"What nonsense are you talking about!" Ye Shen pinched her nose with a warning look.

Although his wife cares about him and makes him a little happy because he is jealous, he doesn't like to hear such words.

"In this life, I have only one wife, and she will never change." He stared into Hua Zhao's eyes and said.

In fact, Hua Zhao regretted it as soon as she said it. What about fiancée? When she heard the word "wife", she felt uncomfortable.

His wife can only be her!

Ye Shen's words perfectly comforted her.

"Huh." But he was still a little unhappy: "You want to see her? What kind of mission...forget it, how long will this mission last?" Hua Zhao asked.

Speaking of this, Ye Shen was not happy either, as the mission was not going well.

The person he wanted to get close to was actually Susanna's father, a director of an arsenal. Unexpectedly, he was entangled with Susanna, and his father was a doting girl.

Once he refuses any of Suzanne's requests, his mission goals will make things difficult for him.

If this continues, he will never be able to complete his mission in his lifetime.

Therefore, he could only tolerate some requests that were not too excessive.

Today at noon, Suzanne asked him to try on dresses.

Although he didn’t order any dresses at all! Suzanne arranged it all herself.

He agreed to see her because he had planned to reject her completely at noon today.

He can agree to have dinner with her, and he can turn a blind eye to her various fabrications by the media, but getting married is definitely not an option.

Even if the mission target is unhappy, it doesn't matter. If it really offends him, he can still use middle and lower measures.

"I'll send her away and I'll be back in the afternoon." Ye Shen said.

Hua Zhao was happy when he heard that he could send people away now.

"go Go!"

Hua Zhao separated from him at the entrance of a 4S store, watched him drive away, then turned and entered the store.

It's no longer possible to drive Ye Shen's car, and renting a car is too troublesome, so it's better to just buy a new one.

30 minutes later, Hua Zhao drove out in a commercial vehicle and began to inspect the property.

Since she lied to He Jianning, she should tell the lie more perfectly.

While waiting at the red light, Hua Zhao thought carefully about how many properties she had in New York.

I don’t want to know. I’m so frightened when I think about it that I almost lose count.

Yaoji Food has made a lot of money in the past two years. Part of it has been reinvested to expand its scale, and part of it has been kept in its own hands to make other investments.

Hua Zhao was not a business elite in her previous life. She had no energy to engage in other industries, so she could only invest her money in real estate.

In the past two years, she has bought a large number of houses and apartments.

Fortunately, she remembered several periods of time when the real estate prices in country M rose and fell. Although it was not accurate to a certain month, she knew the general trend.

Know when to sell and when to buy without losing money.

This was all thanks to a client in her previous life who specialized in real estate in Country M.

The client was young, self-made, and wanted to pursue her.

In order to show his ability and financial resources, he told her the history of his fortune, and threatened that he had predicted every rise and fall and he had profited.

The one who benefits now is Hua Zhao.

"Thank you." Hua Zhao thanked the suitor whose appearance he had almost forgotten across time and space.

When the green light came on, Hua Zhao started to go, planning to go to her real estate agent and let them take her for inspection.

There were too many houses, so she entrusted all the properties to two real estate companies and asked them to help manage them.

This also led to another problem, she couldn't remember where all the properties were.

Because when buying some properties, she just looked at the map and did not conduct any on-site inspection.

Hua Zhao was distracted in thinking, and out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly noticed a car rushing towards her from the left lane and hitting her straight.

Her scalp exploded instantly, but she felt unusually calm and her hands were steady. She turned the steering wheel sharply and the car swerved.

But the car was too fast and too close to dodge, so it still hit the rear of her car.

The rear of the car was instantly shattered.

Fortunately, this was a new car with excellent performance. The airbag popped out and Hua Zhao was stunned.

But she didn't care about it at all. She protected her belly with both hands, and the seeds hidden in the hollow bracelets on her wrists grew wildly in an instant, wrapping her into a rice dumpling, and the belly was especially thickly wrapped.

After the impact, Hua Zhao's car stopped on the side of the road.

She quickly shook her head and woke up. Knowing that she was fine, she immediately removed her powers and stepped out of the car.

First take a look at the engine to see if there is any oil leakage.


Only in this way did she dare to stand where she was and take a look at the situation.

This is a section of road on the outskirts of the city, with a vast area, sparsely populated areas, and few vehicles.

The car that was running rampant just now was a red sports car, which was parked ten meters away and hit a telephone pole.

The engine was severely deformed and gasoline was scattered all over the floor.

This is dangerous.

Although Hua Zhao was very angry, it was still important to save people at this time.

She quickly ran over to check.

Although the car was about to fall apart, the driver in the cab was still conscious, raising his head from the airbag and trying to save himself.

Unfortunately, the car door was severely deformed and stuck, and he couldn't push it open at all.

Seeing someone coming, the driver immediately looked up.

"help me."

The pause was not because of injury, but because he was surprised by Hua Zhao's appearance.

O'Neal looked at Hua Zhao in surprise. Is this perfect-featured actress from an Eastern country?

Hua Zhao looked at him, without thinking about talking, he pulled off the deformed car door and threw it to the ground.

O'Neill stared at his hands blankly, still maintaining the action of pushing the door desperately just now, and the despair and powerlessness just now remained in his heart.

The man was knocked stupid.

Hua Zhao made up his mind and reached out to unbuckle his safety buckle.

I found that it was also stuck, so I had to violently untie it - with one force, I broke the rope of the seat belt.

Then she carefully pulled the driver out of the cab.

Seeing that it went smoothly and the opponent's foot was not stuck, both Hua Zhao and O'Neal breathed a sigh of relief.

No need to break it....

There was more and more gasoline on the ground. The key was that the engine started to smoke.

Hua Zhao didn't care about asking questions and dragged O'Neal and ran away.

O'Neal's feet hurt a little, and they hurt as if they were about to break from being dragged so fast.

But he looked back and didn't dare to complain anymore. He just asked Hua Zhao to run faster.

Just after running more than 30 meters, there was a "boom" behind him.

The powerful wave of air rushed to Hua Zhao and she almost fell to the ground. She knew without looking back that the red sports car just now, no, it was a broken car, exploded.

The thing I was worried about finally happened, and the stone in my heart fell to the ground.

Hua Zhao let go of O'Neal and stopped.

O'Neill slumped on the ground, looking at the huge fire ball in horror, with an expression on his face as if he was surviving a disaster.

"Thank you, my dear friend, I will spend the rest of my life repaying you!" O'Neill suddenly raised his head and said to Hua Zhao.


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