Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 2042 Marry someone you don’t like?

"Fortunately, there is an isolation room here. It won't happen next time." Hua Zhao said to the staff: "And don't let guests wait in the disinfection room in the future. Isn't there a living room outside?"

Unexpectedly, Hua Zhao put it down so gently and did not reprimand him in public. The staff wiped the sweat from his forehead and said excitedly: "Yes, yes, yes, I know, there will never be a next time!"

As for whether he will be punished afterwards...the company's rules and regulations are strict, and you will be punished for any mistakes you make. He has no intention of escaping and cannot escape.

However, the company will not increase the penalties on the company, which reassures him.

He was just worried that if Hua Zhao scolded him in front of so many people, he would have no shame in working here in the future.

Fortunately not.

"Everyone, please go out and change your clothes before visiting again." Hua Zhao said to Wei Kejia, who was in a daze with red eyes.

Wei Kejia came back to her senses, secretly raised her head and looked at Ye Ming again, and found that Ye Ming was no longer looking at her, but had gone to another direction of the workshop with a group of people.

No one paid attention to them who were embarrassed.

She suddenly smiled shyly again. Was he helping her out? So subtle and considerate?

For such a personable person, he is not as cold as he appears.

Remember in one second: //fo

He also has her in his eyes, otherwise how could he help her out?

Hua Zhao looked at Wei Kejia, who was stunned again, speechlessly, feeling aggrieved and shy for a while, "Don't guess what the little girl is thinking, you can't figure it out even if you guess."

But this girl is really interested in Ye Ming.

Hua Zhao just looked at Wei Kejia.

Wei Kejia's colleagues couldn't stand it anymore and pushed Wei Kejia away.

Only then did Wei Kejia come back to his senses. He saw Hua Zhao blushing so red that he was about to bleed. He turned around and ran away, almost hitting the door frame.

Several colleagues behind him laughed secretly.

But some people were just joking, and some people were just laughing in their eyes.

That's right. The relationship between colleagues is rarely particularly harmonious.

It is normal for one or two people to have a good relationship with each other, but it is not normal for them to have a good relationship with everyone.

Hua Zhao walked last and changed clothes in the dressing room. When he came out, he found that several young women from the investment promotion office no longer wanted to go in, but were chattering outside.

Hua Zhao.... These people are really not here to work.

Wei Kejia seemed to have strong adjustment ability and her expression became normal. When she saw Hua Zhao, she just smiled sheepishly and came up to say hello.

"Hello, I'm Wei Kejia, nice to meet you." Wei Kejia stretched out his hand.

Hua Zhao also stretched out his hand and shook her hand.

"Hello, I'm Hua Zhao, nice to meet you too."

Wei Kejia tilted his head and said a little innocently and cutely: "Hua Zhao? Why does this name sound familiar?"

A colleague couldn't stand it: "Xiao Wei, are you stupid? Hua Zhao is the chairman of 666 Health Products Company. He also owns a mountain in our area and opened several other companies specifically to take in rescued women. do not you know?"

There is no way, Hua Zhao has been flirting too much here, at least all the political staff here know about it.

"No, no, I'm not talking about this. I must have heard this name elsewhere, but I can't remember it..." Wei Kejia said doubtfully.

Hua Zhao was not curious at all and said: "It's too cold outside. Let's go to the restaurant and stay with everyone for a meal later."

Several people agreed obediently.

The northwest wind was blowing, and it was really cold outside.

In the private room of the restaurant, several women of about the same age gathered around Hua Zhao and asked curiously how she took care of herself. How did she manage to open such a big company? How did she remember that mountain? she....

Wei Kejia suddenly asked: "Ye Ming, why doesn't he get married?"

This question was a bit abrupt, Hua Zhao looked at her and smiled without saying anything.

Wei Kejia blushed and explained: "I don't mean anything else, I'm just curious. We are all curious. To be honest, we all discussed it in private, but we didn't have an answer. Today I finally met his family... Can you explain it to us?"

Hua Zhao said with a smile: "What's there to guess? My eldest brother doesn't get married just because he hasn't met the person who makes his heart beat. My eldest brother is not bad either. He can't force himself to marry someone he doesn't like and spend the rest of his life. Right? Do you think so?"

"Yes, yes." Wei Kejia's colleague nodded.

What else could it be?

What is wrong with Ye Ming?

Or should he force himself to marry someone he doesn't like?

Everyone's eyes flickered as they looked at Hua Zhao. Why do they always feel that she cares about making insinuations?

But looking at her sincere expression, it didn't look like it.

What bad thoughts could such a beautiful woman have? They must be overthinking it!

Wei Kejia blinked and stopped talking.

She felt more obvious.

That woman who didn't make Ye Ming's heart move, was he talking about her?

It must be!

If she is Ye Ming's heart-throb, wouldn't they become a couple? No, the answer is the opposite!

Ye Ming and Chris arrived at the restaurant.

The eyes of several women were immediately attracted to Chris.

He is indeed a handsome guy with blond hair and blue eyes, very different from Asians and more eye-catching.

Wei Kejia's eyes only turned to Chris, then fell on Ye Ming, and his heart skipped a beat.

Ever since she saw Ye Ming for the first time, she couldn't take her eyes away and her heart fell on him.

It's a pity that she approached him several times, but was coldly avoided.

She understood what he meant.

She also persuaded herself to give up, but every time she saw Ye Ming again, her previous persuasion was in vain, and she would still be tempted again.

When Ye Ming came in, several people in the room stood up to greet him.

Ye Ming naturally pulled Chris and sat next to Hua Zhao.

Sure enough, the next position was occupied by Wei Kejia who took the initiative.

Ye Ming has experience, thanks to him pulling Chris, otherwise she would dare to take the initiative to sit next to him.

Others in the room either smiled and looked on, or pretended not to notice.

Do not participate in "fighting between gods".

Wei Kejia's grandfather is also a number one person. Although he will retire soon, he is only half a level lower than Ye Ming.

Taller than them all.

He showed his interest in Ye Ming, who would dare to raise objections?

Anyway, their family didn't have any daughters or younger sisters of the right age. Even if they did, they had already passed her by in front of Ye Ming, but they didn't take any fancy to her.

So just watch the show and be quiet!

The food arrived quickly. While eating, Chris chatted with Hua Zhao about his experiences and his suggestions for overseas factories.

Some Hua Zhao agreed and some opposed.

Those who were curious urged Wei Kejia: "Xiao Wei, please translate for us quickly. What is this talking about?"

Since you said it in public, you are not afraid that they will know, right?

Wei Kejia's face turned red. She didn't understand, she spoke too fast!

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