Rebirth 70: The Fat Wife is Turning Over

Chapter 839 Can’t come back to life

Ye Ming glanced at her and knew it would be like this. She seemed to have many secrets, and her achievements in plants were particularly outstanding.

He didn't need to know why, though.

What he needs is to prevent others from discovering this excellence.

This seems a bit difficult. Hua Zhao's business is already don't let it be too shocking.

"Strawberry, it has a short maturity period and it is easy to cultivate seeds. Moreover, you have made some achievements in strawberries a few years ago. It is not surprising to take out the seeds now." Ye Ming said.

Hua Zhao was a little touched that everything had been considered for her.

"Okay, then strawberries. In this case, it won't delay my time to go abroad."


After discussing the business matters, Ye Ming also left. He also had his own connections to visit.

The next day, Hua Zhao visited Ye Shang's house again.

Ye Shang's family returned to Beijing. They lived at Ye Mao's house before, but that was because it was approaching the New Year's Eve and everyone lived together in a lively manner, as they did in previous years.

But their return to Beijing was not sudden. It had been decided half a year ago, so they had arranged the house for their return to Beijing in advance.

Ye Shang's work unit allocated him a house, a 200-square-meter building.

Such a large area is rare at this time, but it is not unheard of.

Ye An and Ye Tao are still in their own unit. It has nothing to do with them when they return to Beijing. They don't need a house.

However, Ye Ying and Ye Dan's houses have not been finalized yet, so they plan to look for them now, and now they are all living in Ye Shang's house.

The house had been tidied up a long time ago and fully furnished, and all that was left was for the owner to arrive.

The third day of the Lunar New Year is both a New Year's greeting and a warm meal.

Hua Zhao brought gifts, a pair of vases, and a bunch of vegetables.

She bought this pair of antique vases at a cultural relics store for 1,000 yuan. She estimated that after a few decades, it would be worth something.

Liu Yuegui is actually a nice person, not evil-minded, and he really cares about her. She is willing to give her something.

"Come in, come in, you're welcome. Why don't you bring any gifts? We, as a family, don't talk about such nonsense!" Liu Yuegui was particularly enthusiastic towards Hua Zhao today.

No, Liu Yuegui has been like this since Ye Dan offended her that day.

Yesterday I saw Zhou Lihua fainted from anger. She stayed up half the night after returning home.


I was afraid that one day it would be Ye Dan who was knocked out by anger.

Hua Zhao said some polite words to her and placed the vase on the empty shelf.

Ye Shang's family is far away from the capital, has not received subsidies from Ye Zhenguo, and has little money.

If you have money, you should keep it to give your son a wife.

Liu Yuegui looked at Bian Meijuan sitting next to Ye Tao, forgetting the anxiety in her heart, and smiled.

Bian Meijuan is also here today as a guest.

Seeing this big house, she had a calm expression.

The 5-room house is now occupied by a bunch of naughty children, and the house is noisy and noisy. It's annoying!

Even if she gets married in the future, she doesn't want to live here!

Bian Meijuan suddenly looked at Hua Zhao and smiled.

"I heard that you have century-old ginseng in your hand?" she asked.

Hua Zhao was stunned for a moment and looked at her. Unexpectedly, this person was quite direct. This was the first conversation between them.

Others were also stunned and looked at Bian Meijuan.

"My grandpa was sick and went to the hospital. The doctor couldn't do anything. He just said that he should go home and take good care of himself..." Bian Meijuan's face was slightly red: "I have had a very good relationship with my grandpa since I was a child. I want to save him." He...can you sell me ginseng?"

Ye Shang's family understood, and looked at Bian Meijuan with warm eyes.

Since it's a blind date, they know the other person's family background best.

Bian Meijuan's grandfather is over 80 this year. I heard that he has been in bed for several years.

Unexpectedly, as my granddaughter, Bian Meijuan is still thinking about her, so filial!

Hua Zhao looked at her and said slowly: "Centennial ginseng..." I'm afraid you can't afford it.

Of course this was a bit hurtful, but she didn't say it.

And it’s not a question of whether you can afford it or not, it’s a question of whether you can sell it or not.

“I don’t have century-old ginseng in my hand anymore,” she said.

Bian Meijuan's expression changed immediately, with a look of disbelief.

That’s not what the husband said. He said she had a lot of them!

"But I have... 20-year-old wild ginseng in my hand."

Seeing her expression, Hua Zhao paused and changed 30 to 20.

"Twenty years is too short, what's the use?" She didn't question it, she sounded disgusted.

This attitude is not like asking for help.

Except for his own babies, Hua Zhao doesn't like to spoil others.

"Ginseng is not a magic medicine and cannot bring the dead back to life." She had a very good attitude and persuaded Bian Meijuan very gently: "In terms of extending life, 20 years and a hundred years are actually the same."

There is nothing wrong with this, and Hua Zhao is "kind" again.

But it was so heartbreaking to hear it in Bian Meijuan's ears.

No matter what medicine is used, the effect will be the same. It is completely useless. Her grandfather is going to die and no one can keep him!

"You!" She stared at Hua Zhao and wanted to lose her temper, but finally held back.

Liu Yuegui finally let go of her worries.

"Yes, yes, Hua Zhao is right, 20 years old is very good!" Liu Yuegui quickly stood up and came over to sit next to Bian Meijuan and hold her down.

She was afraid that Bian Meijuan would jump up and start an argument with Hua Zhao again.

Then her daughter-in-law is in trouble. She doesn't want a daughter-in-law who dares to quarrel with Hua Zhao!

"Do you want the 20-year-old one?" Liu Yuegui said again: "Twenty-year-old ones are cheap, go for it, it's better than nothing!"

She wanted Bian Meijuan to make a decision quickly and end this topic.

But she was also looking towards Bian Meijuan. Ye Fang occasionally mentioned it once when chatting with her. Hua Zhao gave her a 20-year-old wild ginseng tree, and the effect was amazing.

The feng shui of their home is extremely suitable for growing ginseng, and the ginseng from other places cannot be compared!

Bian Meijuan was very angry, but she did not dare to offend Hua Zhao.

"Okay..." She reluctantly said, "How much will it cost?"

"50,000." Hua Zhao said.

For her own sake, she added an extra zero.

"How much?!" Bian Meijuan's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

Others also looked at Hua Zhao. The price was indeed a bit high.

"My family's money is also earned." Ye Dan suddenly said softly.

Liu Yuegui was startled and stared at her immediately.

Ye Dan curled his lips, smiled and stopped talking.

"Five years ago, I sold a 20-year-old ginseng for 5,000 yuan, but that was five years ago, and now everything has increased in price," Hua Zhaodao said.

"That's not even a 10-fold increase!" Bian Meijuan said: "My family bought a 30-year-old one half a year ago for only 10,000!"

"The ginseng in our mountain village is different from that in other places. If you don't believe me, go out and ask around." Hua Zhao said.

She once left a few ginseng seedlings in Kaoshan Village, but over the years, they were dug up by others.

Although there were not many, they were all bought by wealthy people. A few trees spread to the capital, and their reputation really spread.

"That's not worth 50,000, it's only 20 years, 10,000 at most!" Bian Meijuan said.

Although she didn't stand up to fight with Hua Zhao, her expression was already fighting.

Hua Zhao glanced at Ye Tao.

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