"I just want my car back, or 60,000 US dollars," Hua Zhao said.

She couldn't just ask for a luxury car... It would be more appropriate for O'Neal to say this himself.

Sure enough, O'Neal immediately said: "Didn't we agree to choose one from my car? I have no money."

Even though he lives in a mansion and drives a luxury car, if he says he has no money, this may really happen.

The house belongs to the family, the car is a gift from the parents, but the money is not always given by the parents.

Many families here raise their children this way.

Many people are kicked out after the age of 18, and it is normal to not pay them.

But when O'Neill said the last sentence, he stared at Susanna.

Susanna raised her eyebrows and looked Hua Zhao up and down. Her face was indeed beautiful, and her figure was also rare for an Oriental to be tall and hot. He was no worse than her.

Hua Zhao's figure is naturally impeccable, and due to successive breastfeeding and pregnancy, the proportions of her chest are a bit out of balance...

It's even hotter.

Her brother wants to change his girlfriend again.

"Let's go pick up a car." O'Neill reached out to pull Hua Zhao, but she raised her hand to avoid him.

O'Neal touched his hair with his hand and smiled awkwardly and freely.

Very handsome.

Ye Shen's eyes paused on his hand for a few seconds.

O'Neal suddenly felt a little cold. He looked at Hua Zhao's thin clothes and immediately said: "Housekeeper, turn up the air conditioner! Bring me another piece of clothing... Oh my God! I'm so sorry! I haven't asked you for advice yet. name!"

He looked at Hua Zhao with annoyance, his eyes were blue, and he bent slightly and made a noble salute: "My name is O'Neill Xiu Dillon, nice to meet you, beautiful lady. Can I know your name?"

The extremely handsome man stood in the splendid hall, perfectly showing his gentlemanly demeanor, just like a prince.

What girl doesn't love it?

O'Neill stared at Hua Zhao, waiting for her cute expression of blushing.

As a result, he saw the corners of Hua Zhao's mouth twitching.

O'Neal didn't look in the mirror and didn't know how embarrassed he was now.

"My surname is Fang. Mr. O'Neill Xiu Dillon, you'd better take care of your injury first." She turned her eyes away to prevent herself from laughing, and couldn't help but asked curiously: "Aren't you in pain?"

With such a huge impact, the car he drove almost fell apart. Fortunately, the safety performance was really good. The other person was still alive and the injuries were not serious.

But there are injuries.

From his staggering steps, Hua Zhao guessed that even if his leg was not broken, it was cracked or twisted.

And he looked very embarrassed now, with scratches on his hands and head, and his clothes were in tatters.

prince? The son of a subjugated country?

The beauty trap failed for the first time.

O'Neill was annoyed and curious.

A pair of blue eyes stared at Hua Zhao, sparkling: "Thank you, Miss Fang, for your concern. I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me. It hurts so much! Butler, go call the doctor."

This is a really wealthy family with a private doctor living in the house.

Soon, a man walked quickly carrying a medicine box.

Hua Zhao sat peacefully on the sofa, glancing at Ye Shen and Susanna from time to time.

Where did they talk?

I didn’t expect to be able to listen to it live, it was really nice.

She took a look at the wedding dress in Susanna's hand. Even if she couldn't see the whole picture, she could tell by looking at the material that it was really beautiful.

She was immediately sore. When she got married, she didn't even wear new clothes! The groom wasn't even present!

"Miss Susanna is really getting married?" Hua Zhao asked in surprise, "Where is the groom?"

Susanna wanted to roll her eyes at her, but was she a fan? Didn't she watch the news? Even if Ye Shen only left the country through a side door, would he be able to recognize him now?

But for the sake of saving her brother, Susanna smiled at her: "Isn't the groom here..."

"I'm not." Ye Shen interrupted her and said expressionlessly: "I have rejected Miss Dylan many times, and I don't want to do it again..."

"If you don't want to refuse anymore, just agree!" Susanna didn't expect that he would be so disrespectful to her in front of outsiders. She immediately stood up and shouted: "If you agree, you won't have to refuse again!"

Hua Zhao...this logic is so perfect.

Moreover, she has such a bad temper.

"I don't care! You must marry me! Even if it's a lie!"

Now that Hua Zhao has seen it, and she is about to become another girlfriend of his brother, Susanna is not afraid to let her know more.

"We can just have a wedding, not register it, just show off in front of outsiders! When we get home, do whatever you like! Isn't this okay?" Susanna shouted.

Hua Zhao's eyes widened, could this be still the case?

It seemed that the direct matter between her and Ye Shen was not what she thought.

She thought Susanna loved Ye Shen to death, after all, she was smiling so happily in the photo...

Okay, forget this is a movie queen!

But why didn't Ye Shen tell her yesterday?

Hua Zhao looked at Ye Shen in surprise.

Ye Shen also looked at her.

How could I explain yesterday?

Moreover, Hua Zhao was furious yesterday. He felt that if he dared to mention the word "Suzanne", Hua Zhao would not let him go easily.

He feels that his back is still a little burning. He will go home later and see what happened after being scratched by his wife last night.

Ye Shen shook his shoulders unconsciously.

Hua Zhaofu thought deeply about the marks on his back. She saw them this morning, and her face turned red at that time.

She didn't scratch people because she was angry, it didn't feel very forceful...

Their eyes only met for a moment.

Ye Shen had already stood up and looked at Susanna: "Sorry, Miss Dylan, there is nothing I can do."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

"Housekeeper, close the door!" Susanna shouted.

The door was closed, but because of her words, several bodyguards scattered in the room immediately stood at the door.

Ye Shen stared at these people. Dealing with them was certainly not a problem, but after that, he might not be able to visit again.

The atmosphere in the room was tense.

Susanna relented at first: "Or we can tell the outside world that we are going to get married on a trip and there will be no wedding. We will just take a few wedding photos and publish them in the newspaper."

Love is really humble and inexplicable.

Ye Shen looked at Susanna and asked for the first time a question that he was very curious about: "Since we are not really getting married, why did you choose me?"

At first, he thought Susanna had fallen in love with him at first sight, and the actress' acting skills were not to be underestimated.

But as he refused again and again, Suzanne was exposed.

She just wanted to find someone to marry, and it seemed she was doing it for someone to see.

If that's the case, why target him?

But before, he also wanted to use her to get close to her father, so he didn't ask.

Susanna looked at Ye Shen, she didn't know why it was him, she was just completing the task.


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