Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 2035 Ending with 100,000

Ding Xinyue was eager to save people, so she could only leave with Ye Tao.

Ye Tao went to his boss to apply for divorce last night, otherwise the Civil Affairs Bureau would not be able to control his marriage because of the special nature of his marriage.

Now that it has passed, it has been much smoother.

It was stamped when we got there. Without any persuasion, we would not let him go, because the leaders had agreed and it was not under their control.

Ding Xinyue didn't realize until she got the divorce certificate that she had other things to do.

The property has not been divided yet!

The family's original house was sold for 3 million, why shouldn't she get half of it?

Even if the Ye family bought the house before their marriage, it still belonged to Ye Tao. It once belonged to both of them.

She has been married to Ye Tao for so many years. Although she has not given birth to a child, she has been pregnant! In the end, she was aborted because of the medicine Liu Yuegui gave her!

She suffered huge physical and mental damage!

She went from a little girl to a divorced woman. So many years of youth are worth nothing, right?

Remember in one second: //fo

Is she out of the house now?

Ye Tao was a little surprised when she didn't leave.

He was relatively careless about property, and he almost didn't put his thoughts on it. He didn't think about it for a while.

Ding Xinyue had to remind him: "I heard that other people sign an agreement to divide their children and property when they get divorced. Although we don't have children..."

"Oh." Ye Tao understood, sat down again, and said, "Over the years, most of my salary has been handed over to you, which adds up to tens of thousands.

"The red envelopes given by my grandfather and parents during the holidays are tens of thousands, right?

“I don’t want any of this anymore, I’ll give it all to you.

"Child..." Ye Tao's heart ached when he thought of the missed child.

As an upright man, he did not deny that what happened was wrong and she was hurt.

"I'll give you another 100,000 as compensation.

"As for the money from selling the house, don't think about it. The house was not originally bought with my money. It was given to me by my grandfather. The money after the sale should actually be returned to my grandfather. It has nothing to do with you or me. "Ye Tao said.

Ding Xinyue is still a little dissatisfied. Compared with 3 million, 100,000 is nothing.

But she didn't see the staff who handled the divorce certificate's eyes turning red with envy.

She has seen too many divorces. Regardless of whether they are poor or rich, couples will break their heads for family property.

Even the thermos and urinal must be snatched, and they are clearly distinguished.

It is still good to distinguish clearly, and there is also the man who will not let go of life and death, he will take possession of the family property and children, and let the woman leave the house.

Anyway, when it comes to divorce, the man has no affection at all. Everything belongs to him. The worse the woman is, the happier he is.

Look at this again. A man will give 100,000 to a woman whenever he asks. The previous ones were not divided and all were given to women. What kind of good man is this? Such men even end up getting divorced. This woman is not going to have a good life!

Listening to people talking about a house again, since this house was not bought by a man in the first place, as his ex-wife, there is no reason to divide it.

The staff member glanced at Ding Xinyue: "Just accept it when you're done. Logically speaking, your divorce certificate has been completed and the agreement has not been signed. Even if he doesn't give you anything, you have to endure it! Don't annoy people, you Not one point.”

If it weren't for the fact that it would be difficult for a divorced woman in the future, she would not talk too much!

Ding Xinyue still sat there and didn't want to leave.

Ye Tao sneered: "Think about Zhou Qing, I actually don't want to give you a cent, you don't deserve it."

Ding Xinyue stood up and walked out immediately. She was afraid that Ye Tao would regret not saving Zhou Qing.

Ye Tao even sneered, she was really interested in this Zhou Qing.

The staff heard that there was someone outside this woman! No wonder they got divorced!

She wanted to slap herself in the mouth, she shouldn't have spoken more before!

"Brother, for the party at fault in the marriage, the property can be divided less or even not at all! Think about it again! No one's money is blown by the wind. Isn't it good to keep it to honor your parents?"

Ye Tao was laughed at her kindness.

"Thank you, eldest sister, but after all, she has been with me for many years, so I should compensate her a little." After saying that, he nodded and turned to leave.

The eldest sister was anxious from behind: "Brother, are you still looking for someone? Oh, you will definitely find one when you are in your prime! Brother, what do you want? I know a lot of girls!"

The eldest sister was about to chase her out, but when she saw Ye Tao's car driving away, she sat down in disappointment.

Several staff members in the room watched the whole scene and immediately started gossiping.

Suddenly, a woman said: "Why does the name Zhou Qing sound familiar to me? I seem to know someone."

"What are you doing?" someone asked immediately.

"If he doesn't have a legitimate job, he's just a loser. It's definitely not him. How could he compare to that man just now?" The woman quickly rejected that terrible idea.

Everyone continued to gossip.

Ye Tao first took Ding Xinyue home, and then asked his mother for 100,000 yuan.

Hearing that Ye Tao also gave Ding Xinyue 100,000 yuan, Liu Yuegui was a little reluctant.

But she also thought of the undestined child.

If her mother-in-law had caused her to lose a child, she wouldn't have done it even if she had been given 100,000 yuan!

After thinking about it, Liu Yuegui let go, went back to her room, took her bankbook and went out. She quickly came back with 100,000 yuan and handed it to Ding Xinyue.

Ding Xinyue lowered her head and silently took the money. She felt very complicated for a moment and didn't know what to say.

Her marriage ended with only 100,000 yuan?

Why did it become like this?

"Let's go and save Zhou Qing." Ye Tao said.

Ding Xinyue immediately put the money into her bag and stood up.

A mocking smile appeared on Ye Tao's face unconsciously, and he didn't know who he was laughing at.

He drove Ding Xinyue to the police station and asked Ding Xinyue to wait outside while he went in to negotiate.

In fact, he was "bullying" Ding Xinyue a bit.

Without his help, Zhou Qing couldn't be locked up.

Because there is no doubt that there is no guilt.

No one can tell who the money belongs to, but it might be his. Of course, it is wrong for him to bring a thief to steal it.

But he didn't open the door, and he wasn't the one who stole the money. He was at most a lethargic.

In addition, the current laws are not perfect, and there are many troubles.

In the end, the three claws were left inside, and Zhou Qing and Ding Xinli came out.

Neither of them pursued the money issue, but the money was withheld...

Didn't Ding Xinli yell that it was her money? It just so happens that her husband’s fine hasn’t been paid yet!

Although Zhou Qiang was in jail, he still owed the fine and had to pay it!

He Xini, no matter who owns the money, he has kept it... Zhou Qing can't prove that it's his anyway.

It would be nice to let him out.

As for Sanzhao, regardless of the money, the bag of gold jewelry that did not belong to him fell out of his pocket. The amount involved was more than 10,000 yuan, which was enough for him to stay for several years.

Ding Xinyue breathed a sigh of relief when she saw someone coming out.

The sarcastic smile never left Ye Tao's face today.

When he passed by Ding Xinyue, he said, "I will send someone to deliver your things to your mother. You don't have to go back to get them."

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