Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 2026 The best person for her

This was the first time that the "arrogant" Ding Xinyue asked how much money he made.

Zhou Qing couldn't tell whether he was more disappointed or happy.

He patted a small cart of goods and said happily: "The prices over there are even crazier. So many things only cost 3,000 yuan, but this time it changes hands, I can sell it for this amount."

He held out two fingers.

"Twenty thousand?" Ding Xinyue lowered her voice and exclaimed.

But there were still people around who heard it, and Zhou Qing was immediately surrounded.

"Brother K4 is back?"

"Brother, what good stuff did you bring? We'll accept it all! The price is guaranteed to be right!"

At the entrance of the train station, every time K4 comes back, there are people guarding it, waiting to become second-rate dealers and make a profit.

"Sorry, I have a special consignee, Brother Long." Zhou Qing said.

The few people who came around suddenly opened their eyes in disappointment. Brother Long is a somewhat famous dealer. The money given by retail investors who came over to solicit customers in person will definitely not be as good as Brother Long.

"Are you going to the hotel to wait for me first? Or are you going to meet Brother Long with me?" Zhou Qing asked tentatively.

If Ding Xinyue is willing to go with him to meet people, it means that the relationship between the two has taken a further step, and she is willing to acknowledge him in her heart.

Ding Xinyue thought for a moment and shook her head: "I won't go. It's useless for me to know him. I'll go to the hotel and wait for you."

"Okay." Zhou Qing was not very disappointed. It was reasonable for her not to agree.

If relatives and friends of the Ye family saw it and spread it to Ye Tao's ears, it would cause trouble for her.

Now is not the time, he still needs to gather strength.

Zhou Qing took Ding Xinyue to a Donglaishun store and asked her to go in and wait while he took his things to Brother Long's house not far away.

After getting familiar with the road, Zhou Qing figured out what things were worth and what they cost. As expected, this small car of things was sold for 20,000 yuan.

Zhou Qingzhi returned to the hotel with the money proudly. After thinking about it, he took out 15,000 and handed it to Ding Xinyue.

"Did something happen? Do you need money urgently? If the remaining money was not used as capital, I would have given you the 5,000." Zhou Qing said.

Ding Xinyue thought for a while and told what happened at home.

Zhou Qing was shocked: "Xiaoyong went in?! This..."

He regarded Ding Yong as his real brother. Ding Yong returned from a tiger to a tiger, but he was generous. He used to be poor, and when he couldn't afford to eat, he had to hang out with Ding Yong to make ends meet.

When he ran out of money, it was easy to talk to Ding Yong. Ding Yong would never laugh at him and would always borrow money happily.

Don't urge him to pay it back.

He doesn't care what others are like, he thinks Ding Yong is a good person and his brother.

What's more, Ding Yong is Ding Xinyue's younger brother... If it weren't for Ding Yong, he wouldn't have known Ding Xinyue.

Ding Xinyue saw that he was really worried about Ding Yong, and felt very happy.

Suddenly, she thought of Ye Tao.

When Ye Tao knew that something had happened to Ding Yong, he looked cold and unconcerned. Her mother even knelt down and begged him, but he didn't even try to help!

I don’t treat Ding Yong as a younger brother at all!

Looking at Zhou Qing again, this is the reaction that relatives and friends should have.

No status can compare to a heart.

"Don't worry, the matter has been settled and no one can help." Ding Xinyue said: "I just hope that these six months will pass quickly and he will not suffer too much in it."

Zhou Qing immediately said: "Where is he being held? I have a friend who might be able to help. Please ask him to come forward and take care of him. Don't let him get beaten in there, and work more lightly."

"Really? That's great!" Ding Xinyue said in surprise.

This meal was more lively than ever for the two of them.

In the past, when Ding Xinyue was invited to come out, she would hold it. She rarely took the initiative to talk to Zhou Qing, and Zhou Qing almost always did the talking.

Only this time, the two of them talked and laughed as if they were "friends".

After dinner, Zhou Qing took Ding Xinyue home by bus as usual.

Ding Xinyue said, "I won't take this bus anymore. The house is sold."

I didn't have the nerve to say it before, but I can't say it now. Otherwise, there won't be a bus back to my in-laws' house from the south to the north.

And even if she didn't say it now, he would soon find out from others.

"Why was the house sold?" Zhou Qing asked in surprise.

Ding Xinyue explained to him again.

Zhou Qing sighed silently: "Hey, that Liu Er's mother is quite difficult to deal with, and the Zhou Qiang family is not easy to deal with either. They must be out of town now and haven't received the news yet, so they didn't come here. , when the Zhou family arrived, some were making a fuss.

"It's a good thing that the house is sold, otherwise the Zhou family would live in it and some would cause trouble."

Zhou Qing completely cared about her, which made Ding Xinyue, who had always been criticized and disliked recently, finally see Nuan Nuan.

Suddenly she felt that Zhou Qing was the person who treated her best in the world...

Zhou Qing said again: "But you live in your husband's house, so life is not easy, right?"

Ding Xinyue was so moved that she almost shed tears and nodded repeatedly.

"Otherwise, why don't you rent a house by yourself? You don't have to look at other people's faces." Zhou Qing said, "When I save enough money by running around a few more times, you can buy a building.

"This is a house you bought with your own money. No one can just sell it!"

Ding Xinyue nodded repeatedly in her heart, but did not agree with her mouth.

"It's not that easy to buy a house." Ding Xinyue said.

Nowadays, there is a huge gap in housing prices, with different locations, different houses, and different prices. Some are priced at more than 1,000 yuan, and some are priced at more than 4,000 yuan.

Usually around 3,000.

There are few big houses and good ones. She is used to living in big houses. If she is asked to live in a house of 40 to 51 square meters, she would rather live in her husband's house of 200 square meters, which looks bright and spacious.

If you want to buy a large house of about 200 square meters, you will need 600,000 to 700,000 yuan.

Even if Zhou Qing gives her 10,000 yuan at a time, it will still take 60 or 70 times. If she can't make two trips a month, it will take three years.

She felt it was too long.

"Even if we rent it out, my mother-in-law won't agree to it," Ding Xinyue said.

Liu Yuegui took this opportunity to tease her, how could he let her go so easily?

Thinking of this, Ding Xinyue's desire to rent a house became even stronger.

"I'll keep an eye on it for you first, and then we'll decide whether to rent it or not," Zhou Qing said.

Ding Xinyue nodded.

The two changed buses and took Ding Xinyue home.

Zhou Qing still got off the bus one stop earlier.

When Ding Xinyue got off the bus, she saw Ding Xinli on the platform and was startled.

"Oh my God! Why are you here?" Ding Xinyue shouted.

Ding Xinli's eyes flashed: "Why are you shouting so loudly? What's scary about me? I went to your work and told you that you got off work early today, but you didn't come back until 8 o'clock. Where have you been?"

Each of these questions is more scary than the last.

Ding Xinyue said: "I went shopping! You don't need to worry about it."

"Shopping? Why didn't you buy anything?" Ding Xinli asked.

Her sister has never been addicted to shopping, she always buys something.

Now I am left empty-handed.

"I gave you the money, what should I buy with it?" Ding Xinyue asked.

"I don't believe it. You are so rich, but you still need three to five hundred dollars from me?" After Ding Xinli said that, she suddenly went to grab her bag.

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