But apart from purposefully finding a partner for others, such as Ye Cheng, Hua Zhao didn't want to get involved in anyone else's marriage matters.

She doesn't have enough people in her hands either.

But she can find some opportunities for Zhang Guilan.

You have to ask your mother-in-law for this matter. She has connections and a platform.

Nowadays, major units particularly like to hold social activities. If there is a suitable one, Zhang Guilan can participate.

When Miao Lanzhi heard this, she nodded immediately: "This is a serious matter. In fact, I mentioned it to your mother a long time ago, but she didn't care. She only wanted to make money and help your younger siblings grow up.

"But let me tell you, these two things do not conflict at all. When you grow old, you need a companion. It is better to find one now than to find one when you are seventy or eighty." Miao Lanzhi said: "Okay, leave this matter to me. do not worry."

Miao Lanzhi was so happy. She had been trying to introduce her son and daughter to a partner for so many years. It was good this time, but someone would really use her.

"Let me talk about my requirements first." Hua Zhao said: "First of all, you must not be over 50 years old, you must be in good health, and there must be no genetic diseases in your family. My mother is only 40. If another little brother or sister comes out..."

"Oh! You are thinking far ahead!" Miao Lanzhi laughed.

But it’s not impossible when you think about it. People are quite capable of having children nowadays, and there are places where people in their 40s and 50s can conceive naturally. What’s more, her family, Hua Zhao, specializes in treating infertility!

Miao Lanzhi also figured out how Wen Jing got pregnant. It must have been due to the Huajia medicinal wine.

This is more powerful than all the major experts in Beijing...

"I've written this down, what else is there?" Miao Lanzhi suddenly remembered something and said, "By the way, show Xiao Shu if you're okay and let her have a baby as soon as possible! She's already thirty, she's getting old!"

"Yeah, I'm watching. I'll go talk to her soon," Hua Zhao said.

Miao Lanzhi was happy, thinking that she would be able to hold her grandson in her arms soon, but something important was gone from her mind, and she couldn't close her mouth.

Hua Zhao continued to talk about her requirements for her stepfather: "Secondly, he must be of good character, his moral character must be correct, and he must not want anyone with incorrect views."

Otherwise, you will either be in trouble yourself or bring trouble to your family.

"Yes!" Miao Lanzhi agreed very much with this point. Just look at Zhou Lihua and Wen Jing and you will know.

"Fortunately, your eldest brother and Wen Jing divorced. Otherwise, it's hard to say what life would be like now." Miao Lanzhi said happily.

Look at what Wen Jing did this time. She believed that she was the one who instigated Du Hanliang to kidnap Hua Zhao!

what's the result? Du Hanliang himself has been deposed, and the Du family is not far away from being deposed. They will not let the Du family go!

Her great grandson almost lost his mother!

"Last point, the man's family should not have too many relatives, and his parents must be sensible people, otherwise the life will be difficult," Hua Zhao said.

Zhang Guilan's mother's family and her ex-husband's family are enough for her to handle. How about a new mother-in-law?

Will that day still pass?

By then, not only would Zhang Guilan be worried, but she would also be worried to death.

Miao Lanzhi nodded: "I understand, don't worry."

While the two were talking, Ye Shu came in.

Today is the day to go home.

"I knew I had to come here directly. No one would be at home." Ye Shu said as he walked in.

"Oops! Look at me, I really forgot!" Miao Lanzhi laughed.

She was anxious to come here every day to see her eldest grandson, so she forgot about her eldest daughter.

Ye Shu was not angry either. He sat next to Hua Zhao with a bright face and asked, "What are you talking about? Who is the man? What are the parents? Who wants to get married?"

"Children, stay out of adults' business." Miao Lanzhi said without waiting for Hua Zhao to speak.

She is still relatively conservative in her thinking. She feels that Zhang Guilan's matter is the matter of her elders. Moreover, if Zhang Guilan finds her again, she will be married for the third time. It is best not to let the news out before it happens.

