He Peiqin now felt aggrieved and resentful, hating the man and her son.

Her little affection had prevented her from calling the police before, but she didn't expect that he didn't repent at all and turned around and continued to be with the nanny.

The two of them lived in a new house and lived a good life, with wine and meat on the table.

What about her? She lived in a dilapidated bungalow that was leaky in the winter and rainy in the summer. She had to go to the public restroom and burn coal to keep warm, which made her look miserable every day.

And all this was provided by her good son!

"Go and sue! Go quickly!" He Peiqin took the nanny and dragged her out: "Whatever you say today, this house also belongs to me, otherwise I will sue!"

Jin Taotao looked at Miao Yinghua as if asking for help.

But she just asked Gao Miao Yinghua to rape her, and he got angry.

Didn't you remember what happened at the beginning? She wore a camisole and dangled in front of him all day long, took a shower without closing the door, and asked him to help get a bath towel. She was obviously trying to seduce him!

The first time I pushed him a few times and shed a few tears, but he looked like he was crying with joy!

Now I want to sue him. Thanks to his savvy, the real estate certificate is fake!


Miao Yinghua told this matter.

He Peiqin was calmed down a little, but the nanny stopped working.

I rushed out with the real estate certificate in hand and went to the housing management office to have it authenticated. It was indeed a fake.

When Jin Taotao got angry, she turned around and went to the police station.

Anyway, the person has been offended and can't go back. If he can't get anything from this old man, then no one can feel better!

Things took a turn for the worse. Only a few days later, Miao Yinghua went in again on the charge of hooliganism.

Now crimes such as insulting women, provoking quarrels and provoking troubles are all considered hooligan crimes.

Miao Bin was immediately worried.

He was still talking about business over there, but here he still had to work for his father and deal with the scolding from his mother.

The business that was supposed to be negotiated also fell through. Several businessmen with whom he had good relationships fell out with him for some unknown reason and simply changed hotels and left.

Miao Bin was so anxious that he couldn't care about Ye Jia for a while.

Ye Jia had already boarded the plane to go abroad.

The things that were pressing on her heart were gone, and she felt relaxed and happier than when she came.

It's just a pity that I didn't see my father.

As she gets older and becomes a parent, she finally understands how difficult it is to be a parent.

The things she did back then also made her father very worried, right?

Unfortunately, some things you do wrong can never be made up for.


Hua Zhao had arranged everything a few days ago, and it was rare to have two days free.

Thinking of the foreign businessmen who were sent away by him, Hua Zhao thought of Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping. They hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they should meet, otherwise the relationship would fade away.

She now only knows these two fellow villagers at home, or maybe these two are the only ones she knows. Those people in Guashantun are getting further and further away from her.

Hua Zhao went directly to Ma Qiuping's shop without saying hello.

Ma Qiuping now specializes in the sock business, making both cotton and stockings.

Years ago is a busy time. Nowadays, people have to buy new clothes during the New Year. If they can't afford new clothes, they have to buy a pair of new socks anyway and step on the villain to try their luck.

Ma Qiuping's shop is not big, located in a clothing wholesale market.

But the business has always been booming. Who knows that her goods are all in good quality and the prices are right.

Moreover, the lady boss is eloquent and very likable.

Hua Zhao stood watching from a distance, and saw that the hearty smile on Ma Qiuping's face was exactly the same as Aunt Ma's smile.

Her mood suddenly became very good.

Because the suffering she brought has been suppressed in the bottom of my heart and is easily invisible.

"Huh? Xiaohua?" Someone shouted softly next to her.

"Aunt Ma." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

Aunt Ma came from behind carrying a few lunch boxes, apparently to deliver food.

"Oh, it's you! Why are you here?" Aunt Ma was so surprised. The last time she saw Hua Zhao was in the summer, at the vegetable base. They briefly met Hua Zhao and said a few words to Hua Zhao before leaving.

"The Chinese New Year is almost here, let's give gifts." Hua Zhao said with a smile.

She was carrying several gifts, including fresh fruits and seafood. Anyway, they were good things that could not be bought outside.

Aunt Ma hurriedly helped her carry it, but she still said the same thing: "You can just come, what else do you need to take!"

The two people were pushing back and forth. Ma Qiuping saw it and hurriedly came over to greet them.

Hua Zhao entered the store and found that there was something special inside.

The door doesn't look big from the outside, but it's very long inside, with many customers and waiters.

There need to be more people watching, otherwise the daily losses will be huge...

It’s not that people are not of high quality now, it’s been like this all the time. When there are more people watching, there are fewer people taking action. If no one is watching, it’s very challenging for people’s nerves.

However, Hua Zhao saw a familiar person inside, but couldn't remember who it was for the moment.

The other party actually recognized her, but it was hard for people to forget this face.

"Oh! Isn't this a little flower? Why is she still so handsome! She doesn't look old at all. Oh my God, I seem to be the same age as you, why are you still 18? But I am as old as an old woman!" the woman said exaggeratedly said.

Aunt Ma frowned and said, "Keep your voice down! What are you whining about? Go greet the guests quickly, you are not needed!"

The woman paused, a little unhappy, but she didn't seem to dare to offend Aunt Ma. She pulled her face and smiled at Hua Zhao: "Then you guys chat first, and I will come back to chat with you when I'm done!"

Seeing Aunt Ma's attitude towards her, Hua Zhao remembered who this person was.

This is Aunt Ma’s daughter-in-law Zhou Xiaohong.

"Why is she here?" Hua Zhao asked Aunt Ma in a low voice.

The two families had been very unhappy before. When Aunt Ma and Ma Qiuping were in trouble, Zhou Xiaohong stood by and watched.

When the two of them were about to be taken away by Hua Zhao, Zhou Xiaohong brought her whole family to come and take advantage of them, but Hua Zhao didn't let them.

Later, Zhou Xiaohong and Ma Daqiang did not return to Kaoshantun, fearing the revenge of the Huashan family's surviving sons and grandsons, so they went to seek refuge with Zhou Xiaohong's relatives elsewhere.

I didn't expect to see it here again today.

Aunt Ma looked embarrassed and whispered: "Hey, you blame me for this, I'm soft-hearted. I was thinking about my grandchildren, so I asked about the big wall, and as a result... they climbed along the pole."

Hua Zhao has nothing to say, this is their family matter.

And the love between mother and son, what can she say? Everything you say is sowing discord.

"If they are honest and willing to work, then it's not bad to be filial to you." Hua Zhao said.

Unexpectedly, Aunt Ma's face became even more bitter.

Ma Qiuping came over after finishing her work with several guests, and said with a sarcastic face: "My brother is honest and willing to do it, but he does it for his wife and children, what does it have to do with my mother? It's the Chinese New Year, so I don't say anything about filial piety. I come here every day to cry about poverty, and if I open my mouth, I will borrow one hundred thousand or two hundred thousand!"

She is not afraid of making her family scandal public. Why doesn't Hua Zhao know?

She was also angry that her mother had provoked her brother and sister-in-law, and she was even more afraid that this sister-in-law would talk too much and tell people in her hometown about her current news!

She was afraid that Hualong would come looking for her.


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