will give you 3 million! You What do you think?"

Nowadays, courtyard houses generally cost 8,000 per square meter. Of course, the value of each one is slightly different.

2 million is really the market price.

It's like a rocket. I bought it a few years ago for less than 500,000.

Tang Fanghe was willing to give 3 million, which was really generous for the sake of relatives.

Hua Zhao glanced at Ye Tao and agreed for him: "Then you can take advantage of this. I'll put it here. After 30 years, that house will be worth 200 million. You are really getting a big deal."

"Ah hahaha, really? Then Third Aunt, thank you so much! If it's really worth 200 million, Third Aunt will send you a big red envelope then! Give you another 3 million!" Tang Fanghe said with a smile.

In fact, she didn't believe it.

Although you are making money, don’t use 200 million as money!

200 million, so much money! It’s enough to buy an entire large area! In the future, a yard of 200 square meters will be worth 200 million?

How much does the money cost? Hell coins?

"Then it's settled," Hua Zhao said.

Tang Fanghe agreed wholeheartedly, but fearing that things might change, he wrote a check of 3 million yuan to Ye Tao on the spot.

Ye Tao didn't say anything. When he just returned home, he quietly took out the real estate certificate...

Because this house was given to me by my family before marriage, and his name is the only one on the property certificate.

Now that the marriage laws are not perfect, he can sell the house and transfer the ownership by himself.

There is no need to go through Ding Xinyue.

Within an hour, the house was sold.

Ye Tao handed the check to Hua Zhao: "Second sister-in-law, please keep it for me."

"No." Hua Zhao said, "Why do you want me to keep your money? You are looking for trouble for me. Give it to your mother."

"That's right, sorry." Ye Tao said.

If Ding Xinyue knew about this, it would be even more reason to cause trouble for Hua Zhao.

It doesn't matter if you give it to your mother.

At this time, it is normal for a man to leave his salary to his mother.

Moreover, 80% of his salary is usually remitted to Ding Xinyue on time.

Hua Zhao took Liu Yuegui over again.

Liu Yuegui happily accepted the check and said to Hua Zhao, "Send someone to go to the bank with me later. I don't know how to cash this thing."

She said to Ye Tao again: "Don't worry, Mom will never lose the money. If Ding Xinyue becomes reliable and doesn't get involved with her brother and sister's family, Mom will buy you a house, and you two will be together." Move out again.”

She knew that people of old age did not like to live with the elderly.

She wasn't used to it either. She was so angry looking at Ding Xinyue every day!

She complained to Hua Zhao again: "You think about my fate, Ge Hongmian has never been noticed before, but she still took advantage of me!

"Finally, this Ding Xinyue is pleasing to the eye, but it turns out that it has only been two years since it was pleasing to the eye. Why has it changed?"

She really couldn't understand what a nice little girl Ding Xinyue was when she first came in?

Sweet-tongued and talkative, the two of them get along like a mother and daughter.

As a result, she didn't want to have a baby and wanted to lend her house to her younger brother. She finally got pregnant and had a miscarriage, and then she took her parents and younger siblings to live together.

She gambled in the yard again, turning her good home into a casino!

"The more I live, the more confused I become. What does she want to do?" Liu Yuegui complained.

No one answered. Who knows what Ding Xinyue was thinking?

Hua Zhao had a little guess, but she couldn't tell the two people yet.

"Go and wait over there. Tell Ding Xinyue about selling the house." Hua Zhao said to Ye Tao.

He made an appointment with Tang Fanghe to move in the afternoon.

Ye Tao nodded and left with his mother.

As a result, he sent Liu Yuegui home. His mother had no fighting ability and could only be angry in the past.

He went to Ding Xinyue's school again and called her out.

Ding Xinyue felt a little guilty when she saw him. She forced a smile and asked, "It's not a holiday today, why are you here?"

Ye Tao said directly: "I sold the house."

"What?!" Ding Xinyue screamed: "Who was it sold to? When did it happen?"

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