Not even relatives at home can know.

"Haha." Ye Shu made a face at his biological mother and did not ask further, but said: "I plan to go back to California. There is too much backlog in the factory there, and my father-in-law is not in good health, so I can't handle it alone."

They have been back for two or three months. If they don't go back, Yao An won't be able to hold on anymore.

Miao Lanzhi was a little reluctant to give up, but after all, she was a married daughter and had her own family.

Besides, Ye Shu married in China before and came back once a year. Thinking about it this way, it's the same at home and abroad.

"When are you leaving?" Miao Lanzhi asked.

"The day after tomorrow." Ye Shu said with a guilty conscience.

Miao Lanzhi rolled her eyes at her and went to prepare her luggage.

She doesn't need to prepare clothes, but she has to prepare more for various hometown specialties that can't be bought outside.

Yao Kun has already followed his mother-in-law to fight.

People with high emotional intelligence know how to please their mother's family, which is sometimes more effective than pleasing their daughter-in-law.

Hua Zhao suddenly remembered that he had not asked Ye Shen when he would return. He also had a lot of business there, and none of it could be replaced. He had been back for so long, and he was probably leaving soon.

She immediately ran to the backyard to find Ye Shen and found that Ye Shen was trying to please Hua Qiang...

The two of them didn't know what they were talking about. Hua Qiang was laughing while talking, his face was red, he was full of energy, and he was particularly energetic.

The three babies sat next to them and listened to the story.

"You're back? What have you been busy with?" Ye Shen turned to look at her and asked with a smile.

He had heard her come home a long time ago, but she still didn't come to the backyard to look for him. Something must have happened.

Otherwise, she could not wait to cling to him 24 hours a day.

Hua Zhao understood the look in his eyes and immediately stared back, wondering who was clinging to whom?

"When are you leaving?" Hua Zhao asked straight to the point.

When the three babies heard this, they all rushed towards Ye Shen.

Two people held their arms and one person held his thighs.

Ye Shen picked up Jinwen and put him on his lap. He hugged Yunfei and Cuiwei and patted them. He couldn't bear to say, "We can stay for two more days."

Hua Zhao didn't react much yet. She was a little used to separation. Besides, after she finished her work, she could still go visit relatives.

It's much better now than before. Visiting relatives was not possible before.

The three babies didn't know it.

Cui Wei's tears suddenly fell.

She loves to laugh and cry, and her emotional expressions are always intense.

"Dad, Weiwei won't let you go!" She hugged Ye Shen's neck and started crying.

Yunfei was okay, he just blinked and looked at Ye Shen and then at Hua Zhao.

He knew that his father was Uncle Su. Before, he could see Uncle Su two or three times a month, and even more during holidays. It was not a long time since he saw him.

Jin Wen sat on Ye Shen's lap, frowning, squinting his face, pouting, with tears in his eyes.

It made Ye Shen extremely distressed.

But he couldn't say a word of comfort. He suddenly found that he didn't know how to coax the child, so he could only look at Hua Zhao for help.

How to coax this kind of thing? Tell them they'll see their dad again soon?

That was impossible, the only one I could see was Uncle Su.

But she seriously doubted that Uncle Su wouldn't be able to deceive them when he showed up again.

Xiao Jinwen could tell that the two of them looked alike!

Cui Wei, a carefree person, thought Ye Shen looked familiar at first sight.

Moreover, the aura on a person's body remains unchanged. They have been on Ye Shen's body for so many days, so they must have remembered his smell.

Forget it, let’s talk about it then.

Yunfei was able to keep a secret for more than 2 years at such a young age, so she had to trust the other two little guys.

"We heard Wei Wei's crying all the way away. Who made us Wei Wei sad?" Ye Ming strode in.

Ye Shen and Hua Zhao both breathed a sigh of relief. He was the best at coaxing children!


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