Seeing him, Ye Shen was really stunned for a moment.

"How could it be you?"

He received instructions a few days ago that someone would come to review his work.

Although at this point, everything is up to him, but necessary review is still indispensable.

Every year someone from above would come here to talk to him.

But every year it ends after talking for a few hours.

This year, the inspector notified him that he would not show up after he arrived, saying that there was something wrong and asking him to wait.

According to the regulations, he can only come here once a year, and he can only wait here and cannot go out.

This wait is 4 days.

"Isn't it weird?" He Jianning said with a smile: "I just have an extra job. People who are capable have multiple jobs, right?"

Ye Shen just raised his eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense and let's get started."

"Okay." He Jianning sat across from him and asked, "How many assets do you have now?"


The conversation went on for a long time, longer than usual. And the questions asked are different from before.

A lot of private goods were included.

But Ye Shen only answered what he wanted to answer, and he just said random things if he didn't want to answer.

It's not that he doesn't respect the rules, it's that He Jianning broke the rules first.

"Have you slept with Susanna?" He Jianning asked.

Ye Shen's eyes darkened and he was too lazy to answer his boring question.

"Huh?" He Jianning smiled happily: "Avoiding the answer, embarrassed to answer? It means you have slept. Okay, I understand."

Ye Shen finally got angry: "He Jianning, I advise you to stop."

"Haha, just kidding, don't be angry."

Ye Shen suddenly frowned and looked at him. He Jianning was a little strange today and seemed to be extremely excited.

"Okay, that's all today's problems. I'm tired too and need to rest. You should also rest early. We'll continue tomorrow." He Jianning stood up after speaking.

And tomorrow?

"You want to keep me here?" Ye Shen said, "For the rest of my life?"

Quite courageous!

However, although this idea is ridiculous, if it is He Jianning, it is not impossible to do it.

"Haha, a lifetime is too exaggerated. It won't be impossible." He Jianning said with a smile: "And you think too much, how could I shut you up? I really still have questions to ask. They are all the things I have to ask above. , If you don’t believe me, ask them after you go out.”

He Jianning left after talking. After talking for so long, he was really tired...

Suddenly there were hands on his shoulders behind him.

He Jianning froze.

Ye Shen patted him: "You don't have to wait until later, I'll go out and ask now."

He Jianning narrowed his eyes: "You dare to disobey orders?"

"Order? Whose order?" Ye Shen looked at him and smiled: "Do you know the consequences of forging orders privately?"

He Jianning was not afraid. He did have many unfinished questions. As for whether these questions were ordered by his superiors, these were all minor issues.

As long as he doesn't hurt Ye Shen, it's not a big problem to keep him occupied for a few days with good food and drink.

"I'm leaving." Ye Shen patted his shoulder again.

This time it wasn't just a casual pat, he used force.

The huge force hit He Jianning's acupuncture point, and he froze instantly, feeling that his whole body was about to break.

His face suddenly turned white, but he still managed to hold on.

Ye Shen stretched out a finger and pushed him gently. His strength suddenly shattered to pieces, and he fell softly.

"This carpet is nice and soft enough. You should have a good rest and go out after you have rested. If you have any questions, you can ask them in your next life." Ye Shen gave him a cold look, climbed up the stairs and left.

He really wanted to keep He Jianning here for the rest of his life, but he couldn't.

For him to come in here means that he is indeed the examiner this year.

But it can only be this year. He will talk to the higher-ups.

Ye Shen left the utility room, turned left and right, avoided everyone's sight, left the hotel, and went straight to the phone booth.

He wants to call his sister and ask her to hide the newspaper!

He had known about the overwhelming news about him and Susanna.

It's a pity that he is a "newcomer" after all. Those media are in the hands of big bosses, and it's Susanna's news. He can't withdraw it even if he spends money.

Only a few tabloids were paid not to report it.

But it doesn't help.

According to the time, Hua Zhao should have arrived now, but he has just arrived. I hope my sister can put the newspaper away so that Hua Zhao doesn't see it.


Ye Shen's steps suddenly stopped and he saw his car.

The license plate shows that he is definitely not the same model.

And he doesn't always drive this car. He bought it after Hua Zhao said he liked it once. After buying it, when "Miss Fang" occasionally went to his place, he would take her out for a drive.

The car is here, where is Miss Fang?

It was getting dark and the street lights were on.

Hua Zhao slowly walked out of the night.

Ye Shen immediately looked at her in surprise, but restrained his expression and stood still.

He Jianning is cunning, are there people from him around?

It would be very troublesome if He Jianning found out that he and Hua Zhao were together.

It is stipulated above that the identities of "Ye Shen" and "Su Heng" cannot overlap, otherwise one can only be discarded.

Hua Zhao also thought of this, so she just let Ye Shen see her, and then she hailed a taxi and left.

Ye Shen walked to his car, quickly got into the car with a piece of wire, drove, and chased after him.

The taxi stopped in front of a house in the suburbs.

Hua Zhao got out of the car and found the key in the secret room to open the door and enter the house.

This is also one of her properties.

She bought a lot of houses now that they were cheap.

I just bought this a few months ago. It has just been renovated and has not been rented out yet.

After entering the house, Hua Zhao opened a window, then returned to the bedroom and went in to reflect.

Sure enough, she was overthinking.

After entering the hotel and finding Ye Shen in the basement, she checked it out and found him sitting there peacefully.

Not trapped, but didn't go out and give her a call!

When Hua Zhao gets angry, he thinks too much...

Who is he meeting in the secret room? Lover?

It turns out that the "lover" is He Jianning.

Hua Zhao laughed.

"When did you come?" A mellow male voice asked behind him, and the next second, Hua Zhao fell into a warm embrace.

The embrace was strong and generous, wrapping her tightly and making her heart feel at ease instantly.

Hua Zhao smiled unconsciously, but the next moment he suddenly snorted: "Humph!"

The misunderstanding of not showing up for three or four days has been resolved, but the matter of Susanna is not over yet!

Ye Shen paused, hugged her and asked, "Why did you go to that street? You saw me and didn't come over, but you left?"

He also felt that Hua Zhao appearing there was too coincidental.

As for the explanation for her turning around and leaving, she must have seen the newspaper.

After all, the news about him and Susanna has been overwhelming these days.

But he was not sure and wanted to test it out.

Hua Zhao...

I almost forgot, I have to explain to him too.

But it doesn’t have to be explained.

"I go wherever I like! You, on the other hand, have been having a lot of fun recently. I heard you are getting married? Congratulations!"

Sure enough she knew.

"Listen to my explanation, you are the only one in my heart." Ye Shen hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear.

The corners of Hua Zhao's mouth curved, then straightened instantly: "Huh, pale and weak!"

Then make something powerful!

Ye Shen suddenly picked her up and walked into the bathroom.

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